Exp loss on death topics are getting out of hand.

MrPedez#4934 wrote:
Then dont play ffs, its that simple. If u feel like its waste of time then just dont play, most arpg players are used to xp loss on death and its perfectly fine as it is and prevents people from going full glasscannon fastest way to lvl 100. Its pointless to have absolutely no penalty for dying and it would just trivialize the game and lvl 100 would not feel like an accomplishment but rather just a proof of how many hours u played on that char

If everyone "just doesn't play" the game dies.
No most arpg players are not "used to" having their time wasted and completely not respected by the game.
No it does not prevent people from going full glass-cannon, in fact in this game because of the sad state defenses are in people are just going full damage because if they can clear the screen before a mob touches them then they don't lose exp or the map. This game actively encourages the playstyle you so much want to keep out of it, very nice.
Having no penalty for dying doesn't trivialize a game, just look at literally any fun game that doesn't have these cbt overly-punishing mechanics that PoE does, these death penalties are the result of "The Vision" poisoning this game and nothing else.
Lvl100 isn't an "accomplishment" to the average player, most people don't care. And it's expected to reach max level at some point in an rpg anyway, this design makes no sense and devs can be wrong about a game lol

And finally, the hilarious and ironic thing is that lvl100 right now is just a meaningless badge of honor saying "look at me I spent 1000 hours in low-tier,safe,easy content to grind this out all day". It's far from being an achievement lol

Just a reminder that nobody in the world is lvl100 yet. Only 3 lvl99s, 2 Stormweavers and 1 Invoker. I'd bet all 3 of em are giga meta ES-stacking builds with gear worth at least a mirror each. And they probably play all day, and 3 weeks into EA none of them have reached 100. When it's this bad the problem lies in the game, no amount of "skill issue" spam can dismiss that.
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
I think u misunderstand my intentions, im not trying to get xp loss removed i think its perfectly fine as it is and definitely should not be removed at all. I dont understand how anyone can be so obsessed with this

People don't like having their time wasted and deleted in a videogame, that's why so many people hate this outdated mechanic from D2 and other ancient games. The year is almost 2025, it's time for PoE to move on already lmao
Then dont play ffs, its that simple. If u feel like its waste of time then just dont play, most arpg players are used to xp loss on death and its perfectly fine as it is and prevents people from going full glasscannon fastest way to lvl 100. Its pointless to have absolutely no penalty for dying and it would just trivialize the game and lvl 100 would not feel like an accomplishment but rather just a proof of how many hours u played on that char

"Don't play" is a smart answer. If you want the game to die.. perfect response to an opinion in a feedback forums " don't play then " lol

They can certainly balance it out more & they probably will. And when they do I assume you won't ask them to change it back. Lol... Feedback forums = opinions on the state of game and personal anecdotal experience. If you don't like these opinions "go to another forum"
Last edited by PhillipBurns#5461 on Dec 26, 2024, 5:34:48 AM
mrfox123#7595 wrote:
KuroSF#6521 wrote:
We get that some people don't like XP loss on death.

I personally love the XP loss on death. (81 monk)

I find it creates a real pressure to think through how i'm approaching maps that would be absent if I could just headbut them and die over and over.

I personally don't love hardcore, because the death penalty is too harsh, especially because deaths are often unpredictable. XP loss provides some of that same pressure to "play to avoid death" without the harsh hardcore penalty, and that's what I love most about it.

I don't think any of this is the issue for mainstream audiences...

I think the actual issues have to do with allowing users to understand what is happening in the game.

- why is my build 20x worse than another?
- why is this gem failing to fit or cut?
- why did the skills on my bar go? (gem attribute failure)
- how do you cut a low-level gem when you need one?
- what do i do when my build is messed up when i have no gold?
- what killed me?

These issues are far more pivotal for the mainstream than xp on death.

As i mentioned earlier. A few leagues back in PoE1 i finally got around and made a fairly self-made build that could get through almost all the content, though bosses would be a tad slow to kill.

First since supporting the game since the closed beta where i hit the end-game mapping, and thought to myself that now would be the time where i would settle for lvl 100, without utilizing the afk exp farms...

I had to concede at 96 after i'm fairly certain i had a week if not more of progress erased from dying to random things such as the exploding porcupines or reflect enemies hiding among the masses.

Losing this exp, hours upon hours of progress was not fun. Farming the easiest maps possible that gave a modicum of exp was not fun. Not being able to engage with the league mechanics due to their risk of killing you, was not fun.

All this exp-loss does, is to make it so that you end up actively avoiding the parts of the game you are suppose to have fun with if you want to level, cause otherwise the game goes full on "fuck you".

Exactly, the game just makes players avoid all the content they want to run while adding absolutely nothing of value to the game. Only frustration,annoyance and wasting people's time. "Go play something else" is no argument at all, we're here to give feedback on a game in order to improve it. That's what these forums are.
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
I think u misunderstand my intentions, im not trying to get xp loss removed i think its perfectly fine as it is and definitely should not be removed at all. I dont understand how anyone can be so obsessed with this

People don't like having their time wasted and deleted in a videogame, that's why so many people hate this outdated mechanic from D2 and other ancient games. The year is almost 2025, it's time for PoE to move on already lmao
Then dont play ffs, its that simple. If u feel like its waste of time then just dont play, most arpg players are used to xp loss on death and its perfectly fine as it is and prevents people from going full glasscannon fastest way to lvl 100. Its pointless to have absolutely no penalty for dying and it would just trivialize the game and lvl 100 would not feel like an accomplishment but rather just a proof of how many hours u played on that char

Do you realise you are telling people that are trying to give argumentative feedback to "just don't play"?

Last edited by blombaklats#5298 on Dec 26, 2024, 5:37:21 AM
Toforto#2372 wrote:

Exactly, the game just makes players avoid all the content they want to run while adding absolutely nothing of value to the game. Only frustration,annoyance and wasting people's time. "Go play something else" is no argument at all, we're here to give feedback on a game in order to improve it. That's what these forums are.

And funny enough, not even the souls argument really works for the exp-loss. With the facts that you can always recover the exp there, there is usually one or more easy to farm exp locations in the game or if you are good enough, just farm a bunch of bosses.

There is to say, multiple good avenues to farm exp in a souls game without being completely screwed over.
mrfox123#7595 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:

Exactly, the game just makes players avoid all the content they want to run while adding absolutely nothing of value to the game. Only frustration,annoyance and wasting people's time. "Go play something else" is no argument at all, we're here to give feedback on a game in order to improve it. That's what these forums are.

And funny enough, not even the souls argument really works for the exp-loss. With the facts that you can always recover the exp there, there is usually one or more easy to farm exp locations in the game or if you are good enough, just farm a bunch of bosses.

There is to say, multiple good avenues to farm exp in a souls game without being completely screwed over.

Good point. Like yes PoE1 has XP loss but what else does it have that PoE2 currently does not have? Other avenues in which they can farm experience points.

If they kept the game the way it is now but removed XP penalty, I guarantee the OP would still play & try to beat the end game content if he has not already. Just my assumption though.

mrfox123#7595 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:

Exactly, the game just makes players avoid all the content they want to run while adding absolutely nothing of value to the game. Only frustration,annoyance and wasting people's time. "Go play something else" is no argument at all, we're here to give feedback on a game in order to improve it. That's what these forums are.

And funny enough, not even the souls argument really works for the exp-loss. With the facts that you can always recover the exp there, there is usually one or more easy to farm exp locations in the game or if you are good enough, just farm a bunch of bosses.

There is to say, multiple good avenues to farm exp in a souls game without being completely screwed over.

Good point. Like yes PoE1 has XP loss but what else does it have that PoE2 currently does not have? Other avenues in which they can farm experience points.

If they kept the game the way it is now but removed XP penalty, I guarantee the OP would still play & try to beat the end game content if he has not already. Just my assumption though.

XP-loss in poe1 was a thing back when it had only 2 acts, maps were as rare as exalts and exp farming was a myth
Farming salt on the forums since 2024
XP-loss in poe1 was a thing back when it had only 2 acts, maps were as rare as exalts and exp farming was a myth

That's all the proof you need that this mechanic is outdated lmao
XP-loss in poe1 was a thing back when it had only 2 acts, maps were as rare as exalts and exp farming was a myth

And yet they added more systems to get experience points. That's called balance. Also, I'm pretty sure they didn't have maps when it was only two acts.

When they released the full version, they came in either at the same time or after that.

Pretty sure players were giving feedback, back then. And yet here we are today, complaining about feedback that might shape PoE2 into the forever game we all want.
The game wont die because of xp loss on death poe 1 have it and so did D2 and its is still being played 25 yeaars later and a lot of other arpg's have xp loss on death its actually a common feature, so YES most arpg players are used to xp loss on death. What u really should be asking for is being allowed to use the 6 portals like you could in poe 1

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