Transfigured Gems Part 5

Hello I am unable to decipher the exact mechanics of the Penance Brand of Dissipation. How many stacks of energy can one target acquire and in what conditions are these stacks removed? Thank you.
Question: Since the transfigured frost blades has a strike skill, if you get a +1 strike, does that create an additional cold dot AOE, and do those stack?
Is there a limit to how many "Swarms of ethereal blades" you can summon with Blade Vortex of the Scythe?
I sincerely hope these aren't all of them.
And I am now 100% convinced the devs held out on RF because they were watching the chat on Pohx's stream to nab the worst conceivable transfigured gem ideas for RF.
No rolling magma F
Have you even attempted to try to make it work? No? Then how can you POSSIBLY say its bad?
Why leave it final day... Smh bow builds eating good this league (really hate bow builds). 50% of the transfigured gems are dogwater, nice meta shift I guess
RFFFFF MANA is coool
Nice! RF bad

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