Warbringer Shockwave Totems: 300k+ dps mapping / 450k+bossing. All Content Viable (Videos)
" the question remains ;) |
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" what question? edit: didnt see before, but yes i have totems on set 1, and everything else in my build on set 2 with svalinn. my shield is out 90% of the time i'm playing. i have raise shield bound to left mouse to swap immediately whenever i totem. 4charge flask is a flask with "reduced charges used" on flask and belt to achieve a 4-charges-per-click flask. this let's me use each flask 18 times before it's empty. at 460 instant/1000 not instant, it's about 8280 instant heals in emergencies, and 18000+ slow heals. i've done T18s ad nauseum without reading maps mods, some with 1000%+ waystone chance, so i have to assume i've done all the combos you listed, and mixes of multiple of them. my build is my own construction, but and it sounds like you have made an alternative build that works very well, too. Last edited by susugam#4627 on Jan 26, 2025, 2:39:25 AM
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" both ideas are very cool! Are you talking about Mail Belt with the implicit 15% and again an affix for reduced charges? 32 reduced charges from flask and 15 reduced charges from implicit and like 20 from explicit, looks like it can go to 4 indeed. edit: switched my flasks and belt - feels good, flasks almost the whole time full while mapping. lost like 60HP, OK :) Is your mana flask also part-instant or something like increased amount recovered? Also one more important question left: binding Raise Shield to left mouse doesn't swap weapons for me unless I set to attack without moving which disables moving which is not OK :) how are you using it exactly please? this would really help, hope you explain it.. Just a guess: are you playing with WASD? I never tried it, feels kinda clunky to use flasks at the same time... Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jan 26, 2025, 5:46:27 AM
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" glad to hear someone else is using the 4charge flask tech. you need a lot less than 40% on belt, since apparently the two mods are multiplicative and not additive. i used to use 40% on belt and 32% on flask, and was still only 4.08 charges, not 2.8 (which should round to 2) like i hoped. this gives a lot more wiggle room on how high the 3 mods need to be. yes my flask is 75% increased amount recovered, 32% reduced, and 23% qual. life flask is 29% instant, 29% reduced, and 23% qual. each totem cost 706, and each mana flask click gives around 760 back. with a mana pool of 1412 i can drop 2 totems, double click my flask, and move forward for the next totem while it regenerates. +30-40% flask mana recovery rate on belt is also nice for this. i never wait more than a second for mana. additionally, my dps is a little lower than i thought, minion pact doesn't work how i thought. so i'm really around 1.275 mil dps on totems (425k x 3 totems), not 1.494. :( and yes i used WASD, my flasks are bound to my mouse4 and mouse5 as well as keyboard 1 and 2. my rotation looks like this: totem, totem, raise shield, mana flask, mana flask, repeat. or, rightmouse, rightmouse, leftmouse, mouse5, mouse5. since i've done this thousands of times now, it's very much muscle memory and i don't think about it. sometimes i mix in a Q for shield charge. i think all of these can be overcome with practice. i used to use mouse movement for the first month+ of the league, as well. i really hated WASD, but now i will probably never go back. also, for raise shield, you need only tap it for a split second to swap sets, and mine doesn't force me to stop. alternatively, i can use my ancestral totem to swap to shield, or shield dash, or earthshatter, etc. edit: for a little more math on reduced charges used mods... since it takes 40% as many charges to drink once, it's essentially like have +150% charges gained on the flask as well. we get 18.75 drinks their 7.5, so it's like having a 187 charge flask. one last note, my build is pure physical, so it isn't subjected to the same resistances as fire would be. and since it hits so big, all armor is naturally nullified due to the fact that armor is total garbage on any hit over 50,000 phys. it would take 1 million armor to reduce my totem damage by 25%. it's silly. because of this, i dropped the splinter ascendency and all forms of armor breaker aside from the melee version which i use for 6-man zarokh or +4 xesht sometimes. (my build is also an order of magnitude cheaper than yours. i don't have from nothing, against the darkness, prism of belief, or megalomaniac. my most expensive item so far was 7div boots and could be replaced with a much cheaper set) Last edited by susugam#4627 on Jan 26, 2025, 11:15:19 AM
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hey, awesome writeup, thank you so much, appreciate it.
i think now i am fine with flasks, belt works just perfectly. first i took both insta flasks but previously was using insta life and increased amount mana, like you. i found life 29 instantly 32 reduced for like 100ex and instant mana was kinda 50, but when i checked mana 74 increased 32 reduced, i saw prices of 10+ divines, so speaking of gear costs, your mana flask costs probably about 20div or more! :) i found 70 increased 31 reduced mana for 100ex, will stick with that one for now. you wrote regarding no need of the double mod, i just tested and mana flask is taking exactly 4 charges at once so i will keep the setup as is. using 23% explicit only, it takes 5 charges per sip. currently i am running in total 33% reduced charges on the belt (4 charges per sip) and it feels OK even on maps with 72% reduced charges gained. regarding WASD, i will probably stay with the mouse for now. if i ever level up to 97, i can switch and die couple of times to get used to it. of course i am using the amelioration omen but even 2.5% still takes couple of hours on my pace, so i prefer to experiment and learn new technique later :) i read a bit feedbacks about WASD and many people write that after the switch and getting used to it, they don't want to go back ever. i see you say the same, so i will definitely take time to try to switch to it. i never noticed how the gear became expensive until at some point i saw like 35 divines in my inventory and decided that it's time for the 4th totem. indeed, with 2x +7 maces, +3 Prism of Belief, +2 gloves, and lvl21 gem, you are at lvl40 even without the amulet - then you take that cheap Idol of Uldurn and there u go, 33% more dps. if you run simulacrums so easily and you are going to play the build some more time, I definitely suggest that you try out how MUCH smoother is the gameplay with 4th totem :) thanks again mate. you were a huge help, flasks are very important, in Poe2 even more. Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jan 26, 2025, 11:55:45 AM
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" yeah, it's weird how prices go crazy. back when i bought my +7s, they were 2div and 55ex... i guess in CURRENT prices my build might be expensive as hell. not to mention all the lucky vaals i've had (and many bricks in the process). some of those unique jewels you have are much cheaper than before, too. when i was in the market for one, the +2 shockwave jewel was 40d and the +3 was like 60d+. much more affordable now that everyone else is doing endgame stuff. i'm out of touch with the market, apparently... i did some math, with a 29% reduced flask, you need minimum 30% on belt. with a 32% flask, you need 27% minimum on belt. those are the most important breakpoints, i think. the 4 totem thing is definitely an interesting concept. 33% is a lot... i'll reconsider it next time i'm stacked on currency. only have about 20d atm. crazy expensive, but you could also go +1 melee vaal on gloves for +3, and change your 21 gem to a 20 23%qual gem for lower base attack time. (just as a theoretical min/max thing) that's what i'm hoping for someday, to get me from 39 to 40 totem. |
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" 4th totem is not only DPS. In maps, you can slot in Inspiration as 6th link and your clearspeed will go 1.5-2x up because you just run and leave totems behind, much less flask usage, new totems don't cancel the one you leave behind, etc. versatility from 4th totem is absolutely what makes our builds high end currently. i am sure that with WASD it's 100% top because of the block chance. I am currently running 0% block lol, but enfeeble/hinder/blind do help a lot too. regarding where to upgrade for me... AWT doesn't profit a lot from quality. what is maybe doable is to continue vaaling the Uldurns (each try is 2 divines for me) and maybe hit +1 to all skills lol. that would give more room for gloves, can go 150+ life and mana, higher resists, and then I would try to balance ele res to have 90 each (currently 84/80/88). but the chance is really low. Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jan 26, 2025, 4:30:20 PM
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" looking forward to your feedback about my version of totem warrior. i know it's not shockwave totem but everything that is special about the build can be applied to any totem warrior as well. Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jan 27, 2025, 2:01:55 AM
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" Had a chance to look over the build. Little different since you are a Titan, but looks largely solid. I find the Revenge cluster a neat idea--I expect you get a lot of mileage out of it. I also love trading in the amulet for the Unique that gives the pure +1 totem. This tech requires the +3 jewel to hit the level cap though, and that has become crazy expensive, so I don't know that I could copy or would recommend, but if you have the item, I think it's great. If you want to experiment, it is possible that you might be tankier if you traded in everything north of the revenge cluster to focus on improving your max res. Whether that would be better is something you can only really assess by feel. If you were down for it, consider experimenting both ways, see how the build feels, and make a choice. I suspect you would also benefit from a 5 socket life/res Morior, which looks like it could be a significant upgrade over your current chest piece. You would have to drop Blasphemy, but 35% more life is better than 17% damage reduction on the math, unless there is something I am missing. That's all I've got without actually playtesting it. Would be fun to see some video of it walking over the map types you challenged me to. :> -O Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Jan 27, 2025, 3:42:44 AM
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Greetings all,
Thank you for posting such a useful guide. I am but a humble gemling totem user in the mid 60s level. Question for the experts: How fast do the totems need to be in terms of attacks per second (APS)? That is, is it better to prioritize attack speed, totem damage, physical damage or something else? Starting out, it's 3 APS. Upgrading to 20% quality on the gem and we get 2.44 APS. Martial tempo quickly takes that to 1.96. An additional 14% from the gemling ascendancy tree takes that to 1.7. Picking up Ancestral Unity gets us another 8% attack speed and if we have 4 totems, that's another 16% attack speed for 1.37 APS. At that point, is it better to go straight damage or more speed? I realize that both will impact DPS, but I do not have a feel for which one is better. Once I have 5 passive points to play around with, I will re-allocate and see what the numbers do, but I was just hoping to gain some insight from the board. For example, Mass Hysteria is right near the gemling starting point and adds 15% attack speed. But, there is a node to the south near the attribute star that adds 16% attack speed and a roughly 24% chance to blind on hit, which adds a nice defensive layer. Go for the speed or go for more damage nodes? Thank you. Last edited by Kwahraps#1182 on Jan 27, 2025, 7:56:58 AM
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