PoE2: One death in map and its bricked.

I really like the game design around it that you have only 1 attempt per map. I never really liked Zerging a map or boss down in PoE 1 with 6 portals, it always felt a little bit cheesy to me.
As long as PoE II doesn't have the unavoidable one-shot scenarios like in PoE I when your character has decent defensive stats, and you are left dumbfounded about what just happened 1 try per map will be totally fine and a good rewarding challenge for everyone.
After a chat with a friend who also has great experience with PoE1 he came up with a good idea.

Let’s assume the death in a map destroys a map for a solo player remains.

Let’s also assume GGG reverse the decision to have it as a default ‘feature’ in softcore.

Those being the case a new (just as SSF is) character creation OPTION could be added called “one death/portal” with whatever name GGG think is right for it.
It would be ONLY available at character creation and like SSF you can opt out of it to softcore at any time but never return to it again (except if you make a new character).
Additionally the “one portal” mode should apply to the campaign as well, if you die doing (for example cos I don’t know zone names) “mud flats” you fail it , it resets completely and you try again.

If this “one portal” mode exists it should apply to everything from act1 zone1 and be optional with a one way opt out.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
One portal + Infernalists transform skill reduces your HP to 1 over time...
Stray projectile from off screen says HI!
Still tempted to start with this ^^
Zoddo#3014 wrote:
I really like the game design around it that you have only 1 attempt per map. I never really liked Zerging a map or boss down in PoE 1 with 6 portals, it always felt a little bit cheesy to me.
As long as PoE II doesn't have the unavoidable one-shot scenarios like in PoE I when your character has decent defensive stats, and you are left dumbfounded about what just happened 1 try per map will be totally fine and a good rewarding challenge for everyone.

I feel the dying without knowing how is a certainty whilst we learn and the potential for one shots will (if not there one day one) will at some time creep into PoE2. I also am not advocating for an easy PoE1 like experience as love that it will be tougher, more thoughtful and more tactical in PoE2. To all of that I say bring it on, to one portal as a default softcore function I say no thanks (should be like my post above this)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Nov 26, 2024, 4:35:36 AM
MaxW81#9965 wrote:
One portal + Infernalists transform skill reduces your HP to 1 over time...
Stray projectile from off screen says HI!
Still tempted to start with this ^^

Me to, if it’s a choice. not if it’s default softcore ;)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
This is now in Twitter/X parlance the number one treading post GGG Live topic.
Well done all, keep it coming, I welcome both positive and negative input as long as it’s constructive :)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Is death penalty still a thing? Or do you get double punished for death now?
they cant stop trying do they. expedition, an, ruthless, removing the crafting bench, etc etc etc. delirium in "cant remember name" event.

this time they doubled down it. not only it will push a lot of people towards the few overpowered skill that they always put in the game so some of the forumers will feel smart by copying those builds, but it ll frustrate people out of the game. And i am sure we wont have any good death recap with at minimum a list of the debuffs we got soon before we died. Don't forget to make a warning at the start of the game, this game is designed so you have to record your game while playing.

people will hate it and they ll probably change it.

they never learn. we dont want to play the way you play ggg. so before the game is even there i ll ask, give us an easier difficulty lol !

[edit] i was somewhat hyped but this is the kind of stuff i already feel the pain before even starting. you set up a region to farm and boom, bricked. how fun.
Last edited by SerialF#4835 on Nov 26, 2024, 5:07:20 AM
MaxW81#9965 wrote:
Is death penalty still a thing? Or do you get double punished for death now?

It was mentioned in the Ghazzy & Darth's podcast with Jonathan that the exp loss currently still exists in POE2, but that it should be looked at (with Mark); if it's still needed, given that death has "another" penalty.

He went on what could be a possible change, to "ramp" it up the closer we get to level 100. Thus less exp loss on death when lower level.

So for now, it's still there.
SerialF#4835 wrote:
they cant stop trying do they. expedition, an, ruthless, removing the crafting bench, etc etc etc. delirium in "cant remember name" event.

this time they doubled down it. not only it will push a lot of people towards the few overpowered skill that they always put in the game so some of the forumers will feel smart by copying those builds, but it ll frustrate people out of the game. And i am sure we wont have any good death recap with at minimum a list of the debuffs we got soon before we died. Don't forget to make a warning at the start of the game, this game is designed so you have to record your game while playing.

people will hate it and they ll probably change it.

they never learn. we dont want to play the way you play ggg. so before the game is even there i ll ask, give us an easier difficulty lol !

[edit] i was somewhat hyped but this is the kind of stuff i already feel the pain before even starting. you set up a region to farm and boom, bricked. how fun.

I honestly think we have to wait and see how the actual experience will be. Yes it most likely is possible to "brick" a boosted area. However, we as player have quite some control over the danger we give ourselves.
First given that prefixes and suffixes are split between rewards and danger. We for sure can make a map (tablet) have 3 prefixes thus only giving rewards. Although most likely will cost quite some currency to do so. It will help to lvl, and get better gear though, thus gain power, thus die less.

We can also avoid maps with mechanics we can't run. For example maps with a boss on it have the boss symbol same is true for breaches, ritual, delirium, etc. (seen in the content reveal video).
Most maps don't have a boss (1 in 4 = boss) and we only have to kill all rare monsters (and uniques) in an area to complete the area.

We also have no clue how balanced/powerful our characters will be around lvl 65; add to that we can also "over level" in the acts if you're missing some power. Which also happens in POE1 for some builds, or newer players. (most likely what I will do)

Quite a lot of the experience is in our own hands. It's a different game than POE1; we probably have to dial it back a notch or 2 in terms of "clear speed" and most likely keep our heads in the game a bit more.
The main goal of this type of death penalty is to slow down progress and avoid the "zoom-zoom" playstyle. It's a reminder that we aren't "all powerful" and that death has a consequence, thus making sure we keep an eye on our defense vs damage.

Your experience would feel very different if you die every 5th map, or every 50th map. But we as the player do get to choose the dangers to quite some extend.

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