Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

wow, GGG started with big guns from the start.
DETERMINerf? :'(

Amazing QoL change!!! Ty GGG. I expect for so long that we dont have to recast the reservation skills :)
Good example of what a QoL change is not weird changes some consider to be a "QoL" hoho
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 6, 2024, 2:00:25 AM
Ppl crying on flat determination nerf
Why'd you not think of GGG FINALLY revamping armour formula for phys damage?

Because it's GGG.

I also don't think they'd start with this teaser if there was some greater meaning to the nerfed values. They are starting with bad news hoping we'll forget about it after hearing the "good news."
As a hardcore player..... ugh...
How shameless you have to be to put this as a separate video? :D more like ggg devs are the sinking ship not the league
Water.. i see Water.. lets go fishing.. oh wait.. Rule number 1!!!
What about Discipline on half HP?

aura nerfs coming
nice determination nerf btw
Last edited by SlavikOld on Jul 6, 2024, 3:12:31 AM
Niceee!! can´t wait for it!!

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