Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

First teaser, first nerf.
Will we have a Hideout Ship?
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
melee league pausechamp
Yoo, lvl 22 determ with 1k armour. This is another lvl of nerfs.
Last edited by skilpero3636 on Jul 5, 2024, 6:33:19 PM
I wonder if there might be any HC-themed quality of life thingies, cuz this is for SC only pretty much xD
Deleting Enkindling Orbs for that Mageblood or just didn't enchant the flasks considering all the flask buffs are active 100% of the time... ??
How many lines of code did it take to make auras persist after death?
When will we get South African Server/Realm on Console?
Can we have South African Servers on console please? Thanks
skilpero3636 wrote:
Yoo, lvl 22 determ with 1k armour. This is another lvl of nerfs.

People made the mistake to ask for QA.

I'd say maybe at some point people are going to learn but im starting to think they enjoy making their own build worst.
Why am I still here
Great QOL change.

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