Transfigured Gems Part 4

Ball Lightning of static doesn't specify a duration, nor does it have the duration tag, how long will the Ball last? Is there a maximum to simultaneous Balls?
when are we gonna get the tornado shot and lightning arrow stuff cmon, gimme a chance to pob with em
Purposely leaving historic league starter gems last is just pathetic.

I have a job and a life and i'm NOT going to be spending the last possible moment before season start seeing what to play.

The gems should have been released weeks ago LOGOUT.
LUL Stank Pug Chump Puggers ................... Soooo WEAK, soooo very weak LUL
Where's EA??
1 day to league start and still so many gems missing. Cmon GGG, I know you're busy, but we're chomping at the bit here!
Seems like GGG tested all those new trans RF, LA, TS (and all other meta/popular) in the last couple of days before deadline (league start) and found, that they are too OP, so they are still need to patch those before even release.

It's so GGG-style. Every new league is a league of free testers, dozens of patches.
You know you won by this, this is best idea since "Ascendancy meta update"
Why do we need to add new gems, lets make current games other variations.
Last edited by saniol19993 on Dec 7, 2023, 12:55:40 PM
Storm Brand of Indecision states in the description "Firing a beam which deals damage to the branded enemy and those around it." but does not have the "Sends beams to 4 Enemies, including the Branded Enemy" line from the default gem. Can we get clarification on which is intended and update either the description or the ability lines?

Where the ... i RF? Thousands of players waiting for it to be playable
Vitality ?

Herald of thunder and another ?

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