‘Inscribed Ultimatum’ quest item disappeared, boss doesn’t drop it anymore [poe2]

Just happened to me. I did not see one drop at all. I only realized once I went to the trial and didnt have it in my inventory.

I play SSF, so honestly it might be faster for me to just delete my character and start over...
Same issue - on ssf so party doesn't solve anything
Last edited by maxtor1#4170 on Jan 13, 2025, 9:17:26 PM
Yep, same...
Same here ....

So what is the thing @Grinding Gear Games, f.cking give any information about this.

Are you aware of this bug? because it is f.ckng game breaking ... then comment here that you are aware.

When do you think fixing some of those game breaking bugs ?
I repeat, you cannot farm quest item.

Also somehow one of the act monster can drop non-quest version of Inscribed Ultimatum, when you FIRST kill it. But after that, your world map (u) crossed that monster so that it no longer drop non-quest version of Inscribed Ultimatum

Same rule also applies to one of the act 3 "back to the past" area . It drop a non-quest version of Inscribed Ultimatum once, but and then it is crossed on your world map.

if you need more Inscribed Ultimatum, Just buy a new non-quest version of Inscribed Ultimatum from other player. (or for SSF, just keep farming monster in different area, but not that act bosses)

And please GGG lock this thread and pin my answer.
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For quest version, please state it is your first character and the quest is in normal difficulty or not.

If it is cruel version of the boss does not drop quest item, it seems more like the cruel difficulty is a temporary fix to bridge the act to end game so that just buy another non-quest version fix the problem.

if it is your second character of the league, it is also more likely the drop limit = 1 is a league-wide instead of character-wide thing. Again, just buy a non-quest version "Inscribed Ultimatum"

It is only a bug if it is your first character, in normal difficulty, and you did not fail the quest "Inscribed Ultimatum" so that it is not a re-farm, but somehow it never drop from Chimera.
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Note that in cruel difficulty, the abomination only exists because act 4-6 are not ready, Balbala drops non-quest version of Barya as "Djinn Barya". And the associated quest horribly buggy/misleading

Unless devs want cruel is a semi-long term thing that exists until Act 4-6 are ready, just make sure to state correctly is the normal difficulty quest item version ‘Inscribed Ultimatum’ does not drop, or just simply cruel is a band-aid so that the act monster should not drop quest item again, even in another difficulty.
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Last edited by neohongkong#0222 on Jan 18, 2025, 9:01:56 AM
lastly if you fails the quest version Inscribed Ultimatum in normal difficulty, it will still in the altar slot

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I have found that I can get the act 3 quest by picking up a non-quest version of the inscribed ultimatum in my stash. This breaks the possibility of the chimera dropping the quest version.

So I have broken this quest for my alt in act 2 simply by picking up any inscribed ultimatum in my stash.

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