Warbringer Shockwave Totems: 300k+ dps mapping / 450k+bossing. All Content Viable (Videos)

Kwahraps#1182 wrote:
Greetings all,

Thank you for posting such a useful guide.
I am but a humble gemling totem user in the mid 60s level.

Question for the experts: How fast do the totems need to be in terms of attacks per second (APS)?

That is, is it better to prioritize attack speed, totem damage, physical damage or something else?

Starting out, it's 3 APS.
Upgrading to 20% quality on the gem and we get 2.44 APS.
Martial tempo quickly takes that to 1.96.
An additional 14% from the gemling ascendancy tree takes that to 1.7.
Picking up Ancestral Unity gets us another 8% attack speed and if we have 4 totems, that's another 16% attack speed for 1.37 APS.

At that point, is it better to go straight damage or more speed?
I realize that both will impact DPS, but I do not have a feel for which one is better. Once I have 5 passive points to play around with, I will re-allocate and see what the numbers do, but I was just hoping to gain some insight from the board.

For example, Mass Hysteria is right near the gemling starting point and adds 15% attack speed. But, there is a node to the south near the attribute star that adds 16% attack speed and a roughly 24% chance to blind on hit, which adds a nice defensive layer.

Go for the speed or go for more damage nodes?

Thank you.



The answer to your question is a math problem. I'm going to try to show you how to do it so that you will be able to solve these for yourself in the future. It may help other people following this thread as well. Here are the steps:

1. Quantify each of the ways you are currently scaling damage: Speed / Increased modifiers / More modifiers / Gem levels / crit / other (examples might be poison or bleed).

2. Multiply them together to determine you current overall base damage multiplier

3. Examine each of the options currently available to scale your damage further and quantify them.

4. Multiply overall damage using the new number you would have if you made each change and compare the results.

5. All else being equal* pick the one that improves your overall damage multiplier the most.

Two clarifying examples based on a commonly encountered question: Is it better to have a mod on a jewel granting 10% increased damage or 4% increased attack speed?

1. Lets assume I already have 250% increased damage from various other sources, bring my total damage to 3.5x base. Lets assume I have 50% increased attack speed from other sources, bringing my attack speed to 1.5x base. Multiplied together, I am currently doing 5.25x base damage. If I add 10% inc damage, it goes to 3.6x. 3.6*1.5=5.4. If I add 4% attack speed, that goes to 1.54x. 1.54*3.5=5.39. Its close, but in this case the increased damage is better.

2. Now let's assume that I again start with 250% increased damage but only 20% increased attack speed. Base damage math is 3.5*1.2=4.2. 10% inc damage math 3.6*1.2=4.32. 4% attack speed math: 3.5*1.24=4.34. Again close, but here attack speed is better.

*All else is hardly ever equal. Often you will also be considering the relative cost or efficiency or quality of life of various options, or additional bonusses or penalties like blindness. For example, in my build I choose to use the gem inspiration over the gem Heavy swing. Heavy swing would provide a little under 20% more damage, but would reduce the quality of life / playability of the build. Inspiration provides no extra damage, but sufficiently increases the QOL and playability that I use it instead and recommend this set up to others. This is something you can only really figure out by feel.

That may have been both more and less answer than you were looking for. Hope it helps.

Good Luck!


Thank you!
Max Rezzes--Goal is 90/90/90/75*

This is certainly a typo, right? Can't be getting 75% chaos rez can we?
Max Rezzes--Goal is 90/90/90/75*

This is certainly a typo, right? Can't be getting 75% chaos rez can we?

Not a typo. 90/90/90 ele 75 chaos. Absolutely doable. Will make doing ritual based content much more comfy. Worth.

Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Jan 29, 2025, 6:41:03 PM
Orion72#3803 wrote:
RushBone#0065 wrote:
Orion72#3803 wrote:

Hey, no offense taken at all and I appreciate you sharing your version, which I will try to have a look at when time allows. Thing is I agree with you (about it being worthwhile to show harder mods) and meant it when I thanked you for the challenge. :>


looking forward to your feedback about my version of totem warrior.
i know it's not shockwave totem but everything that is special about the build can be applied to any totem warrior as well.

Had a chance to look over the build. Little different since you are a Titan, but looks largely solid. I find the Revenge cluster a neat idea--I expect you get a lot of mileage out of it. I also love trading in the amulet for the Unique that gives the pure +1 totem. This tech requires the +3 jewel to hit the level cap though, and that has become crazy expensive, so I don't know that I could copy or would recommend, but if you have the item, I think it's great.

If you want to experiment, it is possible that you might be tankier if you traded in everything north of the revenge cluster to focus on improving your max res. Whether that would be better is something you can only really assess by feel. If you were down for it, consider experimenting both ways, see how the build feels, and make a choice. I suspect you would also benefit from a 5 socket life/res Morior, which looks like it could be a significant upgrade over your current chest piece. You would have to drop Blasphemy, but 35% more life is better than 17% damage reduction on the math, unless there is something I am missing.

That's all I've got without actually playtesting it. Would be fun to see some video of it walking over the map types you challenged me to. :>


since many things in the build are based on enemies being cursed, dropping blasphemy is not only 17% less damage. they slow down based on curse, they are not regenerating. etc.

also the implicit 2.5% life regen is really significant.

i will check the morior in the next days and revert.

btw, i took the revenge mostly because i wanted a simple and easy way to cap chaos resistance. that cluster covers it.
Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jan 29, 2025, 11:43:35 AM
Orion72#3803 wrote:
Max Rezzes--Goal is 90/90/90/75*

This is certainly a typo, right? Can't be getting 75% chaos rez can we?

Not a typo. 90/90/90 ele 75 chaos. Absolutely doable. Will make doing ritual bsed content much more comfy. Worth.


How are you getting chaos rez? I seem to have missed it somewhere in the guide.
Orion72#3803 wrote:
Max Rezzes--Goal is 90/90/90/75*

This is certainly a typo, right? Can't be getting 75% chaos rez can we?

Not a typo. 90/90/90 ele 75 chaos. Absolutely doable. Will make doing ritual bsed content much more comfy. Worth.


How are you getting chaos rez? I seem to have missed it somewhere in the guide.

It's just a stat on gear. Amethyst ring also has some implicit. There is also a soul core that will grant 7% each if you are short.

This is certainly a typo, right? Can't be getting 75% chaos rez can we?[/quote]

Not a typo. 90/90/90 ele 75 chaos. Absolutely doable. Will make doing ritual bsed content much more comfy. Worth.


How are you getting chaos rez? I seem to have missed it somewhere in the guide.[/quote]

It's just a stat on gear. Amethyst ring also has some implicit. There is also a soul core that will grant 7% each if you are short.

Okay I'll try and buy different gear, it's just hard balancing stats because of the dex and int requirements we need to get on the gear for giants blood too.

How impactful is 1% extra max rez, do you know the math?

Okay I'll try and buy different gear, it's just hard balancing stats because of the dex and int requirements we need to get on the gear for giants blood too.

How impactful is 1% extra max rez, do you know the math?

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