Iolite Class Gauntlet Twitch Highlights #2
" Quite the mental gymnastics here. If I'm not mistaken people are in fact the ones posting no? If I understand the intention of your post to Ziz, was that posting in this thread, or to a specific poster, wasnt "deserving" of his time or consideration. How noble. Edit: sorry it was "deserving, not worth" Edit 2: and let's not be petty about this and find some common ground. Hopefully we hear more about 3.16, development adjustments/reaction, and statistical takeaways from 3.15 "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Sep 20, 2021, 11:18:55 AM
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" You should not attack other members of the community, however you are welcome to attack points they have raised or posts they have submitted. Personal attacks are rule violations; disagreement is not. Seeking to conflate the two is not going to confuse anybody. My unedited post can be found in its entirety here. " You don't. Disagreeing with me does not necessitate putting words in my mouth. " I would like that. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find common ground with those spreading FUD; " No; nor do you. I do not know where you live, but where I'm from, people are innocent until proven guilty. Either there is evidence of GGG distorting the RNG experienced by streamers (it shouldn't be that difficult to find, you literally get to watch them play...) or there is not. It's not a matter of liking GGG - and indeed, I'm not sure whether I could honestly claim that I do at this point. No, it's about having principles. Either you traffic in FUD and support claims being made against others without evidence, or you choose to hold yourself to a higher standard - regardless of whether you like the one being subjected to those accusations. Be a better person. Offer proof or a retraction. "VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."
-GGG, 2015 |
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Whom have I personally attacked? Please be clear about what attack you are referring to, unless you are speaking generally.
Simply disagreeing on a point, or trying to understand someone's stance on somehting isnt an attack. (We agree here) I was very clear about what the posts optics were, and you disagreed. I dont feel attacked, and while you are free to feel however you would like, I havent attacked anyone. I do get that people feel strongly about their opinions, but that does not equate to a personal attack. I think I understand what you trying to do, but again, not a great look for us disagreeing with the topic at hand. Edit: anyways I think we have derailed this thread enough? Agree? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Sep 20, 2021, 1:51:16 PM
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" improve and practice for mirror drop ... respect the opinion of other players u are not a untouchable god |
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" Neither; it was in response to how you had regarded an earlier post of mine. Perhaps my use of the 'royal you' had made it less clear than intended, sorry. " Agreed! :) "VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner." -GGG, 2015 Last edited by Sarno#0493 on Sep 20, 2021, 5:35:05 PM
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I would like to take a second and thank Ziz for a great gauntlet event. Steelmage grats on an a epic victory!
I hit a ton of personal bests. After 10-20 mishaps on the beach and a one shot by the Warden, I got serious, made it to level 73 and just got my first ever Harcore Kitava kill to make it to maps. The gauntlet is satisfyingly scary and hard in all the right ways. Wish we had another 10 days. Thanks again for putting it all together. Can’t wait for 3.16 gauntlet! Did someone say hard mode gauntlet? Last edited by cacmeister#6420 on Sep 21, 2021, 12:38:53 AM
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Congratz to SteelMage. He deserves it. I loved the event, even as a filthy casual. Bummer I died to 2 instant crashes, I guess I shouldn't mine Ethereum while gaming LUL. Can't wait for the next one. Thanks all (and especially Ziz) for organizing.
Last edited by MyBallsOnYaChin#1241 on Sep 21, 2021, 2:13:05 AM
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Gratz to Steelmage on the win and everyone else who participated in the race.
(watched alot of Lightee aswell, he's just too good) I wish I had the same time to practice and push as u guys, but I'm still very happy with what I achieved. It was my first Gauntlet and so my goals were pretty low, wanting to reach Act5. Well, as it turned out, after some rough deaths in mud flats I got myself together and reached level 90 this morning (had to pull an all nighter). I was awarded with winning an armor Set from the raffle aswell :) Thanks for the awesome event and I'm looking forward to the next one! |
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Congratulations to steel and everyone else who busted their ass and ty to ziz for running the event!
[Removed by support] Last edited by Leighton_GGG#0000 on Sep 21, 2021, 9:36:34 PM
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so nice to see some new names at the to...p..oh wait.. nevermind.. it's the usual handful
generally dangerous
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