No AH still ? Entire Discord is Quitting because out of touch in 24'

No AH is a GOOD THING ! AH will kill the game, believe me i've seen it. I agree with GGG, trading should stay as it is. Even the currency exchange is too much already.
They have implemented ah for currency only which is a good gold sync.. I see no reason not to implement it for all items? I hope this is the future....
fizo1#6088 wrote:
No AH is a GOOD THING ! AH will kill the game, believe me i've seen it.
So just because you believe so the rest of us should get no AH? That's something most people here can agree on that the current trade system is a pain in the ass.
Last edited by Afura#6483 on Dec 24, 2024, 9:28:09 AM
Afura#6483 wrote:
fizo1#6088 wrote:
No AH is a GOOD THING ! AH will kill the game, believe me i've seen it.
So just because you believe so the rest of us should get no AH? That's something most people here can agree on that the current trade system is a pain in the ass.

You should understand poe1's roots of tribalism against d3. Many people have PTSD flashbacks when you mention an AH. Also, a lot of people make millions of dollars off of this game's black market, and you can expect they'll have organized resistance pushing back against something like an AH.
Seqqsy#2291 wrote:
Yeah man, let me spend 45 minutes negotiating with people from Thailand or Chinese who can barely speak english

extremely racist. be better.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
girng#7675 wrote:
Seqqsy#2291 wrote:
Yeah man, let me spend 45 minutes negotiating with people from Thailand or Chinese who can barely speak english

extremely racist. be better.

news flash from girng, not being racist allows you to speak all language in the world. or maybe gring is simply insane and hateful
Last edited by SerialF#4835 on Dec 24, 2024, 12:49:07 PM
SerialF#4835 wrote:
girng#7675 wrote:
Seqqsy#2291 wrote:
Yeah man, let me spend 45 minutes negotiating with people from Thailand or Chinese who can barely speak english

extremely racist. be better.

news flash from girng, not being racist allows you to speak all language in the world. or maybe gring is simply insane and hateful

nope. how about instead of making fun of their English, help them out with it during a trade.

also, making a blanket statement like that is not true. i know a lot of Chinese people that speak good English. it's also degrading because some of my friends spent a lot of time taking ESL courses. we shouldn't degrade the people that try. that's not right.

"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
girng#7675 wrote:

nope. how about instead of making fun of their English, help them out with it during a trade.

also, making a blanket statement like that is not true. i know a lot of Chinese people that speak good English. it's also degrading because some of my friends spent a lot of time taking ESL courses. we shouldn't degrade the people that try. that's not right.

noone is degrading anyone. it s in your head.
as for helping : are you the author of "how to learn any language in 24 minutes over a chat, the trick they dont want you to learn" ?
I am not sure why you guys taking the "this is racist !!!!!!" cop out when the purpose of my statement is that often than not, there is a language barrier. 85% of the people I trade with can barely speak English ... how can you be this dense ?


thank you for proving my point when you say " just pay what is asked " ... YEAH ??? so how is that different than posting something on AH with a buyout price ????

It is 2024 ... it is not 2012 ... imagine holding onto ancient trading systems because you are afraid it is going to kill this "fake" af social aspect of the game. Me finding an item + msging someone + having them to come to my hideout + trading + kicking them from the party ... is the exact same thing as having an AH with a buyout. Actually insane that this garbage system carried over from POE1. Oh well, when people vote with their wallet and it becomes a pain point I am sure THEN they will address it.
Seqqsy#2291 wrote:
Yeah man, let me spend 45 minutes negotiating with people from Thailand or Chinese who can barely speak english about high ticket price items. Imagine thinking you know better than the community and not implementing AH. Oh well, I guess you don't want any newcomers and noobs to enjoy the game (e.g., every single one of them ... every single one ... hates trading on a website)

Imagine getting this simple thing wrong and losing revenue because of it LOL.

So far in PoE2 (yes I realize this isnt the PoE2 forum) my favorite are the Chinese who ignore your whisper and reprice their item 5x as much once you msg them. Good times.

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