Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike
" I've played plenty, It is by far my most played Genre of game. I have 2 dozen different ones on steam. The only one with such a convoluted crafting system in it is PoE. The only people who defend it. Are veterans. Everyone else left or stops playing because of it. I want you to be completely and utterly honest with me. If you, as a new player saw PoE today. And that you had to pick up white and blue items, and spam orbs on them for hours to get items out of it. Just so that you could keep playing. Do you think you would stay? Having to learn a crafting system in this game, looking up affixes, implicits etc? I don't think you would. But hey. That's just the opinion of someone who's seen 3 dozen friends quit this game over the years because of it. What do I know? Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 23, 2024, 12:47:41 AM
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" well said you know the games in trouble when a bismuth flask from act1 poe is beating end game armors from poe2 :DDDD |
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Veteran players of poe1? They are 50 now.. a few younger exist like zizaran etc. but what is he playing?
They play poe2.. look streams.. lol. They dont complain too much but i hear always only. Push it harder.. give more endgame and nothing else. I really strongly hear only that statement.. tune up dev, discontinue poe1 and make part2 shine. If i see new content or new ladder for poe#1 for 1000 player i vomit.... why do you delay poe2 success.. that is unneccessary developer fatigue .. and a way to hamper progress and creativity. Cut down success.. i cant believe. Company matured so much.. this is something everxone speaks sbout.. make a big move. Currency and item progress could be refined.. merging currency (augs+trans, regal + alchemy), or adding a blacksmith functionality with an upgrade system ( gold instead exalts). I hear alot who ask for that and i wouldnt mind.. Cheaper tree respec.. lesser clicks.. maybe 40% lesser passive tree.. refined item upgrade.. that seem to block gameflow rather being fun ..some seem to be scared even. You want it fun and including if you want 50 million.. you dont want 1k blockers from poe1 which complaint... but you want 50 mil poe2 backers which support to move on. Im far more worried that a single meeting is wasted on part 1.. 1k players or 50 mil backers.. vision is hopefully clear. Blizzard north made same move .. and it was success..d1 was at that moment not needed any more. Look player numbers in poe1 - 2 leagues but no1 plays it lol. its blocking the game we want. Let it progress. See ..some people crying for d1? They are 60..not 50.. lol. But i see a trend and clever people who pressed stop to d1.. to make d2 progress. Hopefully same happens here. If not done 600 mil revenue d4 would have been released maybe in 5 years lol.. you want that.. seems not the smartest move if not implemented If you do exactly that ill buy 500 $ mtx on top lol. Make it fun and challenging and not poe1 again.. please..so many didnt play that as it is nowadays awful.. we dont want to read a book to play.. in poe1 you could read it with no skill and win the game as no real challenge.. Let the better player win.. not clunky boring micromanagement and super easy powercreep the average weaker poe1 complainer asks for (i guess these are maybe 500 trolls ). THis is not target group. You are creating the game for the current backer generation and that you show already with so many aeesome positiv changes that it is fun to see it evolving as it feels great!!!! Gg ggg! Gl!!!! Last edited by Skiller2009#5689 on Dec 23, 2024, 3:41:07 AM
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" "PoE 1 is irrelevant"? That’s one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen in a while. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. PoE 1 isn’t just some outdated relic—it’s the backbone of everything GGG has built, and it’s still the ARPG gold standard for depth, complexity, and player engagement. Saying it’s irrelevant because you don’t like it anymore is pure nonsense. Your argument that PoE 2 will thrive if PoE 1 just “dies” is laughable. Have you learned nothing from Diablo 4? That game launched with all the hype in the world, and look at it now: players jumped ship because it’s shallow and uninspired. You think ditching PoE 1 and watering everything down will magically make PoE 2 a success? Wrong. Without the complexity and systems that PoE 1 has refined over years, PoE 2 will end up as a flash in the pan—just like D4. And this whole “veterans are 50” nonsense? What kind of ridiculous argument is that? Age has nothing to do with it. The players who love PoE 1’s depth aren’t just “old guys”—they’re people who appreciate a game that actually challenges them. If you want something mindless and simple, go play a mobile ARPG and stop pretending to know what makes PoE great. Your idea that simplifying mechanics, killing PoE 1, and rushing PoE 2 will somehow lead to "progress" is just idiotic. PoE 1 is not a blocker; it’s a proven foundation. It funds PoE 2, it retains a loyal player base, and it ensures that GGG doesn’t turn PoE 2 into some shallow, cookie-cutter ARPG that people will abandon after the hype dies down. Bottom line: PoE 1 isn’t irrelevant, and your vision of PoE 2 would ruin everything that makes this franchise special. Maybe play the games you’re criticizing before making such clueless arguments. You clearly don’t understand what makes PoE—or ARPGs in general—actually work. EDIT: But hey, another empty account that’s never played PoE 1, just like I said. Last edited by Kaukus1#7461 on Dec 23, 2024, 8:37:41 AM
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I treat your answer as not relevant:
- as you said .. poe1 is a relic much needed at its time, but not any more. - d2 dev has stopped a decade ago due to focus on d3/d4. Updated d2r was discontinued/no new content due to amount of users logged in (vs 600 mil revenue game..d4 lol - success still). - poe2 is better than d4.. what a vision.. can suck up the whole market.. poe1 (lol) cant - lets see how many players are logged in poe1 which has huge amount of content as it has two leagues..aww.. a relic, not many right now.. - lets compare that to poe2 .. omg what a difference..so hugely in favour of poe2 that the 1k poe1 players (who like relics..) better move on to avoid stopping progress. And its early access and people payed for it - poe1 is unchallenging.. get that. Poe1 is quick done besides delve maybe. Only a subset of ppl play it which like clunky micro management.. but the huge amount of players who played dont like it (see posts in forum from seasoned backers) but saw no alternative. In addition ssf hc and hc is just small fraction.. the playerbase is the average person next door part of the 50 mil or more gamers which want it released .. they wouldnt play poe1 for money. - a friend said more generalized.. only a monkey wouldnt notice that all streamers play part2 and not 1.. they understsnd demand and adjust.. speak positiv and respectful about what this game now is finally capable to achieve. - what is the reason ggg didnt stick to you.. they promised poe 1 version 2 but ditched it for the must to make it current and attract competitve and a bigger/relevant playerbase.. read news. Big publisher..right focus. - why do you think on top of that poe#1 didnt get new content since july 24->? Mar 25 .. which is just a reset of league , recycled content or no league any more... i favor latter. Wasted effort. I thought you wanted always boat league. Its finished product..shipped.. but not played anymore ..you see it right now on numbers.. please ship onwards... dont block progress via crafting in city.. Lets focus on the future and value add - > via great battles and fluent game with friends in poe2 Sorry :) .. this is so misleading.. it was great.. was.. now its dated and need to make space for a growing playerbase... also casual.. which dont like to plan with excel tables.. Let them play and have fun.. if you like to play micromanagement hell and spam fusings on your breastplate lölz.. no man.. no normal human i know liked that.. 1500 useless clicks in poe1 or a meaningful.. i take the poe2 meaningful click -> see jewelers. Last edited by Skiller2009#5689 on Dec 23, 2024, 9:39:54 AM
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The problem, Kaukus, is that most of the things you are treating as Core To The Path of Exile Experience are the things that will choke it and prevent it from growing.
You point out crafting as the primary example. But POE1 "Crafting" requires ~50+ divines at the minimum per crafting project, to fuel the metacrafting costs and purchase the expensive crafting subcomponents and catalysts required. A typical player, playing the way the game tells them they can/should - do the campaign, then do maps, use their Atlas Tree to enhance and enable the content they enjoy doing - might see one divine per league. They might. In order to make use of "crafting" beyond the most basic possible level, a player must discard everything they've ever learned about POE and engage in some absurd, counterintuitive and deeply unfun currency-grinding schema - provided they can even discover what the valid/viable currency grinding schemas are, which almost no one can do outside of watching a streamer do it for them for a thousand hours. In PoE1, right-clicking a currency orb to apply it to an item the way the currency orb states it is supposed to be used is almost invariably the worst possible thing you can do with that currency orb. It's obnoxious, it's confusing, and it makes the tiny handful of new players who've somehow managed to get even that far question why they're bothering when the requirements for "Crafting" are essentially completely opposite everything they've ever learned about how to play the game from the game. This cannot continue. It is not a "strength". And where it gives the illusion of being a "strength", it is dramatically outweighed by its weakness. If we do what you suggest and simply turn Path of Exile 2 into a sad bad up-graphics'd clone of POE1 with no room to grow and no room to prune what PoE1 has done badly? Then POE2 will never reach any audience beyond the one POE1 has already reached, and there will have been zero point in ever having made the new game. |
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" You deserve a standing ovation my friend, well said, the game is unifinshed but I haven't been this engaged in an arpg since the early years of POE 1. |
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" Stopped reading here, what a bs statement |
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+1 there you go.. done - i stopped reading when i notice bs. No idea of craft hell..
I hate poe1 crafting too. Its fine like it is right now in poe2.. its hard to push a group forward..you dont want to see them every 2 min in city, sometimes for 50 min As ppl said - poe1 has as for crafting a garbage design, dated, boring,.. i prefer refined.. and i think with community love it could become quicker.. with lesser currency and 50-60% reduced passive tree.. meaningful suggestions for skill combinations. I played 1 and 2 also in group and ssf - its a huge gap. So good. You dont stand for 50 min in city.. but if you like farmville.. haha A bit more modern. The example with 50 div is understandable to me.. that was no garbage craft but a bit towards meta. Last edited by Skiller2009#5689 on Dec 23, 2024, 9:51:24 AM
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" Classic take from someone who’s clearly never touched PoE. PoE 1 isn’t a “relic”; it’s the backbone of what makes this franchise great. It’s obvious you’ve never even played the game, considering how shallow and dismissive your argument is. " Comparing PoE 1 to D2R or D3? That’s a dead giveaway you’ve never actually engaged with the PoE ecosystem. PoE 1 is not a legacy remake or a closed chapter—it’s an evolving game that still drives innovation and fuels PoE 2. D4’s “success”? Sure, it sold copies, but players are leaving because the game lacks depth—exactly what PoE 1 excels at. " It’s rich hearing this from someone who obviously hasn’t played PoE 1 or 2 seriously. PoE 2 might have new graphics and mechanics, but PoE 1 is the reason it even exists. Calling PoE 1 irrelevant while having zero experience with its systems, community, or impact is laughable. " Ah, the classic “player numbers” argument from someone who doesn’t understand how league cycles work. Of course, numbers are lower between leagues—it’s by design. Every new league launch brings massive engagement, but you wouldn’t know that because, again, you’ve never actually played. " This is just embarrassing. Early access hype doesn’t mean PoE 1 is irrelevant—it just means people are excited to try something new. Your “1k players” claim is baseless and shows you have no grasp of the actual community. Maybe stop pretending to know things when your account screams “never played.” " Of course streamers are focusing on PoE 2—it’s new content. That’s their job. But if you think that reflects the value of PoE 1, you’re out of your depth. Streamers follow trends, not the full picture, and clearly, you’re just parroting what you think sounds clever. " Because GGG is smart enough to focus resources on PoE 2 while still maintaining PoE 1. No new expansion doesn’t mean PoE 1 is dead; it’s part of a calculated transition. Again, something you’d understand if you actually played the game. " What’s misleading is pretending to know anything about PoE when your account and your arguments make it clear you’ve never played. PoE 1 isn’t dated—it’s foundational. Killing it off would alienate loyal players and jeopardize everything that makes PoE special. " This just confirms you’ve never actually played the game. Spamming fusings? That’s your takeaway? PoE is about depth and complexity—things that casuals like you clearly don’t value. And that’s fine, but stop pretending you’re speaking for the community when it’s obvious you don’t belong to it. But hey, yet another empty account spouting nonsense about a game they’ve never played. Thanks for proving my point. Last edited by Kaukus1#7461 on Dec 23, 2024, 9:56:44 AM
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