ES is broken

Herbeh#6842 wrote:

You cant reach 5k life, at least I havent seen it. And 50% PDR is just PHYSICAL DAMAGE

You know the whole --->P<--- in PDR???

Learn what things mean before using them.

Youll want to look at max hit not EHP when determining what is a good defense and not. EHP does not help you once you have base max hit high enough.

Also when it comes to large hits, I dont know if you know this about armour or not, but its less effective.

50% PDR to a mob attacking you is not the same as 50% PDR to a boss slamming you.

The larger the hit the less relative armour becomes.

ES doesnt discriminate for this. Thats why to survive boss slams in POE you need 60k+ armour (which you cant get in POE2)

I love that you keep just rabidly saying JUST PDR as if phys damage isn't the most common type with almost every monster attack doing a portion of phys. Armor also gets immunity to fire damage from hits on the tree (which mitigates ignite damage in poe 2) and ES is far weaker to chaos unless you go CI. Evasion and block work against spells now too so they got a huge buff. Our 2 melee ascendancies also get crazy defenses in their trees. You're being silly

So I have actually done the calculation I just want to see if anyone here knows just how much armour youd need to mitigate... even a 5k hit and survive.

Lets say I have 4000 health.

Now I know how much armour you need, but lets see what you guys come up with for an armour value id need to survive a 5k hit at 4k health.

We already know that you need 5000 ES(assuming 1 health) so lets just wait and see what you guys think you need in terms of armour.
Last edited by Poe2WarriorMan#6401 on Dec 17, 2024, 4:05:38 PM
The idea is of course that life based builds have better access to mitigation. And in the current environment, where sustain is limited, that might actually work. Or maybe not. The META hasn't settled quite yet. One thing is certain, though - JUST looking at raw HP versus ES numbers is too simple.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

So I have actually done the calculation I just want to see if anyone here knows just how much armour youd need to mitigate... even a 5k hit and survive.

They said the armor calculation is different, so you're probably wrong, but people did that all the time in poe forgetting that 5k pure phys hits are EXTREMELY rare. The most dangerous things I've encountered with my sorc are the crabs (yes the ones from the start) in maps that spit out 10 projectiles at once. Armor makes those kinds of attacks completely ignorable
andreasresch1312#3077 wrote:
My pure ES sorceress with her 2000 ES can't even survive the wimpiest white poison spewer in T1 maps. I'm certainly not going pure ES again anytime soon. At least not at that stage of ES quantity.

Your chaos res? ES takes 2x chaos dmg. You HAVE to get it capped. 4k ES is where things start feeling ok, with capped res (all of them)

The game for better or worse is balanced around 75% to all res for ALL builds. Saying ES is bad without capped res and giving up on it is going to yield the same result with armor or eva, worse even.
Last edited by BossOfThisGym#2062 on Dec 17, 2024, 4:34:34 PM
Herbeh#6842 wrote:

So I have actually done the calculation I just want to see if anyone here knows just how much armour youd need to mitigate... even a 5k hit and survive.

They said the armor calculation is different, so you're probably wrong, but people did that all the time in poe forgetting that 5k pure phys hits are EXTREMELY rare. The most dangerous things I've encountered with my sorc are the crabs (yes the ones from the start) in maps that spit out 10 projectiles at once. Armor makes those kinds of attacks completely ignorable

The armour formula for POE2 is the exact same they have not stated it behaves differently sorry.

Theres even a reddit thread that did the calculation as well for several hits and they are all absurd values. Its why people are memeing on others who are going with armour instead of evasion at the moment.

Phrazz#3529 wrote:
The idea is of course that life based builds have better access to mitigation. And in the current environment, where sustain is limited, that might actually work. Or maybe not. The META hasn't settled quite yet. One thing is certain, though - JUST looking at raw HP versus ES numbers is too simple.

It really is that simple though.

People are beating the pinaccle boss on these ES builds because they just have the ability to stand in mechanics and cheese the game.

You cant do that on any other build and there is no equivalent in defense available to them.

A 5k hit mitigation wise is not obtainable by armour, its too high of a requirement (still waiting for the people who seem to know how much armour youll need for this by the way, I know the answer and their silence tells me they either dont know or do and dont like the answer)

(still waiting for the people who seem to know how much armour youll need for this by the way, I know the answer and their silence tells me they either dont know or do and dont like the answer)

You need around 22k armor to cut a 5k hit in half. Are you happy?

But you keep arguing like armor is the only source of mitigation to be found on the bottom side of the tree. Anyhow, I'm not saying they are equal, I'm saying that everything in the game hasn't been "found out" yet, but I've also seem some clips of VERY tanky HP characters that can facetank most.

I do agree, the numbers are huge and my initial though was indeed "this can't be right". But I haven't explored the tree enough to really know.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Dec 17, 2024, 4:48:41 PM
Yeah health needs to be adjusted to be on par with ES.

I think with a decent level of investment most health based characters should be able to achieve between 3.5-4.5k life at least (even that would still feel low with how much damage you can take).

No, it does not.

Characters that heavily invest in ES usually have 0 armour and 0 evasion, apart from some hybrid armour types.

The reason for high ES vs. life pool is due to pure ES builds have none of the other 3 base defenses.
They absorb the whole hit.
Isnt like armour/es nodes between warrior and sorceress are not too far from warrior start to try to utilize em if you struggle to get a lot of pure health?

Both sides of the tree have different struggles to overcome in a current mess. While 10k es is not that hard to achieve, but theres no easy means of regenerating it other than, well, regeneration. Any form of DoT blocks it, any small tickle either, and theres not that much utility to overcome them. So witch/sorc can make larger pools of es that gets gobbled by every sneeze, while warrior has more access to make hp+es pool incredibly effective and regen them by a potion gulp, but an unlucky hit that breaks through block/evasion/armour does huge damage.
Nerfing ES wont solve the issue though - proper scaling means huge investment, that damages the overall DPS, so ES stackers mostly trade off speed of progression for relative safety. Its the health stacking that need some work.

The fun fact is that ES stacking was born of the current game state. Punishment is so high for failing that its' better to waste 20 mins on bosses than hours of grinding sanctum/ulti/breach/deli for a chance to succeed again. Game is supporting low risk with higher rewards. Warrior are trying to repeat this same feeling, but recources to achieve the same result are different or nonexistent. Currently, the upper side of the tree can be presented by more options, idk, but that doesnt' mean taking that away is the best solution - its the actual gameplay flow that requires a proper understanding.
Last edited by Querker#1809 on Dec 17, 2024, 4:52:05 PM
Friend with less investment in his build than me gets frozen and then hit by entire combos from a difficulty 4 pinnacle boss and loses half his 14k Energy Shield *which then regens back to full automatically within two seconds.*

Meanwhile I have to find t8+ Life, Strength, Armor and Evasion rolls on every single piece of gear I equip to try to reach 3k life and 75% hybrid defenses in order to survive a *single one* of the same boss's attacks on a *lower difficulty* with 20% of my health left, *which I then have to replenish with a limited supply of flask charges or have a dedicated physical life leech setup on my second weapon set.*

The notion that Energy Shield can be defended in its current state is absolutely insane. You literally AFK in front of bosses, take 30% of your globally-applicable autoshield from their strongest attacks, and then watch it go back up on its before their next one can even land.
I told everyone lol ziz has a 20k build and he just made a video about it

Its like I already knew this but lets just have more reinforcement on it

Like you should MAX get about 8k and thats with like ... crazy cracked gear

Should hover around the 4-6k range for normal play. But there NEEDS to be something that happens on the armour/evasion part of the tree to even STILL come close to the ammount of extra defense you get from ES.

For reference you can STRUGGLE to get 4-4.2k life WITH warriors 15% health ascendancy.

There just isnt anything yet that is remotely close to the ammount of defense you get from just stacking ES.

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