Once again ,95% players suffer because of elitists which are minority

skullder#7274 wrote:
Really dissapointed with GGG. They seem to prioritize streamers and content creators, nothing changed really since POE1 - should've expected this.

How do the prioritize them exactly? Why is this any concern to you that other people play the game more and get more items, it seems rather logical; you farm more you get more. Play the game and farm, ignore other people.
spitzer#5898 wrote:
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

If first ever league they made 700div in 13days, you can bet your ass they will make 700divs in 7 days for the next league as they're not going in blind anymore.

It's always been this way for POE, in-depth knowledge is invaluable in generating currency & progress.

Please, nobody is making hundreds of divines. Anyone who has gear worth hundreds of divines has 100% paid for it with real money at one of the various shadowy websites which are actually owned by Tencent. “Knowledge” my foot.

Weird, cause I've made the equivalent of about 500divs since release and my bank account is still intact.

if the nerd playing 20 hours a day has 100x more currency than the average player, then they double the amount of currency that drops all that will happen is everyone will have twice as much currency, everything will cost twice as much currency and the nerd still has 100x more currency than the average player.

nothing would change. currency isnt wealth, its the means by which wealth is distributed.

The "currrency" in the game isnt money, or gold, the currency has uses, e.g. exalted orbs are very useful for upgrading gear. And currently I dont have enough currency to craft the items I need to progress the game. If you play 20 hours a day your going to be rich no matter what. But the current rate of currency drop is detrimental to players who DONT spend 20 hours a day.

sure, some of that is true. the entire conversation has been about trade tho not about self found crafting.

i dont think time is really a factor, if you play 2 hours a day then in 10 days you find the same as the 20 hour in 1 day guy and you make the same amount of progression? its just spread out over more time? everyone self found crafting is basically in the same boat? just getting there at different speeds?

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
MF builds are making bank and the upshot of that is MF gear is now priced out of the range of people who don't have it

Currency being gated behind a stat on gear was an issue they got rid of in PoE1 and the realisation on Mark's face when they had repeated it was a bit telling, they apparently hadn't considered the issue, hopefully it will be addressed
Immoteph#2974 wrote:

Who the fuck cares about the economy of a beta realm anyway?

Exactly. Why reset it?
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Immoteph#2974 wrote:

Who the fuck cares about the economy of a beta realm anyway?

Exactly. Why reset it?

Because without an economy reset they can't tell if some changes are working as properly intended, especially if they are directly related to the economy

Also if everyone is on T15+ and they introduce a change to improve low level behaviour they need more data than just a willing few
Thats 95% of customers who wont be giving you any more money. Game Developers have no idea how to run a profitable company. Unless GGG can clean up thier shit they will go bankrupt as soon as that preorder purchase revenue runs out.
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Immoteph#2974 wrote:

Who the fuck cares about the economy of a beta realm anyway?

Exactly. Why reset it?

A stilted economy generates bad data. Non-meta skills and ascendancies don't get represented in the data if nobody is playing them or gearing for them, among other problems.
idgi, people should be relishing resets* as they bring the game closer to completion

And if 95% of the population stay in standard league or leave or whatever, they'll know that the new league didn't perform as intended and make changes based on feedback in that league
Last edited by Strangehill#1736 on Jan 13, 2025, 5:19:53 AM

Please, nobody is making hundreds of divines. Anyone who has gear worth hundreds of divines has 100% paid for it with real money at one of the various shadowy websites which are actually owned by Tencent. “Knowledge” my foot.

Most false statement I think ive ever seen.
I have 2 characters that are 90+ and the gear and jewels on those chars are worth several hundred divines and Ive never participated in rmt in any game.

If your good at the game and you play alot then you make alot of currency.

The problem is that your bad at the game but instead of being man enough to realise it and improve you just convince yourself that every1 else is "cheating".

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