Warrior is just bad

This community's answer to every balance issue is just "homogenize".
Warrior weak? Well, let's see, it uses a slow weapon type and slow skills and has passive bonuses that make it even slower. Seems like an oversight. GGG make Warrior faster.

Yes, I've come to appreciate Warrior's slow play style. Abilities like Rolling Slam and Sunder feel bad when your weapon is bad but are uniquely satisfying when the slowness feels compensated for by damage and ability to stun. Killing armor broken bosses in a single sunder. Timing and maneuvering Rolling Slam just right to stun the deadliest mobs in a group. Using weapon swapped Shield Wall to make a safe little fortress in the nook of a map to Warcry and Sunder down the entire screen at one's leisure.
Reaching maps in PoE 2 was the most fun I've had with an ARPG since playing Diablo 2 for the first time.

Here's the right way to buff Warrior: let me kill every white mob in a map with a single 10 second Sunder.
Actually I love my Warbringer--shockwave totems build. Currently lvl 89 and walking over T16+2 lvl maps with bossing. Fully ascended, Doryani's quests complete. Did a short build guide with a video example of the playstyle--anything but slow and clunky.


Check it out, might find the class more fun.

GGG pleas make warrior movement speed faster. it so slow and in 40 hours of play I haven't found one boot with movement speed....WTF
Why use hammer of the gods when you could use comet?
the warrior is so bad in poe 2
last epoch>grim dawn>diablo4>poe 2
its crazy how uninspired this class is... totems and some slow slams aint it...
just problem with warrior is that one or 2 build function that all ... with with other calss so many possibility .

whan you play warrior you tell yourself , lets try this way . ah no possible you died ... this way not you died ... ok lets play the 1 o2 possible ...
totems its just stupid for warrior ...

Hitting with Boneshatter every time to clear mobs is vital . alo if you use hitting always you loose critical ... choose for warrior are horrible you never have choose
Yeah but they were going to fix melee lol. Yeah Warrior needs to be drug out back and shot then reworked. Worst abilities they could come up with.
around 85 you understand close range warrior is in a bad spot because you dont have a working heavyarmor so you have to turn your war in a aoe wanabe mage to dont get touch

you take heavy armor to stop a lot of quick low damage and die vs big hit or vice versa .using cloak of flame , you take the big hit but die in 1 sec vs a bunch of very fast hit vs the claw guy ,

on the other side mage and range stack life and energy shield with Ghostwrithe and is broken op

war a slow class np but without armor this suck
play my first rpg on the intellivision :)
Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be"
Last edited by charley222#3935 on Jan 1, 2025, 8:20:48 PM

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