Path of Exile: Heist Gem Information

Not impressed by new skills, totally not impressed by nerfs lol
Only hope for the league mechanics to be somewhat enjoyable...
"Projectiles deal up to 100% more Damage with Hits and Ailments per Steel Shard consumed at the start of their movement, lowering this bonus as they travel farther"

2 shards,
127.4% base damage
100% more per shard at close range
so... shattering steel now has more effective damage than EQ at close range, or am I reading the PER shard wrong.

I'm... a bit confused. Why is Pinpoint Support both increasing and decreasing projectile damage?
I would like to know why isnt ICESTORM on this list, do they not want to show how many storms it had in the first place as they reduced it to 5, come on ggg show us it, what are you trying to hide ?????
Ristle wrote:

I'm... a bit confused. Why is Pinpoint Support both increasing and decreasing projectile damage?

the 10 percent comes from quality, its addative, as in increased.
the 16 percent less is inheret and is a multiplicative modifier, like more.
the less mod is so that the support gem wouldnt just give you 90 percent more without a penalty if you dont use the intesify stacks
Spellslinger wasnt nerfed as hard as first mentioned, then? 25% res override compared to 30%-25%? Or is it just at lvl 20 which is shown?
Love the new format! Thanks for the "Show Differences" part <3
How does doom accumulate? What rates, and can we affect it with e.g. cast speed?
eexdee wrote:
doubledilly wrote:

This makes me sad I spent 5 hours theory crafting my GC miner


As i said before, if u position your GC correct, you have 200% more damage, so its higher then before

That is extremely clunky, and unlikely given most enemies move. It will be pure luck.
nerf nerf nerf nerf... and oh, yes nerf

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