Warrior is just bad
So much complaining!
3k+ life 9k+ armor 90/90/90 max ele res (which is easier for warrior to achieve than any other class right now because of placement on tree) and you should stop dying unless you miss a boss mechanic that requires more practice. Even 85/85/85 and you will feel dramatically tankier. All of this is not that hard to achieve. Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Jan 2, 2025, 1:00:01 AM
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" then take ancestral warrior totems or shockwave totems and boom you cover the screen in couple clicks. the ladder is like this also because it's a hype. the guys are either following the hype because of laziness or they are streamers who has to do the hyped things in order to get watched. warrior with totems is viable and not a lot slower than anything else. |
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I dont know man ive been baninging my head with this warrior just to level and getting dropped by normal mobs in act 3, and im level 40. i play with a friend that is playing a monk and he is able to breeze through everything.
i have 230 str, 1200+hp and 60/60/60/30 resistance. i find it very hard to find anything useful for gear but so far almost everything i have has max hp, str, and resistances to make up what i have. im losing motivation to keep playing because im just being carried by someone the same level with worse gear, and im not making any progress with the warrior right now. |
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Although the game experience for myself has been enjoyable playing with friends has shown me what a poor choice I made choosing warrior, my Friends level 72 Witch clears everything in sight while my warrior is wacking away with a slow mace with small mobs, he can easily pass the accension trials where I am still stuck trying to pass floor two, his minions and skills allow all him to attack from range, where myself having a full honor health bar got destroyed in minutes with constant AOE painting the floor and watching the boss walk out of the Hammer of the Gods splash damage continusally during the battle was so frustrating, the skill is slow and rarely hits correctly...feels like POE 2 was geared for ranged styles,
On that note wearing a pendant that makes you immune to freeze yet can't count how many deaths I have had with the same mechanic , get frozen solid even though I have the Immune to freeze pendant equipped and charged, get swarmed ...die as you watch helplessly your mighty warrior gets destroyed in a instant. GGG fix the warrior, not even sure how the game got released without this being called out, class balancing appears to be a oversight, should not need a perfect path on the passive tree to be enjoyable and not constantly dodge rolling for your accension life. |
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I have a lvl 87 titan and a lvl 92 spark sorceress. You tell me witch one is broken...
Titan : Solo it can stunt things easily, in group i cant stunt anything. Ever. It still dies regularly even thought it has lots of armor and all resists are capped. By the time my skill are ready, all the others char already have cleared the entire screen. Also had to invest divines in it and the strength requirements make it impossible right now to even have 2 maces that do any noticeable damage. The items that i would need to make the build work , are out of reach in prices. Were talking hundreds of divines orbs. I literally copy all the builds online that i found, but since i don't have 100 of divines, it keep dying and cant even compete to other lower level char . Im also getting kicked out of groups because I'm not doing any damage. I barely see any other warrior in maps, ever. Perfect strike seems to be praised by everyone, i don't know why, it doesn't do anything. Seems like the only viable built is totem. I don't want to use totems. Its pretty sad, because it is fun to play. It just does not work. so yeah, warrior mean you are stuck playing solo and you will die a lot for most people. It make the class unenjoyable and frustrating. I also have a spark sorc. Never had to spend one divine on it. Clear the screen even butt naked with zero items. It only cost me exalted orbs to build it. It die maybe, maybe once in 30 maps. It is so easy that it get boring. I push one button, don't even bother with any other skills. Everything dies before i even see them. It clear the screen faster than most others classes , its so ridiculous that when mapping with other, people just walk around me without doing anything. |
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" In general I think you touch the real current scenario. Titan can work ok solo. The stun allow you to advance safely. In groups your main effect do not stack help what anyone else is doing while the threshold raises. So titan is very bad in group. Also titan wind up for attacks means you stay behind as soon as you miss use one time your skill. But titans is still fun and I feel quite safe on solo up to the maps I am in (level 10.. for some reason cannot keep my map drops enough to go beyond that). Perfect strike works and very well but ya need to know how to use it (you cannot be very close to enemy or the skill will aim some 30 degrees away from target, and you must play in a server with low lag. I usually kill yellow mobs in 1 shot with it when I hit correctly. Last edited by Urza_Mechwalker#7393 on Feb 1, 2025, 9:40:13 AM
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Working on armor mean your defence is unreliabel sinc enay big hit will pass throught...
Only having HP mean you get easily overwhelmed by lots of attacks instead of dodging some of them or having 10k+shield to take a hit here and there. also no way to make defence perfect like super dodge from spirit gems or super shield Armor shard is super shit your can have block with shield but its not limited to warrior... Last edited by Kanjejou#7620 on Feb 2, 2025, 12:52:21 PM
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My warrior is doing great. Its my first and so far only character in PoE2.
After the campain which was way too easy, i bought some gear for 1-5ex each. I am still wearing that same gear, only added some jewels and now doing T15 maps and citadel bosses. I just leapslam over the map like a cute little froggy and every thing dies (i boneshatter between the leaps if there's blue/yellow mobs). And on bosses i hit them a bit with my club until they are near stunned, then boneshatter-warcries-HOTG and Poof-Poof they are gone. I really don't know what people are complaining about. It plays pretty much the same as my Slam dude warrior in PoE1. Oh and armor is doing great too. I have about 20k of it on my 3300 hps and i havent died in ages. Oh and i purposely kept my stun buildup as low as possible so i can actually boneshatter.... All this with cheap ass crap gear. If i'd invest heavilly, damage has a 5x potential at least and life/armor can go up dramatically too. Last edited by NonExistingName#1567 on Feb 2, 2025, 3:06:27 PM
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Warrior isn't as bad as people claim it is, but it's also not as good as people claim it as well. Especially when compared to the other classes. Now let's get one thing clear. A lot of people are really just referring to using the mace as a warrior. The latter is about the part of the skill tree you start at which is....arguably one of the weakest locations. I'm going to say something controversial here. I think a lot of people who claim they had no issues are straight up lying. Twinked out character, got carried....whatever. I truly think most are lying. Of course there are a handful who didn't. To talk about my leveling experience I'll admit that I made three warriors. I deleted two of them because I hated everything about them. Trying to make my own build, going in semi-blind just let to so much frustration. I was either not doing enough damage or I was too squishy.
Eventually I caved in & followed a build guide. Shout out to Carnarius & his molten titan build. It was a godsend. I had to swallow my pride, and use molten blast. I dual wielded two 1h maces, and slotted MB with scattershot & martial tempo. I would play at mid range using MB to clear, and if anything moved into melee range I had boneshatter for things that MB hit & were primed to heavy stun. It was an extremely smooth experience, and I did this without any leveling uniques. For bosses or rares I used perfect strike. Not mace strike....PERFECT STRIKE. If you're leveling up through campaign don't bother just using mace strike in a boss fight. Once you want a ghetto dark souls experience. Cut your boss fight time down dramatically, and just stick with perfect strike. It'll feel weird at first, and you may have to roll cancel the charge, but you'll adjust to it. As long as the boss isn't doing a slam attack feel free to face tank the hit in order to get PS off. Just trust me on this guys. I continued using this setup even through maps, and even when I got enough strength to pick up use giant's blood. Stack strength on everything. Any armor piece, your weapons, your rings, your amulet. Hell consider anointing your amulet with titanic if you want more. I didn't spec into giant's blood until I got to 400 strength, and I near the end of cruel. Continuing this playstyle on maps allowed me to comfortably move my way to t15 maps. Always get into the habit of checking the vendor at every level up for gear upgrades. Consider playing like an SSF player & pick up white weapons & see what rolls you get with aug & trans orbs. It's tedious, but it helps. When you get a little bit of currency near the end of normal campaign (and you're not in SSF) buy some nice gear upgrades. You can get some decent stuff for a few ex. When you get into maps at the start you need max elemental res.NO EXPECTATIONS. Try to get some chaos res, but the higher tier maps you start running, the more you'll need that capped chaos res. Don't neglect this. Your moves are too slow with the mace to neglect any of your resistances. I would also recommend making sure you have max life on as many items as possible too. Yes, armor sucks balls, but you'll need something. Before I started experimenting with my build I had around 3.4k with 12k armor. My gear wasn't the best either. I would feel hard pressed not to bring up how some warriors are abandoning armor in favor of a more hybrid/layered defense. I managed to snag a ghetto morior, and corrupted a atziri that got two sockets. That setup boosted my hp to 3.9k, gave me 900 ES & with a shield my armour was around 7k. I'm not at home right now, so I can't confirm just yet. I was having issues with some t15 maps with my dual 2h mace setup, and wanted to experiment with something more tanky. Being able to block attacks long enough that your ES recharges really helps with survivability. I saw someone on the warbringer group chat on the POE discord server messing around with the perdify chest piece, svalinn shield with the turtle charm warbringer node. So there are ways to make yourself more tanky. Hell, you can go the ES route with CI or even evasion/ES. The latter might be really expensive, and is probably not what people want to do with their warriors & that's understandable. However we can experiment with some forms of tankiness until armour is......fixed. I'm a noob at the game. I barely played POE1, but I did enjoy boneshatter jugg when I played. Didn't do a lot of endgame content, and didn't play hundreds of hours per league. At best I have 200+ hours of POE1 from having the game for 8 years. So I'm not an expert. I understand the melee struggle in POE2 that people are going through. I may not be the best person to ask, but I'll gladly answer what I can to the best of my ability. I want my mace brothers to succeed. Our day in the spotlight will come you guys. |
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i have like 400 hours on a warrior, i got it to level 97 and played literally every decent build possible on it. i have to agree it sucks ass. i scraped the account clean and transferred everything to an invoker and caught up to my level within like 120 hours of play time. until GGG fixes the mace or add new weapons it just feels terrible playing as a warrior right now.
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