PoE2: One death in map and its bricked.

SerialF#4835 wrote:
they cant stop trying do they. expedition, an, ruthless, removing the crafting bench, etc etc etc. delirium in "cant remember name" event.

this time they doubled down it. not only it will push a lot of people towards the few overpowered skill that they always put in the game so some of the forumers will feel smart by copying those builds, but it ll frustrate people out of the game. And i am sure we wont have any good death recap with at minimum a list of the debuffs we got soon before we died. Don't forget to make a warning at the start of the game, this game is designed so you have to record your game while playing.

people will hate it and they ll probably change it.

they never learn. we dont want to play the way you play ggg. so before the game is even there i ll ask, give us an easier difficulty lol !

[edit] i was somewhat hyped but this is the kind of stuff i already feel the pain before even starting. you set up a region to farm and boom, bricked. how fun.

I honestly think we have to wait and see how the actual experience will be. Yes it most likely is possible to "brick" a boosted area. However, we as player have quite some control over the danger we give ourselves.
First given that prefixes and suffixes are split between rewards and danger. We for sure can make a map (tablet) have 3 prefixes thus only giving rewards. Although most likely will cost quite some currency to do so. It will help to lvl, and get better gear though, thus gain power, thus die less.

We can also avoid maps with mechanics we can't run. For example maps with a boss on it have the boss symbol same is true for breaches, ritual, delirium, etc. (seen in the content reveal video).
Most maps don't have a boss (1 in 4 = boss) and we only have to kill all rare monsters (and uniques) in an area to complete the area.

We also have no clue how balanced/powerful our characters will be around lvl 65; add to that we can also "over level" in the acts if you're missing some power. Which also happens in POE1 for some builds, or newer players. (most likely what I will do)

Quite a lot of the experience is in our own hands. It's a different game than POE1; we probably have to dial it back a notch or 2 in terms of "clear speed" and most likely keep our heads in the game a bit more.
The main goal of this type of death penalty is to slow down progress and avoid the "zoom-zoom" playstyle. It's a reminder that we aren't "all powerful" and that death has a consequence, thus making sure we keep an eye on our defense vs damage.

Your experience would feel very different if you die every 5th map, or every 50th map. But we as the player do get to choose the dangers to quite some extend.

Well said—we need to allow GGG to take bold steps. Without these risks, there’s no room for real innovation. As you mentioned, it’s best to play the game first and see how these changes feel before rushing to judgment. We don’t have the full picture or insight into GGG’s long-term vision for the game, so giving them the opportunity to implement and refine their ideas is crucial.

If developers always crumbled under pushback, many games wouldn’t have reached their peak potential. Take World of Warcraft as an example—many convenience features like flying mounts, dungeon finders, and LFR difficulty were implemented due to player demand. But in hindsight, these changes arguably hurt the game, removing key aspects of challenge and immersion. In my opinion (and many others’), these choices did more harm than good.

As for Path of Exile II, fragmenting the player base with too many difficulty modes could lead to a diluted experience. Softcore should have a unified set of rules for consistency. However, expanding options in custom leagues could be a great compromise. That’s precisely what custom leagues are designed for—providing alternative experiences without disrupting the core game.
I honestly think we have to wait and see how the actual experience will be.

Could not be more true! If this change comes it 100% won’t be on Dec 6th or near to it

Zoddo#3014 wrote:
As for Path of Exile II, fragmenting the player base with too many difficulty modes could lead to a diluted experience. Softcore should have a unified set of rules for consistency. However, expanding options in custom leagues could be a great compromise. That’s precisely what custom leagues are designed for—providing alternative experiences without disrupting the core game.

Apologies for skipping to the end of your reply, for the record I do not disagree with the rest.
As for the last paragraph I say ...
We heard bosses will reset on death, we were happy. Now it turns out they only reset on death in campaign (because if you die or group dies in a map it’s done). So I ask myself why?
I was rather fond of the bosses resetting on death, there is a wealth of reasons I can think of to have this, but only in campaign again why?
The proposal a friend made and I posted earlier today was don’t make it a punishment to softcore, make it a feature by making campaign zones reset on death and maps 1 portal as a gamemode like ssf is and even be able to opt into (and one way only out of) together.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Nov 26, 2024, 11:37:06 AM

if you make too general a statement sure, we ll agree. but specifics on the other hand. ggg will decide anyway.

i was talking about a very specific feature wich is map bricking that noone aksed for in softcore. and all custom mods are punitive if you re not aware. none of them are making it easirr.
Last edited by SerialF#4835 on Nov 26, 2024, 11:43:04 AM
12 Years of 6 Portals and in PoE 2 you should just have one try per map?

The PoE 2 hype train is rolling and if GGG don't give the players the trys like 12 years of PoE 1 they will get an immensive shitstorm.

YouTube and Reddit will be full of Videos complaining how GGG Fails so big this time.

So I assume they will not stand the pressure and let the majority of players have fun like for 12 years now.
Esubane#6099 wrote:
1 portal is bad because of frequent server issues this game has.
I died at least 50 times in 3.25 due to disconnects and lag spikes out of nowhere. It's one of the reasons why I never play hardcore characters.

Maybe 6 attempts is too many and encouraged bullshit zhp builds. But cutting down to just one is taking it to the extreme. 2-3 portals would be cool.

If you have died 50 times due to disconnects it’s not the servers problem at that point.

I don’t think I even get 50 deaths total across all my settlers characters (4) AND my settlers necro character

Sounds like you need to contact your isp

This is entirely dependent on the content you do, if you try to push it early for more rewards, how patient you are when rolling maps, and many other things.

Given the way the sctrade economy is there is a huge benefit to doing content your character is not ready for if you can fumble through it early. Essentially most everything is worthless from bosses after 4-5 days. Outside of large sample size farming.

If they made all content 1 portal then the only people that will benefit from early economy hard content farming will be the "ben types".

One thing this will do is block people that play 150m dps 2.5k ehp builds from existing. Which would be cool but this setup punishes people who balance their characters but aren't very skilled, or have physical issues/reflex problems and have issues reacting to certain scenarios. Ofc if they slowed the game play down enough this wont matter.

Maybe this was the intent after all.

SerialF#4835 wrote:

if you make too general a statement sure, we ll agree. but specifics on the other hand. ggg will decide anyway.

i was talking about a very specific feature wich is map bricking that noone aksed for in softcore. and all custom mods are punitive if you re not aware. none of them are making it easirr.

Totally agree
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Aijendo#3781 wrote:
12 Years of 6 Portals and in PoE 2 you should just have one try per map?

The PoE 2 hype train is rolling and if GGG don't give the players the trys like 12 years of PoE 1 they will get an immensive shitstorm.

YouTube and Reddit will be full of Videos complaining how GGG Fails so big this time.

So I assume they will not stand the pressure and let the majority of players have fun like for 12 years now.

Fingers crossed
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
SerialF#4835 wrote:
and would you take the risk of making sure it works as intended ? :)

I have faith, but in short no.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
As per Timbo Zero's suggestion, reposting my two cents to keep it aggregated:

For people with choppy connection, PoE 1 softcore was playable because on disconnect, it didn't matter if you died or not, sure you lost some xp, maybe some loot (I lost 9 waves of Ultimatum loot to dc just today) but fundamentally, a dc felt about as shitty as a death to dc unless you were pushing 100.

In PoE2 I'm worried it will just be very demotivating to lose entire maps because the disconnect wasn't detected early enough and the damage or even extra hits from monsters went through.

I'm not saying it's a bad system, in fact I'd like to leave all my opinion on gameplay/balance of 1 death = 1 map to myself to not detract from my main worry - I just hope there is focus on disconnect detection and that issues/bugs tied to connection will be given higher priority.
I wonder if logout macros will reign supreme

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