3.10.1c Patch Notes Preview

bloodymaniac wrote:
"making any kind of midseason tweaks is just a very negative experience for a lot of players who care about fairness and so we learn to push these balance changes to between the leagues..." -Chris Wilson GDC 2019

I guess you didn't learn

Just shut the f up please
i switch to standard :D
Dude, u dont even play the build
ShyFritzi wrote:
With another passive node, herald stacking can still net you 750% increased damage.

Please stop complaining because they only want it "kind of OP" instead of "REALLY OP" as though "trust" has anything to do with it. lol.

People should have known that if it started becoming a thing that they were going to have to fix it sooner rather than later. 2 weeks into the league and people are steamrolling all content with a flawed-language passive node, so yeah, they changed it.

bro ur litteraly playing archmage, shut up

my ARChmagesmurfshit isn't actually even using archmage. LOL. But thanks for creeping on my character list in a half-assed manner just to talk trash. HAHAHA.
bloodymaniac wrote:
"making any kind of midseason tweaks is just a very negative experience for a lot of players who care about fairness and so we learn to push these balance changes to between the leagues..." -Chris Wilson GDC 2019

I guess you didn't learn

Sometimes things are so broken they need to be addressed immediately.

Bex said they would leave it alone until end of league before it was discovered just how much crazy nonsense Purposeful Harbinger effected. When it was revealed Harbinger of Time, Tailwind and other buffs to action speed were effected it had to come immediately.

It still offers a downright obscene level of power by stacking them but no longer breaks the game so severally. With the action speed increases people were reaching tens of millions of damage which the game was never designed for.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
Last edited by ogresamanosuke on Apr 1, 2020, 12:52:21 AM
bloodymaniac wrote:
"making any kind of midseason tweaks is just a very negative experience for a lot of players who care about fairness and so we learn to push these balance changes to between the leagues..." -Chris Wilson GDC 2019

I guess you didn't learn

Sometimes things are so broken they need to be addressed immediately.

Bex said they would leave it alone until end of league before it was discovered just how much crazy nonsense Purposeful Harbinger effected. When it was revealed Harbinger of Time, Tailwind and other buffs to action speed were effected it had to come immediately.

It still offers a downright obscene level of power by stacking them but no longer breaks the game so severally. With the action speed increases people were reaching tens of millions of damage which the game was never designed for.

bUt MuH tRuSt!1!1
I see gamers still think devs and community managers are robots that can predict and prevent everything. A skill that BECOMES that broken during the league still deserves nerfs.
I have a question for those who are complaining about the fix or nerf or whatever you want to call it: Can you name one game developer that would allow something that makes characters virtually invincible to remain in their game? Should there have been more testing? Probably. Was there a miscommunication between GGG and the players? Probably. You know what though? This is not a perfect world and this is not a perfect game. Perfect games don't exist. My suggestion is this: Be mad today. Be real, real mad if it makes you feel better. Come tomorrow though be a rational thinking adult and ask yourself this: What game developer in existence now would allow something that makes the characters invincible, thus breaking their game?

After taking some time to think and it still bothers you, just leave. Stop playing the game. Delete your characters and uninstall. That's how you hurt any company that has disappointed you. You have to stop playing the game because if you keep playing their numbers of current players won't drop. Yes, you may have donated hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars but have to admit you made a mistake by doing so. You have and will make many mistakes in your lifetime and this would just be admitting you made a mistake here. If you want to hurt GGG, stop giving them money and uninstall the game and never come back. That's what I have done with every company that has treated me in a way that I felt was not warranted or professional.
Arguing on the Internet: What's the point when you can't punch them in the face when they really piss you off?
"Casting an instant skill that is bound to the left mouse button now also causes your character to move to where your cursor was. Previously, a single click would not cause your character to move."

I play incinerate and my Steelskin is bound on left-click. :(
Mike_84 wrote:
There are some nice changes there again, thanks for those. But please consider to remove the delirium timer itself, instead of pausing it which is clearly not enough or consistent. I honestly do not see any reason for it to exist at all, it just feels so bad to rush all the time as a person who hates skipping anything or rushing just to be in time. At least please change it like the monster kill based timer in Zana missions. Or, increase the delirium orb drop rates to let us use at least one of them on each map we run (I found so far around 50-55 this league in more than 200 hours already, which feels really low).

I honestly don't see point on Delirium having a timer too, it makes no sense to me. It's not like we could stack endless ammount of rewards, there is a limited number of mobs on the map, you cleared them all? get rewards. You dont? Just end the encounter and get the tier you cleared, this timer is just to make us rush maps over nonsense.

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