Iolite Class Gauntlet Twitch Highlights #2

Congrats to steelmage, what a push!
Kudos to the person coming up with the soul taker strat for uberatziri.

Thanks to everyone making gauntlet happen. <3

I didn't get to far myself, but it was such a great experience sharing infos and tips with everyone in global 202.
Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
Melaviy wrote:
Rekill wrote:
Streamers dont have better rng. They play waaay more. Its their job. More game time and play more efficient = more drops more rolls. Each time you roll the dice they roll it 10 times. And GGG balance it around streamers. And thats where the problem lies. At least part of it...

And they didn't have priority in the queue. Just luck. After playing for almost 9k hours, I have not seen a single mirror, apparently bad luck.

Steelmage haven't had a mirror drop either in more hours. Damn streamer RNG yet again punishing us plebs.

My favorite comment by far in this thread is from Bolaway - complaining about dropping a single exalted orb in a month. But he only completed 487 map tiers this league. Sir, that's actually lucky that you dropped an exalted orb in that amount of mapping :)
Melaviy wrote:
Rekill wrote:
Streamers dont have better rng. They play waaay more. Its their job. More game time and play more efficient = more drops more rolls. Each time you roll the dice they roll it 10 times. And GGG balance it around streamers. And thats where the problem lies. At least part of it...

And they didn't have priority in the queue. Just luck. After playing for almost 9k hours, I have not seen a single mirror, apparently bad luck.

Steelmage hasnt seen a mirror in like 20~k hours and I've had 3 in 22k, one before i was streaming, so yes it is just luck
@Zizaran ingame
Actually *Luck* is the root of all evil, all complaints and all suspicions

Cut it, remove rng and players will be happy.

For example, add pity timers/rules

If you manually 6-link, the 2000th fuse guarantees to 6link, but first 500 fusings have 0% chance to 6link
If you run 9 maps t14+ maps without elder/shaper map drops, 10th map would guarantee to drop shaper or elder map, but you can't drop shaper/elder maps in next 3 maps


People are mad because of bad luck, that's easily understandable...

For example, if you show a clip of 6-linking with 4 fuses to a person, who just wasted 300 fossils for a craft, which on average require 30, ofc his only reaction will be strong will to rip and tear...

So, get rid of *luck*...
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
Last edited by Anngrat#4621 on Sep 20, 2021, 6:03:40 AM
Great gauntlet! Have been having lots of fun.

Thanks for the event and congrats to Steelmage.
Giving too much credit to the posters here I think.
Congrats to all, that was a fun experience, can't wait for more gauntlets.
Steelmage! OMG! I knew from the start that he was going to win xD

Thanks to Ziz for this gauntlet, I learned a lot about bosses and mechanics, loved the peace of progression. I love more SSF now
Sarno wrote:
Zizaran wrote:
Then how come most of the rich people arent streamers? How come no competent player that does well in events and races dont complain about streamer rng or think theres a difference? A lot of the people that are doing well now were winning before they were streamers then became streamers later because people wanted their PoV, their luck didn't suddenly change after becoming streamers later either. This is some serious flat earth stuff

I am a fan of yours, Ziz, so I hope this doesn’t come across the wrong way - but in my opinion, part of participating on any forum is deciding for yourself which posts deserve your time and which don’t.

I hope you realize this is exactly the kind of attitude that is divisive and a major issue with PoE.

That somehow you or Ziz are "too good" to reply to response (which they began with in the first place)

That somehow they are above the rest of the folks with ranging opinions. You want to know how the memes got started about the 1%? You want to know why this past league was a disaster? Take a look in the mirror, you are part of the problem.

GGG, and their development strategy are dividing players, and alienating a large segment of them. To continue to focus on & push the elite aspects of the game wont help them.

Man the ego displayed by some really have no bounds, and the ironic part is posting about it, sends the opposite message. You think maybe a DM to Ziz would have been better here? Nah need to make it public so people see it for... reasons.

Not a good look no matter how shitty you think my opinions are. A better solution would be to discuss why you think there has been a massive exodus of players lately. (INB4: check out my videos on YouTube going over this, and smash that like/subscribe button)

Pro-tip: it isnt the players fault.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Sep 20, 2021, 10:26:41 AM
DarthSki44 wrote:
That somehow they are above the rest of the folks with ranging opinions.

I commented on posts, not people.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015

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