Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

fostaa wrote:
I hope you guys noticed the CD timer on today's teaser.
It looks like there would be even a few mods of countdown. Apparently this one shows the total CD and shadowed countdown timer. Well, that's a good QoL addition.

What CD timer? I have missed that
Hello everyone. Sorry for being such a NooB but what does this mean?
Static is a fixed value.
Dymanic is a flowing/changing value.

I always thought that all act-bosses and pinnacle bosses already had a set amount of health? If not, and they have a dynamic value how and what is it based on today?

Or is is it that Boos health can never be changed due to map mods, eg more health?
Last edited by Stridsfordon90 on Jul 10, 2024, 10:26:43 AM
Hello everyone. Sorry for being such a NooB but what does this mean?
Static is a fixed value.
Dymanic is a flowing/changing value.

I always thought that all act-bosses and pinnacle bosses already had a set amount of health, it always felt like sosses have always had a static value.

If not, and they have a dynamic value how and what is it based on today?

It just means that you can see their health bar all the time and not only, when you hover your cursor over them.
Ah..what...ok. Yes!

Thanks bud!
Mauseborg wrote:
Hello everyone. Sorry for being such a NooB but what does this mean?
Static is a fixed value.
Dymanic is a flowing/changing value.

I always thought that all act-bosses and pinnacle bosses already had a set amount of health, it always felt like sosses have always had a static value.

If not, and they have a dynamic value how and what is it based on today?

It just means that you can see their health bar all the time and not only, when you hover your cursor over them.

Ah..what...ok. Yes!

Thanks bud!

■■■ The anchor drops. ■■■ ⚓⚡🌊 ■■■ The winds are just right. ■■■ HoA is back! ■■■ 🌬️⛵☁️ ■■■ The Herald of Kalguur is docking! ■■■ 🌴🦂🌪️ ■■■

Last edited by Chromino on Jul 10, 2024, 10:58:44 AM
PoisonousLoli wrote:
These changes are awesome! Still waiting for wisdom and portal scrolls to be removed tho, that'll be one of the best days in history of poe

Yes, loot dropping identified and a small empty button to place a portal gem that drops in Hillock. One can only dream.
please bring back recombs, best QoL item added ever. did so much more crafting with recombs and playing. Sentinel was awesome. The above improvements look good too.
Last edited by b44dss on Jul 10, 2024, 12:49:39 PM
Xernobog wrote:
please bring back recombs, best QoL item added ever. did so much more crafting with recombs and playing. Sentinel was awesome. The above improvements look good too.

recombinators hardly qualify as QoL. not saying i dislike them but they have nothing to do with QoL

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