PoE2: One death in map and its bricked.

I can already see people levling up two accounts. Group up, keep one character in group and leave it outside or at entrance of map so that you don't brick map on one death. Sure the map gets a bit tougher but that's ok to have insurance against crash/lag-death plus you get loot bonus. As extra security you could even make sure second character is able to finish map or at least clear area around to revive.

You end up either doing this or be in a guild and ask for help to save you if you die.

If on the other side they make it so that the map bricks on any death at all it kills public groups/casual groups. Lots of griefers will happily join to brick the map for you.

If it only bricks if map owner dies people will run the tougher parts of map on their alt account xD.

Exploiters will always exploit. Don't allow it.

I much much prefer old system if any of the above is the case.

Luckily this is Early Access so we can give them proper feedback before release xD
Last edited by arknath#4740 on Nov 24, 2024, 7:49:12 PM
If these bosses are as hard as the team is trying to make em out to be then we dont need 6 trys , we need a time limit of unlimited tries within the time period. FF14 does this with its top end boss content and it works well for "learning" the boss. So I think I would wanna see a 1 hour timer to fight the bosses and learn. Zones with just trash mobs who cares, let it be if you die the node is closed you fail whatever but 1 try per boss does not sound very thought out to me. UNLESS its all BS and these bosses are really face roll easy , then that would explain the whole you get one try.

If you brick atlas at the start, you can restart the atlas from scratch.


If you reset the atlas, you reset the atlas seed.
A fact is a statement that can be supported to be true or false by data or evidence. In contrast, an opinion is a personal expression of a person’s feelings or thoughts that may or may not be based in data.
Last edited by drklrd#6377 on Nov 24, 2024, 8:13:31 PM
drklrd#6377 wrote:

If you brick atlas at the start, you can restart the atlas from scratch.


If you reset the atlas, you reset the atlas seed.

At least that’s a solution to the atlas brick solution, thanks for the links on that worry.
Still leaves the god awful decision to pseudo hardcore our softcore with ‘one and done’ portal policy :(

We also just became the second most viewed post GGG Live PoE 2 thread, keep it coming all, we need this to get attention. Just a +1 if you agree will do :)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Nov 25, 2024, 12:50:46 AM
AintCare#6513 wrote:
700 views and 29 replies.
If you agree or disagree feel free to take the 20seconds to post +1 or why you disagree
Just bare in mind my only objection is to this in softcore without option (like hardcore or ssf), fine for it to be a chosen game mode.

i'm against the infinite leave/one death policy. we already saw people returning for refills to town which is an outdated mechanic, one death is just HC playstyle being forced. there was absolutely nothing wrong with 6 portals, if they wanted to make it harder just apply Ruthless boss reset

Edit: The one death mechanic is punishing learning the boss mechanics. We learn by failure and repetition, which is why the Ruthless mode made me actually learn all boss mechanics. The current one death solution might be fun for the devs which already know the mechanic and are being tested on this. Removing the repetition for people that don't know the mechanic nor do they have muscle memory of it will be very very unpleasant. Lets hope this will get corrected.

If Ruthless boss reset mechanic doesn't go well with lore/immersion- make the boss eat the corpse of the player, hence healing.

I don’t play HC or Ruthless, interesting that this effective one portal policy comes from ruthless. IMHO it should stay there or be an optional choice like SSF is.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
The ‘one and done’ death policy will mostly affect solo players, and at least in POE1 there are a hell of a lot of those.
In group play the ‘multiplier’ is far more drastic than in POE1 and whilst the ‘dual boxing’ you mentioned could work but its pseudo-exploitative (afaik not against TOS but could be wrong, but not exactly fair paying either). Either way it’s not going to work as well (as easily) as in POE1.
Afaik (but confident) they said only the person that dies matters, if solo your map is bricked (hence my issue with it) in a group you can be revived. I am unsure if the owner dying bricks and boots the rest of the group in group play.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Incredibly stupid idea.

And I'm almost certain it will end up being changed back to normal, just like the flask refill in town madness.
AintCare#6513 wrote:

I don’t play HC or Ruthless, interesting that this effective one portal policy comes from ruthless. IMHO it should stay there or be an optional choice like SSF is.

it doesn't com from Ruthless. To clarify, in Ruthless campaign the boss resets after you die, making sure you beat it without zerking. my point was to keep 6 portals but apply the reset/healing of bosses instead of 1 death.

Sorry I wasn’t very clear in my reply, it is the boss reset I meant, just got confused (old man syndrome) when typing it.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Nov 25, 2024, 3:04:30 AM
Incredibly stupid idea.

And I'm almost certain it will end up being changed back to normal, just like the flask refill in town madness.

I think we have no chance at all of it changing before Dec 6th, but I pray that after that this topic will get lots more traction and it will be changed back to proper 6 portals solo
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Was explained in yesterdays interview with Jonathan on Darth Micros stream.

If you fail you can reset the whole atlas at any time and it resets automatically as well when chain failing.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

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