Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

DragonSound wrote:
While I do not mind the bandit quest change, kinda neat choices, adding another required step to the campaign to get all our skill points feels bad man.

A lot of us are so tired of the acts and this just ads one more step to each run.

Again not the biggest deal but I really want some relief for my alts.

What do you mean another step? The bandit quest was already mandatory as you need the item to open the gate in the caverns and the other quest already gives a skillpoint so you would do it anyway.
What exactly will take longer?
MLGonthorian wrote:
The nerf teasers are in early this season. Can't wait to see the full patch notes for the full nerfs.

All I ever see you doing on this forum is complain.
POE is a game in constant change, if you can't adapt to it then don't play standard.
From the comments it seems like most people didn't even realise they still get 2 passive points from killing all bandits, the bandit stats have been nerfed but they are the equivalent of 1 passive only now and the stats are generic good so they are useful for most builds now.
Or are you telling me people hate acts so much they don't even do the quest that give skill points and intentionally make their character weaker for what takes a few minutes?
Last edited by demon7310 on Jul 14, 2024, 2:03:22 AM
demon7310 wrote:
From the comments it seems like most people didn't even realise they still get 2 passive points from killing all bandits, the bandit stats have been nerfed but they are the equivalent of 1 passive only now and the stats are generic good so they are useful for most builds now.

Exactly. It's just shame that choice is so bland.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Dxt44 wrote:
demon7310 wrote:
From the comments it seems like most people didn't even realise they still get 2 passive points from killing all bandits, the bandit stats have been nerfed but they are the equivalent of 1 passive only now and the stats are generic good so they are useful for most builds now.

Exactly. It's just shame that choice is so bland.

On that I somewhat agree, but at the same time it's a bit early to have build defining stats/choices as early as act 2 unless you know exactly what you're doing.
I think the main reason for these changes is to offer stats that more people would be able to use early on so that less people pick the 1 passive.
Last edited by demon7310 on Jul 14, 2024, 2:12:19 AM
maxtraxv3 wrote:
welp thats shit, maybe remove the quest no one like rather forcing it down everyone mouths, bandit quest was worth doing because it gave 2 points, now its just fu__ing annoying.

Bandit quest wasn't "worth" doing, it's simply not optional LMAO
Last edited by Artorianus on Jul 14, 2024, 2:21:13 AM
demon7310 wrote:

On that I somewhat agree, but at the same time it's a bit early to have build defining stats/choices as early as act 2 unless you know exactly what you're doing.
I think the main reason for these changes is to offer stats that more people would be able to use early on so that less people pick the 1 passive.

Bland was the wrong word. Redundant. What's the point of keeping of this in the game at this point?
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Dxt44 wrote:
demon7310 wrote:

On that I somewhat agree, but at the same time it's a bit early to have build defining stats/choices as early as act 2 unless you know exactly what you're doing.
I think the main reason for these changes is to offer stats that more people would be able to use early on so that less people pick the 1 passive.

Bland was the wrong word. Redundant. What's the point of keeping of this in the game at this point?

Because %movement speed and elemental res are useful early into the league and 40 max hp is good enough to consider even compared to a passive point, plus the quest reward choice is a neat flavour which was lost when it was 2 passives vs some stats (AKA always pick points)
Artorianus wrote:

Because %movement speed and elemental res are useful early into the league and 40 max hp is good enough to consider even compared to a passive point, plus the quest reward choice is a neat flavour which was lost when it was 2 passives vs some stats (AKA always pick points)

Good you explained this because I didn't know that.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Bandit quest changes = great improvement. So far, taking any other option than skill points was literally … pointless 🫣

Except a few use cases for Alira maybe. Ah, please bring TotA back!
To be honest all of this feels kinda meh. Dont get me wrong, any qol or good change is good but is this what you really want? A change which could happen ages ago and at this point its just click bait/hype hopium source or straight nerf. This game was on fingers and wrists of unfortunate players for years, they didnt do much to adress core issues, dont be blinded and overly hyped by this.

Before judging what i wrote just think, who of you white knights d exchange all of this changes to just one for example - sort inventory / deposit all to relevant tabs.

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