Alternate Quality Gems in Path of Exile: Heist

What about awakened gems?
Some of these are very juicy.
there's a impale on hit from spell now, did i miss smth?
Even 10% seems quite huge with the impaler keystone
Earthquake Alternate Quality 1 20% increased Skill Effect Duration 60% increased Damage

i8s there one earthquake build with more duration ??? kind of weird one. it s not useless it makes it actually worse LUL.
so great ty GGG !!!
Krël wrote:
there's a impale on hit from spell now, did i miss smth?
Even 10% seems quite huge with the impaler keystone

Totally agree, ek looks incredibly interesting, champion ek sounds viable
Some of these are so awesome like Spark 3 putting Voltaxic Spark back on the table, but some are just "WTF IS THIS FOR?" like SRS having a max of two spirits? Why on Earth would I want that? Even for Popcorn Skulls you need them to die and not be recast to explode.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
Some are not bad and some are total crap.
Arcane Surge lasts 2 seconds. What? Are there more with 'Gives you xxx when you gain Arcane Surge'?

Also Toxic Rain + Mirage Archer are biiiig winners here. +2 Projectiles on each? Yes please
=))))))))))))))))))) the big scam is comming boys get ready
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