No AH still ? Entire Discord is Quitting because out of touch in 24'

For the thousand time The Developers of Path of Exile Do Not want Trade to be good.

They have said it. They want trade to suck.

Your basically going to McDonald's and asking for a whopper.

It's not in the cards it's not the goal it's not something they need to get better at it's not what they want in their game.

They don't care if it loses them players..they don't care if it cost them money it's the system they want with all. The annoying stupid frustrating bs included.

Do I agree with them? Somewhat if we had I stand trading we would have bots buying everything, no more snagging good deals, gearing and build a character would be too easy and I'd probably end up playing private leagues for a challenge.

Is it fun? No not initially. But it leads to a more engaging overall character. Imo. If you want ez trade go play another ARPG
how? poe is better in every single way. poe2 is ruthless mode from poe made into a new game. i cant imagine the majority of players sticking with poe2 when they have a fresh poe league

Yes, I personally will be going back to POE 1.
POE 2 just isn't the right game for me.

Never even left POE1. If I wanted to play ruthless with sanctum and ultimatum I would have done so a long time ago but I never did. POE2 is fine I guess but it's not for me.

Edit: I think the orange part is the real reason why we don't have a new poe1 league. They are afraid that poe2 would look bad then!

What a joke, like I'm going to go back to poe1 and do the same things again, grind the same atlas again, unveil everything again, delve grind again, recruit heisters again, click on the league mechanic and kill the league monsters, get bored and go lobotomize myself farming divines again for no reason, then go on reddit and complain about random stuff and "when's next league."

Just look at current poe1 numbers and notice that if the next league doesn't look AMAZING, no one is going to give a crap. At least Poe2 has potential to be good.
Last edited by AnimePillowCollector#2255 on Dec 28, 2024, 5:20:35 AM
about high ticket price items

low balling?

They list 10d and you pay 10d , the deal is usually done......
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
i think its good that low skill players quit en masse, because if ggg caved in to your demands and made an auction house it would negatively affect the game

welcome to world of warcraft where 99% of gold is farmed by bots

please ggg do not add an auction house for lazy players who dont want to craft their own gear
i think its good that low skill players quit en masse, because if ggg caved in to your demands and made an auction house it would negatively affect the game

welcome to world of warcraft where 99% of gold is farmed by bots

please ggg do not add an auction house for lazy players who dont want to craft their own gear

Imo they should remove the ability to trade completely and slightly adjust the drop rates, so everyone is SSF automatically.

But they live of their little RMT companies, so that won't happen.
I have always said GGG like anyother company out here doesn't care about their consumers they only care about their profits, end of story.

They will destroy this game if they have to just to protect their HideOut microtransaction sales

This is why they will never implement an Auction HOuse cause nobody would buy those stupid HideOuts if nobody came to visit and see it which happens to be traders.

Meanwhile 70% of request to buy will go unanswered and most of it will just be scammers and price fixers
KingHadu#3474 wrote:

This is why they will never implement an Auction HOuse cause nobody would buy those stupid HideOuts if nobody came to visit and see it which happens to be traders.

I hope it won't gonna happen. Your Abuse House is just another way to ruin the game.

What a joke, like I'm going to go back to poe1 and do the same things again, grind the same atlas again, unveil everything again, delve grind again, recruit heisters again, click on the league mechanic and kill the league monsters, get bored and go lobotomize myself farming divines again for no reason, then go on reddit and complain about random stuff and "when's next league."

Apart from the reddit thing this is exactly what we did for the last 12 years and if you don't like it the game just insn't for you! Once POE2 is fully released you'll have the same 3-4 month league cycle of doing everything over and over again and just get a new league mechanic on top.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
I love whispering 10x people who post an item / reagent for a specific price just to be ignored by them all for 2 hours and watching them constantly price fix or edit to numbers that make no sense. I love it. Jk .... I am a business consultant irl and I've dealt with devs like these my entire life. They actually have no idea what is good or bad for the game ... Watch the numbers slowly bleed into the new year because no one wants to sit there and interact with others over 1 exalt items for 20 mins.
Seqqsy#2291 wrote:
I love whispering 10x people who post an item / reagent for a specific price just to be ignored by them all for 2 hours and watching them constantly price fix or edit to numbers that make no sense. I love it. Jk .... I am a business consultant irl and I've dealt with devs like these my entire life. They actually have no idea what is good or bad for the game ... Watch the numbers slowly bleed into the new year because no one wants to sit there and interact with others over 1 exalt items for 20 mins.

hahaha, GGG's net income is over $80m NZD per year for the past few years, I'm sure they know how to conduct their business better than the armchair experts
"You want it to be one way, but it's the other way"
Last edited by MarloStanfield#2928 on Dec 28, 2024, 3:02:52 PM

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