Following up on Recent Feedback

We can all agree that Harvest in its current state is just a waste of time so we have some choices:

1. Re-add the deleted crafts and call it a day. (unlikele since ggg was only fine with the top players buying crafts at TFT but the unwashed masses should not)

2. Be honest and say that you want "crafting" to be pure gamble and delete Harvest for good.

3. Actually roll back Harvest power to its most powerful state (3.11) while still let lifeforce be tradeable. As a downside you can only equip one piece of gear with the "harvest crafted" tag. This way some people can craft at least for some slot and for the others GGG can have its casino crafting.

4. Non of the above but make Harvest unblockable by Atlas and tie some League Challenges to Oshabi so people are forced to interact with the now unwanted mechanic.
Last edited by MaxW81#9965 on Sep 3, 2022, 12:23:46 AM
Hello community,

My take of this league thus far, love the idea, hate the feel. Though my opinion reflects only a couple days of in game playtime for this league, These are the things I wish to see changed:

1) Lake mechanic is too common in maps.
2) Lake mechanic has too many bad options
3) Lake mechanic should deliver much better loot if not double what it currently is.
4) Metamorph feels lackluster on the high end.

again this is my personal opinion and hope not to offend anyone.
With that said I am still in love with PoE and will be here no matter what changes happen.
I will like to remind everyone that according to Chris the crafts that was removed was "filler" crafts... Now that he is been called out for the lie they are now "too powerfull" crafts... Wich is it? Filler or too Powerfull?
Last edited by JJaxxo#7163 on Sep 3, 2022, 12:38:13 AM
Lake of Kalandra/league tiles rewards feedback.

To feel better and worth running, either...

A) Make the Atlas Tree passives selected by the player apply to the lake


B) Add a chest to league-specific tiles that give rewards from that specific league (Legion: timeless splinters, incubators/Delve: Fossils, extra azurite/Expedition: extra relic currency, logbooks/Breach: Splinters, breachstones, etc...) Torment tiles could have currency chest.

General Loot

A better distribution of loot across the monsters would be nicer, in my honest opinion. Loot goblins are a staple of Diablo 3, not Path of Exile.

Keep the god-touched Archnemesis loot explosions if you must, but also allow the other monsters to have better odds of also offering loot.


I will be echoing what a lot of players have pointed out. There is a reason why The Forbidden Trove (TFT) has been around since at least Harvest league and continues to exist today.

The crafts were always somehow tradeable.


That was never changed. The only thing that has changed is the addition of some kind of security from potential scammers by ways of tradeable lifeforce.

If you don't want to bring back the keep affix/reroll suffix, keep suffix, reroll affix craft via Harvest, then please consider introducing a currency that specifically does that or alternate method of obtaining such a craft (like via a new type of beast from Einhart or a new altar room in Alva temple, for example).

As for the two other most requested crafts comebacks (socket coloring, jewel implicits), they were nice quality of life - not mere fillers - helpful at all levels of crafting, especially upon starting in maps and for progression toward building your gear appropriately for your build. Bringing those back would be a beautiful show of goodwill and proof that compromise is possible. Give a little hope for crafters that have to battle with extreme layers of RNG, whether they are experienced or beginners.

Oh, and by way of mentioning TFT, need I repeat that yet another purpose has been handed to that third party tool by the creation of the AN loot goblin-pinata mechanic, instead of pushing it toward obsolescence like it should have been?

Now, don't get me wrong; I don't despise third party tools usage on principle. In fact, I don't mind using a fair many (such as PoE Awakened for price checking, PoE Overlay by Overwolf for the help with the trading process [as in inviting/joining trader's party, opening the window and then disbanding the party once done], and a few browser websites, such as PoE Lab, Pathofexile/trade, Craft of Exile, and PoE Ninja.

However, in my honest opinion, the aforementioned tools are all ethical and their use sanctioned to some extent by GGG. TFT is not, at least to me. Several times, I seem to recall GGG disapproving of its use, and it has always stuck with me, hence why I've never touched it, nor do
I want to, even with this MF culler wave currently going on.

Many may not agree with me and/or find me weird for not using it and missing out on lootsplosions. I don't care.

I think such 'services' should not be sought outside the game, but within it, if 'need' be (to personal preference; no player should feel guilty for not using them AND/OR using them). The boards in towns are there for a reason. The multiple chat channels too.


Might I suggest making the leagues last longer and implementing a beta tester program for players? Have them opt in (I'm sure a lot would volunteer) and sign some kind of NDA with permanent ban as a consequence in case of a breach until stuff has been thoroughly tested before proceeding with a new league release.

Compare results and data with the testing that is done in-house (if any) to get a clearer picture. What's the saying? 2 heads is better than only one? / There is always 2 sides to the same coin?

Having both in-house play-testing (with access to dev commands) and players beta testing (without the aforementioned dev commands access) would paint a way more effective and clear picture of what's going on with potential incoming changes than now.

It would also serve to thin the current dev/playerbase disconnect the game is unfortunately suffering from.

More frequent Q&A + even better transparency

Consult your player base before rushing to implement changes, and I mean all three echelons of it; 1% ('no-lifers'/streamers), 92% (casuals/semi-casuals) and 7% (Solo-self found aficionados), so you don't end up balancing around the 1% only and shaft the other 99%.

Balance is fine, but sometimes,you may realize that you could tweak numbers down for certain forms of playstyles, rather than across the board which would prevent penalizing a significant majority.

The same can be said for dropping the nerf hammer all at once, hard! Why not do so little by little, in gradual increments, which would soften the blows and improve adaptability (going both ways, meaning that if a change is too steep, it can be reversed/lessened) without causing an uproar of epic proportionthat drives away droves and droves of players?

Be 100% upfront about everything, patch notes and manifesto alike. Listen to/communicate constantly your community and compromise. Sure, it won't always be 100% possible, but goodwill goes a long way. Take Square Enix and Final Fantasy XIV as a prime example of an amazing and healthy dev/community relationship/partnership. You used to be similar. Strive to be again, please.

Parting thoughts

Path of Exile is a unique gem of a game, rich in its complexity and depth. It once prided itself on its diversity - builds and array of content alike. Surely, that aspect of The Vision is still alive, no?

It should still be. And if that's the case, then by all means Chris/GGG devs, show some goodwill. This can be done while keeping the philosophies intact.

The health of the game, of its future and of its customers/playerbase depend upon it.
Last edited by Bellaluna1722#6299 on Sep 3, 2022, 12:45:10 AM

why are you ignoring community feedback and saying you are listening? don't you guys see how many people are complaining? 27% approval rating on Steam?
Half the streamers gone and the other half complaining/not having fun but they (feel) have to do it because it is their bread....

You have fucked up big time, i have been playing this game since Beta and i have never been disappointed in this game for this amount of time, you always came through, but this time it feels like you are trying to complete your vision wat ever it takes and that is a shame...

you will lose this battle against the community because they will find another game and you can cancel poe2 because of it.

Greetings Shape.
MiguelFg wrote:
Yorouichi wrote:
Harvest always was tradable, we used 3rd party tools to find sellers and buyers of harvest crafts. Dedicated crafters could do hundreds of expensive rare crafts per day. So what you are saying about nerfing harvest because it had become tradable is nonsense, no offense.

Asking GGG to balance around 3rd party tools is the most dumb thing I read in a long time, good job.

That is not what the post you replying to is saying.

Also - current trade is balanced that way, I guess you dont like that either.
Shapemyst wrote:

why are you ignoring community feedback and saying you are listening? don't you guys see how many people are complaining? 27% approval rating on Steam?
Half the streamers gone and the other half complaining/not having fun but they (feel) have to do it because it is their bread....

You have fucked up big time, i have been playing this game since Beta and i have never been disappointed in this game for this amount of time, you always came through, but this time it feels like you are trying to complete your vision wat ever it takes and that is a shame...

you will lose this battle against the community because they will find another game and you can cancel poe2 because of it.

Greetings Shape.

They also removed a lot of comments also. Like the hell, I and my friends will keep supporting them. Forum police and 3.19 vision are from the same boat.
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
Its ok.... Ggg behaving like every instance in charge on this planet... Doingvwathever thy want and give a shit.... THEY KNOW
Last edited by ultramegasam#4598 on Sep 3, 2022, 1:14:14 AM
RIP this game, I guess. It's been fun.
Thank you GGG for making the game boring.

THe league mechanic is not entartaining, not rewarding and pointless to run.

The game is slow and feeling bad, even with a low filter i dont have anything to loot on map. The loot is awful and in this state is rewarding only for small amount of players, usualy this small percent of players that you are trying to restrain. This is a RPG not a RTS to spend countless hours of finding a piece that we need or a decent currency.

I like the archnemesis changes of the rare monster as general, but their scale is amazingly wrong.

The only reason that i am still playing is because of the challenges. BUt i will simply dump the league.

Let me tell you one adittional thing. I was playing blizzard games for the past 20 years, D2 and D3 were the games which i played for most. How i started to play PoE, when blizzard lost their touch with the audience, when they decide that they will force me what to like. MY first league was Betrayal, i believe this was one of the leagues with the highest peak on your game, guess why...

You have the choice to develope one of the greates game with huge variaty of content and that`s why we like it, dont blow it.. Dont be Blizzard

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