Massive CPU LAG spikes. Please help.

Same problem T_T. This has never happened to me in the rest of the leagues.

i7 3770k 4.4Ghz

16gb ddr3

1060 6gb

Windows 10. Engine Multi. (Enable). Engine Multi. (Disabled).
TL DR - Try Vulkan

I've had this issue of FPS stutter/freezes due to CPU only this league, never before. League start felt awful, every new zone is a poor experience, felt like game has to load something and lags because of it. My friend suggested bunch of thing to try and switching from Dx11 to Vulkan cured my problem

same problem for me rn,

terrible performance with the stutter lag's every 15-30sec's


Last edited by Dynglars#0209 on Feb 11, 2022, 3:04:24 PM
I've been having this problem too Constant CPU lag spikes from 8ms up to 150-200ms for a second, every few seconds.. Weirdly it didn't start until a few days into the league.

A stop gap solution is to open task manager, right click PathofExile.exe and goto "set affinity". Then i unselect my last two cores (I have a 4 core processor).

This fixes it but I think it lowers general performance a bit too.

I'm on Win 7 64bit i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz 16gb ram, GTX 980, old setup but this is the first time I've ever had this CPU lag problem. I use Vulkan.

Another thing to try is Control Panel\Power Options\ Edit Plan Settings, click advanced power settings. Goto Processor Power Managementa and set the maximum processor state to 90%.

Last edited by MrPing1000#5148 on Feb 11, 2022, 2:59:38 PM
A stop gap solution is to open task manager, right click PathofExile.exe and goto "set affinity". Then i unselect my last two cores (I have a 4 core processor).

This fixed it for me. I only enabled 4/8 cores which possibly disabled the HT (hyperthreading).
Runs smooth without a performance penalty.

i7 2600
gtx 1060 3Gb
20 Gb Ram
Here i come to try to fix all the problem


Do that and this but keep in mind you sacrifice some sound QoL.

Goto your folder with the loot filters and edit production_config.ini (I think its called that)

When you see the lines that say Ambience need to rewrite it to false and I recommend doing this to music and others.

After you removed the sounds you dont want you save your changes and make sure to set the file to "Read only" to avoid the game to alter the sound issues back.

What does this do? Basically it tells GGG to don't even create the sounds you blocked and it saves some processing power.

The only problems with this so far is that you will have to manually change the settings in the file so if you decide to change lootfilters from "leveling to warlordgamingking69".

(Psst you could also just delete the file, open the game and redo the whole upper section and delete the sounds you dont want)

Warm regards,
kosher gamer
LOOK BUDDY BOIII, this did not help. No sound, but also no difference in stutter.
its not graphics stutter its CPU stutter. something they did messed it all up.. game used to be so smooth. now its a stuttery mess. alot of ppl quit because of it.
LostInBad,Let me out
MrVaad wrote:
Do you see a spike in the shader line when you have those problems ?

You can try to empty the shader cache (and minimap cache while you're at it). You'll get some slowdowns until the cache is rebuilt.

And check the cpu usage per core like i explained in my previous post.

how can you empty shader cahce and minimap cache?

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