Will Sentinel Become a Core Path of Exile Mechanic?

TreeOfDead wrote:
just make real TRUE craft pls... not gamble

They won't.
the recombinator is the only good thing of this league
I am ain't a redditor
But I see how another determenistic crafting method going into void.
Also I am so tired of waiting for Ultimatum content back Sadge
EDIT: Gambling while crafting is Pain.
GGG never learn the lesson - do not ever shoot in your own leg...
Last edited by FeelsWowMan on Jul 19, 2022, 6:41:59 PM
Recombinators were Best thing that happened in poe since 3,13 harvest...
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
I don't post very often but felt I should post to respond to this:

This feels like the worst kind of Blizzard style game development. The gigantic problem with WoW right now, for example, is that they fill every expansion with borrowed power mechanics and then abandon them after that. Same thing with D3 that makes it a game not worth playing because every season it's some new borrowed power mechanic to make a few builds powerful and then the borrowed power doesn't go with the build to non-season and you just delete the character.

This feels very much like that. Sentinels brought the ability to choose to make the content harder, with some significant limitations, for some good rewards. You could adjust those rewards if you felt they were too much to leave in with whatever stuff is coming, but just removing it feels like it's just a stand in and you'll just have some other mechanic that does vaguely the same end product.

And recombs. It made crafting and scaling builds realistic for more than the top 0.0001% of your players. So of course that makes it bad.

Every time you guys stumble into something amazing, you throw it away. I have no idea what goes through your minds.
The thing is redditors cried about harvest that it should be nerfed but recombs with 6 essence-mods is fine COPIUM. If you took harvest from us - took recombs either. Thanks for this!
Recombinators won't drop anymore

Well, let me know when they DO drop again so that I can play actually the game.



~ Seph
Last edited by sephrinx on Jul 19, 2022, 7:32:42 PM
funny. the sentinels are actually a good mechanic. the problem with 3.18 was the terrible integration of archnemesis and this awful system will unfortunately stick around because it went core without any testing, neither internally nor through temp league.
Darkwyndre wrote:
This feels like the worst kind of Blizzard style game development. The gigantic problem with WoW right now, for example, is that they fill every expansion with borrowed power mechanics and then abandon them after that. Same thing with D3 that makes it a game not worth playing because every season it's some new borrowed power mechanic to make a few builds powerful and then the borrowed power doesn't go with the build to non-season and you just delete the character.

JoshStrifeHayes calls it "parasitic design". make a system that doesn't integrate well with the rest, then add more such systems over and over. the game becomes a heap of disjointed systems. what does heist have to do with delve or alva temples? who knows. and every league we get more junk to craft things with. i am so tired of crafting mechanics.

Darkwyndre wrote:
Every time you guys stumble into something amazing, you throw it away. I have no idea what goes through your minds.

don't worry, neither do they.
I don't understand the metamorph bashing from some players here. It's literally the league mechanic that made quality on jewelry possible don't compare it to torment or any other low tier league mechanic please 👍

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