PoE2: One death in map and its bricked.
" This objection is not tears, and we know about it already. I’d love to have the option for this, just not the default for softcore (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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" It 100% is an option, it sure as hell isn’t even PoE good let alone PoE2 good! (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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With bosses being now fully optional I don't see much of a problem here, instead I'd say its even an improvement in terms of your overall "progression loop", because you can focus on nailing down the trash mobs and league content first and then go for the boss unaliving.
From what I've seen so far it should actually feel smoother if you can live with "I'm not able to kill every boss now and that is fine, I will get there". |
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Maybe the best perspective to take is to just accept its a new game and not try to force poe1 ideology on poe2.
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" It’s a sequel (originally an expansion but that didn’t work out) so some ideology has to by definition carry over, but you’re right not all. Imo the one death and bricked map is a step too far for default softcore, it would make a superb additional optional (like ssf) mod to softcore. (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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This was kinda hinted by recent league mechanics such as Sanctum, or Settlers bosses, or Affliction boss (King of the Mists) - or the wildwood in general, if you die you're ejected from it.
They don't want you to build cheesy ZHP blasters and roll in currency despite having 1876 deaths after 30 hours of playing. Whether this is good or not will depend on overall mapping design and averge time to kill for mobs. If a random rare can coconut-bonk you in one hit then it will feel horrible. But if characters have reasonable amount of durability then it could actually be OK and a deterrent from pushing the content too far and creating degenerate strategies. Today it's "T17 or bust" with T17 being too hard for almost all builds except those very endgame and minmaxed. POE 2 wants to move away from this. |
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" If anything it looks more like that PoE2 goes more into this direction to make endgame more targeted towards well geared characters rather than the no thoughts head empty mediocre builds giving that both endgame maps and pinnacle/uber content are going to be one try only instead of a corpse rush feste. If anything not having a decent designed character along with bad gameplay coming from the player itself is going to be more notable at the beginning of PoE2. Especially as the new content is going to be somewhat on par with the accessible player power rather than being totally trivialized by years of stacked and layered power creep like in PoE1. They only need to figure out a way to get rid of carry services to make the game even more bonkers :) Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Nov 27, 2024, 4:40:37 PM
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It's totally fine to me as the atlas is supposed to be infinite. If that is the case, just move on if you can't do it. What is the big deal?
See my large and detailed feedback on poe1 (Settlers league) here:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3585013 Includes also suggestions for new features and content. And here my feedback on poe2: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3680526 |
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" I think from what we have seen PoE2 will be a lot more difficult to make insane ‘broken’ builds, would go as far as to say that’s the whole point of Early Access to weed out anything that ‘broken’. The ‘get rid of carry services’ I think will be dealt with by the new way extra players add to difficulty (before 2 players was 200% hp and iirc 50% more loot, now it’s more like estimated 300% hp, maybe some increased dmg received and maybe 100% more loot), this should make group player more challenging and rewarding but carries way way more difficult. (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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" Technically the atlas has always been ‘infinite’ in that you (once you were sustaining maps) could just keep going as long as you liked. What’s changed is now it’s infinite variation of maps and the combination of content/rewards in them. The problem is the change from some tolerance to mistakes to no tolerance at all, which whilst not hardcore is a step in that direction. As a selectable choice I’d be excited, as a default in softcore (the intended for new/casual players) it’s imo wrong. (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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