Please remove Corpse Explosions from Poe2

QticaX#4168 wrote:
Corpse Explosion aka Detonate Dead should be on only specific rare mobs (witches)
as that would pay homage to Burial Chambers boss in POE1.. and Diablo 2 DD was only found on her or T17s bosses if I remember correctly if juiced through div or essence.

DD is so deadly its insane.

The issue with it is its hard to see or hear

Diablo 2 had corpse explosion and one of the deadliest spells that Nilathak used but what was unique about Corpse Explosion on D2 is the sound you know its coming also because it has a long cast frame usually.

Great idea. I concur.
this is one of the primary reasons i just couldn't continue on my warrior, despite the fact of them murdering one of the only viable clear skills (armor explosion) the character is just too slow to get out of the way in the little time you have before the corpse pop. most of the time the ground effect glow up is hidden behind shrubbery and whatnot.

Don't even get me started on the drowning orbs
jollyjewbagel#4794 wrote:
this is one of the primary reasons i just couldn't continue on my warrior, despite the fact of them murdering one of the only viable clear skills (armor explosion) the character is just too slow to get out of the way in the little time you have before the corpse pop. most of the time the ground effect glow up is hidden behind shrubbery and whatnot.

Don't even get me started on the drowning orbs

Yep. Visual clarity is not a thing that has been fixed in maps. Game doesn't feel methodical in there either. Unfortunately as it stands, late game is PoE1 with less customization, more on death, and worse movement skills.
The [usually] well telegraphed corpse explosion is an annoyance but I'm OK with it being in the game. It hurts if you're close to the blue [purple?] boom but at least you have warning if there aren't ground effects [fog] whatever obscuring the telegraph.

On death explosions though can be bad. I don't mind the guys that carry logs (?) that keep standing on death, turn red, expand like a balloon, and then pop as that move seems to be telegraphed well enough.

Then again I've seen streemers with "tons of effects" on the screen die repeatedly to it so there MIGHT be an arguement to somehow stress the "tells" that something bad is about to happen so it stands out when there is 'visual vomit' on the screen.
I play without sound, and one friend too as he cant hear.
I emphasize the visual component.

The issue with it is its hard to see or hear

In poe1 ce blinked several times very visible before it exploded - a visible effect like the purple chaos
Puddles in poe2 on ground. You could encounter it everywhere. Found it sufficient to get to 100 in hc per league - would be great if i can scale opacity for dangerous effects to keep them visible for me, and opacity for objects hiding ground as i need to see that.

In poe several rares / mobs can be on screen.. i dont want to click them to understand their mods. Not sure if that works better with icons..

Other than that.. fine with ce.
Last edited by Storylyne#1859 on Dec 30, 2024, 1:56:19 AM
With 8k life (mana) doesn't save you from a random corpse explosion. GGG should remove those killjoy mechanics from this game. It's not a challenging mechanic but cussed.
so explode the corpses yourself?

I don't have this issue because i blow up all corpses.

Step 1 is to self reflect.
Tier2#1673 wrote:
well your right checked the skill ( occultist) it deals fire damage but the hp sclaing part is pysical so its even worse you cant mitigate big physcal hits because armor mecanic is still shit vs big hits.

i had around 2.5k armor and still took over 3.5k dmg its just rediculus

I'm sorry, I just can't with...


2.5k armor? That's a t-shirt and boxer shorts my dude. That's a swimsuit. That's a $3 foam surfboard as a shield.

I can get that on a single chest armor with zero investment into the tree...and you want 2.5k armor to save you from AN EXPLOSION?

I need to go lay down, I'm obviously far too old for this.
Tier2#1673 wrote:
well your right checked the skill ( occultist) it deals fire damage but the hp sclaing part is pysical so its even worse you cant mitigate big physcal hits because armor mecanic is still shit vs big hits.

i had around 2.5k armor and still took over 3.5k dmg its just rediculus

I'm sorry, I just can't with...


2.5k armor? That's a t-shirt and boxer shorts my dude. That's a swimsuit. That's a $3 foam surfboard as a shield.

I can get that on a single chest armor with zero investment into the tree...and you want 2.5k armor to save you from AN EXPLOSION?

I need to go lay down, I'm obviously far too old for this.

That is the Point why does a random corpse explosion so massivly mutch physical damage that all characters whitout 20k armor or 10 k es just die in one hit. its not a boss slam its a random thing out of nowere you cant react to. at least in poe 1 it was fire damage so you take only 1/4 of its damage now you just take 90-100% of it because armor isnt an option for 5 out of the 6 classes.

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