its good to see GGG realise how much of its current active player pool is gonna quit once Heist goes live so they made Heist active from start to end of acts to draw new players into game, instead of making it an end game activity like mapping. yea, they're aiming for fresh blood over old school runners, i guess. we, the lucky generation that experienced the wealth of harvest, are due for a replacement.
You do know that massive parts of player base hated Harvest and barely played it at all, right?
i do know that standart players crying over their worthless legacy gear now, other than that, nope.. all i saw was people prospering and the pool you called majority is a small group that was... lets say mentally not ready to grasp how harvest worked and quit once they saw the grove.
i do know that standart players crying over their worthless legacy gear now, other than that, nope.. all i saw was people prospering and the pool you called majority is a small group that was... lets say mentally not ready to grasp how harvest worked and quit once they saw the grove.
So many people liked Harvest and yet you are the only one fiercely protecting it. And your only argument is "you just weren't smart enough to get how Harvest works". That's really childish. Whatever, I just wanted to say that I am one of those who didn't like it and no, I am not a Standard player. One more mistake of yours.
Looking forward to Heist. Those divs seem redundant, but that's ok ig
its good to see GGG realise how much of its current active player pool is gonna quit once Heist goes live so they made Heist active from start to end of acts to draw new players into game, instead of making it an end game activity like mapping. yea, they're aiming for fresh blood over old school runners, i guess. we, the lucky generation that experienced the wealth of harvest, are due for a replacement.
You do know that massive parts of player base hated Harvest and barely played it at all, right?
i do know that standart players crying over their worthless legacy gear now, other than that, nope.. all i saw was people prospering and the pool you called majority is a small group that was... lets say mentally not ready to grasp how harvest worked and quit once they saw the grove.
"the old school runners" ... I been playing the game since beta, and I reached endgame and did all content in harvest, and I must say its one of the worst leagues in all of PoE history, I mean synthesis was much more enjoyable. the problem with this league is the slow down of pace, and forcing you to craft and always prepare something to craft, not to mention the slowness of getting tier 3 and tier 4 seeds. like I understand the power of crafting.. but crafting is much less enjoyable then getting a good drop even if the craft is worth 10 times more. its just not fun, its just power creep without any satisfaction.
The more teasers we get, the more I'm excited for this new League! Already looks 100x better than League of Farm & Craft. Even if nothing good drops and it's a "waste of time", these Heists will add a new element to the game and THAT is already looking fun.
its good to see GGG realise how much of its current active player pool is gonna quit once Heist goes live so they made Heist active from start to end of acts to draw new players into game, instead of making it an end game activity like mapping. yea, they're aiming for fresh blood over old school runners, i guess. we, the lucky generation that experienced the wealth of harvest, are due for a replacement.
You do know that massive parts of player base hated Harvest and barely played it at all, right?
i do know that standart players crying over their worthless legacy gear now, other than that, nope.. all i saw was people prospering and the pool you called majority is a small group that was... lets say mentally not ready to grasp how harvest worked and quit once they saw the grove.
Just get off it already your opinion isnt gonna sway GGG to keep Harvest theyve alrdy decided its gone get over it.
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
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-Heist Enjoyer-
like I understand the power of crafting.. but crafting is much less enjoyable then getting a good drop even if the craft is worth 10 times more. its just not fun, its just power creep without any satisfaction.
I disagree. I find it much more satisfying to wrangle a good item out of crafting than having it drop in my lap randomly or paying someone for it.
None of these are enough to compete with the simplest form and mod of craft mechanic Harvest could offer, sadly.
GGG is throwing these new alternate items and experimented bases on us non stop simply to make people feel better about having harvest completely removed, however, more than half of player base will be hugely underwhelmed or even disappointed with these updates.
i'll run heists, perform a grand heist and for what? for an item i'll highly likely not use or even sell. sure there are couple nice pieces you can build around but i doubt they'll be anywhere near meta or strong as expected without throwing multimirrors on it, multidozens without harvest.
its good to see GGG realise how much of its current active player pool is gonna quit once Heist goes live so they made Heist active from start to end of acts to draw new players into game, instead of making it an end game activity like mapping. yea, they're aiming for fresh blood over old school runners, i guess. we, the lucky generation that experienced the wealth of harvest, are due for a replacement.
i honestly don't know what made GGG hate harvest so much but, GGG could just made bosses and encounters harder like it did in the past and add new gear mods which are not available through harvest craft instead of creating %99 useless alternate gem mods which most likely required more effort from them to create, if harvest allowed us access to strong gear easily early on. and honestly, an intact harvest craft with new mystery gear modes we had to discover and implement on our gear through Heist or something non-harvest would be SKYROCKET HYPE. Harvest crafted gear kept power level of players higher than ever, craft trading kept economy alive than ever and saved mediocre or low budget players from having to slave for a handful of players with ridiculously strong gear for mirror service, having a player pool strong enough to burst awakening 8 tier content down in seconds should give GGG more room to upgrade their ideas and content since they're sure players can handle something harder, removing Harvest undermining their own creative limits as well. whole content of Heist saying " you can hide, roleplay and go stealth.. " sounds like you'll regret fighting in a pitiful weak state as you are so why not just hide and run? since you overdo fighting, alarm goes off and fighting becomes meaningless, whole content seems to cover the lack of gear we will experience funnily. just loot and run, cool. where's the fun? Seriously GGG, whats your problem with having a strong community that's ready for harder challenges?
most of people're gonna say, POE was a good game before harvest and will still be a good game after and i'll agree, but this is about human psychology, once you take away something dear from someone or people, it straight up becomes a second type of punishment which is the most destructive type of punishment. none of the players did anything to deserve a punishment, they just utilized what GGG's given them to the fullest. players will show withraw symptoms, most will be unable to compete and play. that's why a major part of the pool will hate Heist and end-game activity will not be half as active as it was in Harvest. And i am damn sure GGG knows this as well so they made Heist active from get go.
this is a game where you kill endless waves of monsters, not run into corners and hide from them. Sure, Heist may seem fun at first but i seriously doubt it fits the reason of this game's existence and why we hold it in a higher regard than Diablo. we blamed Blizzard for not caring for its child but sometimes, updates like these make you understand why Blizzard do not corrupt and remove something people loved. And yes, there's map device if i want to just clear waves but what's the point of Heist then?
LeeSeenT wrote:
i honestly don't know what made GGG hate harvest so much [...]
this is a game where you kill endless waves of monsters, not run into corners and hide from them.
oh my god, i wish people would stop whining about harvest. chris said before launch in an interview that it will most likely not go core. and yes, they meant the "deterministic" crafting and not the garden. so apparently heist is not what arpgs are about, but gardening, clicking on walls of text in the crafting menu and managing hortistations is totally arpg stuff. and harvest was so good, the player numbers fell into a black hole. just get over it.
Last edited by dachoppa#6765 on Sep 8, 2020, 6:20:38 PM
Those replica items are such a lazy idea, it's pathetic....
There is so much trash in the game that could be revived (yes, especially items!) that it could hype people just like those ultra uncreative replica items apparently do. But instead of reducing the overall trash...we get more trash...and even less creative trash....they didn't even have to make new unique item designs this time...saved money there.
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― Christopher Hitchens
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Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on Sep 8, 2020, 6:29:34 PM