Harvest Statistics: Challenges and Seeds

Last league by this time I was at 36 challenges, kinda pissed because of delirium lag (guess I need to upgrade from i5 4690k) but it was fine. This league i've been stalling and trying to hit lvl 96 to finish my character before rushing through challenges. In my opinion this league is very specific towards harvest while in delirium I think I've hit randomly 25 or 26 challenges just by running through delirium and completing atlas.

Really love crafting stuff but harvest seems lackluster in action, meaning that biggest challenge so far was getting ready with garden and then after harvesting not dying to after death effects from monsters. Kinda meh but sure it's fine.

All in all I'm pretty stoked for next league !
Every league I will aim for at least 36 and there is no difference this time round, I managed to achieve 36/40 in SSF.

Normally, I will try to push for 40/40 after that but not this league. I don't think I will be doing that as some of the challenges (i.e. Winged Scarab, harbinger) are just too RNG for me to even want to attempt it.
Wanted to add that so much players are complaining about difficulty of challenges. Srsly never had easier challenges in league. Only hard one is winged thing and that one u can simply buy seeds. Ofc 40/40 is only for hard core ppl that have 100+ float exalts for those bullshits. For you ssf folks notice "dont play ssf if u dont have A LOT of free time :D" That is point of ssf

Last edited by tomcruisejr#0959 on Jan 15, 2021, 7:14:38 AM
Hit 36 in SSF so far. I think a lot of what has kept me around (and coming back after a week long camping trip) is the crafting. No items are "almost good but vendor anyway" anymore. everything has a way to be fixed with harvest. really makes me want to keep crafting and playing. Playing since Closed Beta and only my second 36 haha.
0.38 lul
About challenges:
i think 36/40 is in great spot. Can be done without some heavy RNG gated thing. 40/40 on the other hand - i hate we have to get all winged scarabs. Should be 10 out of 14 or something, like it was before with similar challenges. So far i upgraded 4 and when i get upgrade, it is FeelsBadMan to be forced upgrade scarab which i dont want to even use (looking at you Torment and Perandus).

Portal is awesome and if i woudlnt be 40/40 guy past few leagues i would go for 36 just because of that.

End game grind is fine, personaly i hate delve 600 and rather see those 500 nodes/spend sulphite there.

Love Harvest crafting and cant wait to see how you would improve crafting in future based on this league data :)
Harvest is my favorite league alongside Betrayal and Incursion.

Years ago I've stopped to play HC because you introduced challenges. Amount of time and effort required for 36+ in SSF is ridiculous and incomparable with SC and sadly with same rewards. And in HC almost impossible to do some.
Only those who have no real life can do 36+

In Harvest ppl do 36 more not because it's a portal, because it's a great looking portal. PoE years lacks good nature themed mtx (fungal, nature, poison, spectre) but it seems you will fix that soon.
SSF only
0.38% :O 40/40 here go again
I'm working towards the portal effect, that is my objective right now.
I believe some challeges were way too RNG based - like the 5 essence, the delirium possessed boss. Sure, thera are ways to make it more likely to happen.
The winged scarab one were problematic too - needing to do all of it is way too much, isn't it? Maybe go like the unique map one, 10 out of 14.
My biggest problem is delirium implementation. i juice my maps, get a mirror, run like crazy and get only 9 shards (on a tier 16, awakening lvl 8 map). So, who the hell is the player you balance the shards drops around? Streamers?
300 shards with this rate were fine during delirium league. I belive we need a shard drop buff to compensate how rare it is for it do trigger at the first place. Or make them more commom/deterministic to appear.

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