3.10.1c Patch Notes Preview

fazlez1 wrote:
I have a question for those who are complaining about the fix or nerf or whatever you want to call it: Can you name one game developer that would allow something that makes characters virtually invincible to remain in their game? Should there have been more testing? Probably. Was there a miscommunication between GGG and the players? Probably. You know what though? This is not a perfect world and this is not a perfect game. Perfect games don't exist. My suggestion is this: Be mad today. Be real, real mad if it makes you feel better. Come tomorrow though be a rational thinking adult and ask yourself this: What game developer in existence now would allow something that makes the characters invincible, thus breaking their game?

After taking some time to think and it still bothers you, just leave. Stop playing the game. Delete your characters and uninstall. That's how you hurt any company that has disappointed you. You have to stop playing the game because if you keep playing their numbers of current players won't drop. Yes, you may have donated hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars but have to admit you made a mistake by doing so. You have and will make many mistakes in your lifetime and this would just be admitting you made a mistake here. If you want to hurt GGG, stop giving them money and uninstall the game and never come back. That's what I have done with every company that has treated me in a way that I felt was not warranted or professional.

It is posts like this that make me wish there was an upvote option on these forums. Well Said fazlez1

Crybabies whining over abusing something that is obviously way to op and broken.
get rekt herald scumlords. boo hoo, now you have to actually play a build that interacts with the game instead of running simulator.
Damn that crying about fixing something that was realy broken, ffs guys this game is not limited to one fcking build. More than that this game is about making many builds also i see part of PoE community always complain no matter what, "oh no this new league is killing us GGG nerf it plz" as it was on start of delirium, ok mobs was strong hitting and had few bugs (couldnt kill some of them for limited time etc...)
Yeah start of league was rippy as fck but is also you foult guys, you just wanted go insanly fast and destroy all content. Me at day 3 of the league was already rolling new char just to make it more safe and be able to get more currency and gues what i was clearing those maps was able to get to end of map before delirium ends and wasnt dying but i had to think what i can and what i cant do at all times.
I saved ton of curency (currently around 200 ex in currency tab not mention items) did manage to make endgame build that can do all content (uber elders, sirius, similacrum etc) and i still have fun. You was doing some crazy shit builds that was using bug and droped hundrends of exalts in it and now you cry only becouse GGG decided to fix a bug. But gues what you knew it is a bug and you had hope GGG will not fix it now you all cry only becouse they did what they supposed to do as a game developer (FIX A FCKING BUG).
You just made a mess with a lot of people's economy, things we purchased and spent big amounts of currency on now we can't sell them for even 50% of the value we bought them...

Nice way of screwing us, can someone pls explain me how do I keep playing now? How the fuck can I get my 2 weeks of grinding back?

You don't seem to realise the amount of time and dedication some of your playerbase spent on this game for you to take a shit on all of us just like that only to appease some noobshit cry baby from reddit or wherever the fuck.

This is insane, like seriously, I still can't believe this happened. I can't believe you've really done this, fuck you and you're fucking stupid addictive game.

QQ and stfu ;)
*starts shoveling all of your delicious sweet, salty crybaby tears for consumption*

mmmm, perfect for my leftist tears tumbler ;)
Melkor25 wrote:
Why dont you go ahead and nerf HH as well? It's broken in combination with self curse temp chains, go ahead and nerf it too..Basically the same thing since it requires a lot of dedication and currency.
Won't be surprised if you do it in a couple of days. No trust towards you anymore, no more $$$ on the game.
And to everyone who praises this shit and licks ggg's ass, come on mates, it's just obvious you were so freaking jealous of others who could afford the build, otherwise you wouldn't behave that way.

Your butthurt is noted :)
Melkor25 wrote:
LOL, I've just went through this post and the previous one announcing that they've fucked up and lied to their community and guess what?!
95% of people who kiss ggg's ass for the nerf have under 12 challenges and 95% of those who find it ludicrous have more than 20 :)
That says a lot. Go ahead and remove all of the expensive items that require grind in favor of noobs, become diablo 3 basically.

You sound upset? Maybe become an adult and not get mad so much over a gamebreaking problem that is now being fixed ;)
Diablo_4_ever wrote:
Melkor25 wrote:

And to everyone who praises this shit and licks ggg's ass, come on mates, it's just obvious you were...............
All I heard was waaaaa waaaah waaaahhhh, my exploit build got fixed and wahhhh waaaaaaa LUL. Would you like some salt with that exiled.

Hah, stupid beasts!

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