Once again ,95% players suffer because of elitists which are minority

''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...
Last edited by Werdx_1#3669 on Jan 13, 2025, 1:20:36 AM
Last bumped on Jan 13, 2025, 8:46:20 PM
If that were true there wouldn't be new builds being created by these Youtubers. Builds exist, find them.
did you mis the bit where they said they were going to make entry maps a lot easier and then smooth the curve up to the higher tier maps? or the bit where they said they were going to buff up all the underperforming skills?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
If you're just hearing about economy resets, then it sucks to be you.
And about LE and D4, I hate to break it to ya...

Who the fuck cares about the economy of a beta realm anyway? Find a way to have fun, not this nonsense.
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

If first ever league they made 700div in 13days, you can bet your ass they will make 700divs in 7 days for the next league as they're not going in blind anymore.

It's always been this way for POE, in-depth knowledge is invaluable in generating currency & progress.
spitzer#5898 wrote:
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

If first ever league they made 700div in 13days, you can bet your ass they will make 700divs in 7 days for the next league as they're not going in blind anymore.

It's always been this way for POE, in-depth knowledge is invaluable in generating currency & progress.

Please, nobody is making hundreds of divines. Anyone who has gear worth hundreds of divines has 100% paid for it with real money at one of the various shadowy websites which are actually owned by Tencent. “Knowledge” my foot.
spitzer#5898 wrote:
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

If first ever league they made 700div in 13days, you can bet your ass they will make 700divs in 7 days for the next league as they're not going in blind anymore.

It's always been this way for POE, in-depth knowledge is invaluable in generating currency & progress.

Please, nobody is making hundreds of divines. Anyone who has gear worth hundreds of divines has 100% paid for it with real money at one of the various shadowy websites which are actually owned by Tencent. “Knowledge” my foot.

Uhh are you OK?

I literally made 100's of divine by selling the top meta build this season - spark stormweaver's wand?

It's not mirror tier, but due to the demand that shit sells so well, and i'm not even selling big-ticket wands, just 20-50divs ones.

Also, made a min of 50divs selling HOWAs when it was 8-9div a piece, breachstone is so plentiful that you can average a full stone every 30mins.

Also, made a min of 50divs selling morriors when it was still fresh, and people are selling their fragments instead of doing arbiters. I'm not even selling big-ticket +res+atr morrior, just the common ones at 5-15divs a piece.

I don't claim i have 700divs in my gear+stash, but i definately have 100+ of divs sitting in my stash now just waiting the next patch, I'm level97 with no meaningful upgrades to buy anymore anyway.

You know what i paid real money for? Supporter pack to GGG.

It's early access. We try things, we break things, we ruin the economy, we get nerfs and buffs and at some point we all have to start over because this is the only way to find out if it can break again.

If you're not comfortable with playtesting and frequent (hard) resets, then I can only tell you that this is not the right time to play this game for you - wait until the game is released in this case.

Please, nobody is making hundreds of divines. Anyone who has gear worth hundreds of divines has 100% paid for it with real money at one of the various shadowy websites which are actually owned by Tencent. “Knowledge” my foot.

nah nah, trust me m8, people can make that much currency. a mirror is currently 500 divines, you dont think people have legitimately made multiple mirrors by now?

if you dont know about poe economies, honestly, i guarantee you people are making this much currency from legit trading. theyre even streaming themselves doing it, you can watch them, people like belton will have their game open streaming 24/7 even when he sleeps and he will show you how he is making currency.

in poe1 settlers a mirror is 840 divines. ive gone to leagues and traded my way into mirrors and im nobody, im not even capable of 5% of what the real big shakers can manage every league.

people will find things like a craft or an exchange where they can invest 0.5 divines and make 1.5 divines back, and it will take them a minute to execute. so then they can make say 40 divines in an hour day 1 doing that then invest it into something that will be worth 200 divines by day 3, but theyre logged in 16 hours a day doing this shit. thats what they did with 1 of those hours. theyre not even playing the game.

last time i cared about generating hard mirrors in a league i played the game enough to get to maps and then i sat in my hideout trading. a friend in my guild gave me 2 exalts to get going because he had already been playing the league for 2 weeks. from that point i didnt open a single map, i didnt play the game at all. i jumped hideout to hideout trading. all i did was trade and craft, i was awake 16 hours a day and slept on the sofa in my computer room with one eye open for big trade whispers. i made 2 mirrors in 4 days and then quit playing the league. took them back to standard and mirrored the 2 fancy items i wanted.

these people do things like that non stop all the time. they dont want 2 mirrors cause they seen a cool item they want, they want 40 mirrors in currency to craft a perfect item and then make 100 mirrors profit from running a service on it, and theyre insane enough to sit at their pc doing this shit for weeks, months even.

i just play self found now personally, my days of trading are long gone. but some people live for this stuff.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I'm very new to ARPGs and my first one was Diablo 4 and I absolutely loved it and this game is definitely different. This is coming from the perspective of a Dad with 4 kids and not as much time to play. I generally don't like it when any of these PVE games nerf builds, because I play games for fun and it's fun to be overpowered.

However, I can see it from the developer's perspective as well that you don't want a build in the game that is just 1 shotting pinnacle bosses. The counter to this is, the normal player isn't likely achieving this build.

IMO, I think you should make the campaign a bit more accessible in order to keep those newer players engaged with your game. It seems like when you make it to the mansion, the difficulty scale just goes crazy and I'd used the campaign to get people ready for the endgame.

Just for some additional perspective, I've also beat through the entire game to mapping in the endgame.

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