rate the endgame from 1 to 10
2 because I'm feeling nice.
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1/10 cause i dont like micro corridors and mobs aint balanced
Visual clarity for ice/fire/lightning explosions is worse than initial stages of same effect in poe, thats why they changed it 15 times to make it visible. I really like dying in delirium to ice explosions which are super visible right. Rares are ass Uniques are mega ass Ritual/expedition is just browsing a list of shit rares over and over, its absolute anti fun. Movement netcoding is shit when u do ritual or breach, the amount of backtracking is like pre poe 2.0 with lockstep Also i must add the lack of originality, since this was supposed to be a new game, but its mainly just reused poe1 code with a lot less features for same code than poe1 has |
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Right now it's a 2/3 for me, really not fun, the combat against the mobs in maps doesn't make sense, trials are boring imo
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I like almost everythign.. except that at endgame it becomes POE1 speedy again. |
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2/10 and only because it's pretty.
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4 With the Potential to be a 10. That's why it's so frustrating that it isn't good.
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I hated the end game for POE1. POE2 is only slightly better.
So it gets a 3 in its current state. It can be made better. |
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Content: 2
Until you get super lategame, its empty, unewarding, grindy. I have to play maps I dislike to get to fun content. Simulacrum and delirium in generall is useless, expedition was gutted to the point of it being even higher chore... 2 points for pretty maps. No bosses in maps and the inability to play a bossing build feels kinda wierd... Juicing: 1 Tower system was fun for about 2 days, after that it got frustrating. Takes long to prepare, cannot even spend to currency to make someone else do it for me. Very limited juicing options, 1 death = everything lost = ragequit. Atlas tree: -10 Wtf is this shit... GGG come on. Progression: 4 You can feel the progression of your character but fast progressing to higher tier maps is just not happening unless you spec into it. It took me so much grind to get into rewarding maps I almost quit a few times on way there. That was the most boring endgame progression I've had since before citadels rework. Cidatel system: 0 Havent found a single one so far, I am speechles. Map Design: 7 Maps are pretty, but too big with the little movement we have. Can fave maps and cannot avoid annoying maps makes it a 7 but I can see the number getting lower the more annyoing maps I am forced to play. Atlas: 5 No had feelings. Feels... idk, I am not a big fan of Delve but I do not mind it. For me it feels like a very strange choice. I thought I was gonna like it at first, but it completely invalidates any progression you make, because it is just... endless... I like the current PoE system much more, but if they expand in this and fix most of the other endgame issues, I can live with it. |
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Endgame I personally give a 2/10. To call it half-baked is giving it far too much praise. I cannot stand the 1-death-per-map mechanic (though I die infrequently), and especially the overall mobile-game cutesy "atlas" we're forced to navigate. Yeah, yeah, I know they said it was rushed for EA, but come on - it shows. This game has been in development for ages and all we have to show for it is half of the full campaign (which is good but not what I care about at all) and this godawful mapping system which is so clearly 10 steps back from even War for the Atlas days.
The rare monster clearing mechanic that frequently requires your molasses-laden character to trudge across an otherwise empty, massive map, must have been pitched in a meeting and approved without a second thought. -2 points for making killing rares somehow not fun. Seeing the skull icon pop up on your minimap all the way across the entire zone is actually enough to make me leave an incomplete map and start another one. What a colossal waste of time. 35% MS boots and blink swap tech do nothing to help this and in fact only emphasize the problem further. I can count on two hands how many builds exist that could make it a decent and fast enough experience to play through, most of which now require thousands, or tens of thousands of exalts to even sniff at. Get out of here with the "Vision" and get back to giving me Path of Exile. If I see one more "cast on" spirit gem nerf, so help me.... I really can't get over how ugly the entire mapping/waystone screen is and how it reeks of cheap phone game drivel in its style. Looking at it and navigating across it is enough to bring me physical pain. Really, really hoping for not just an overhaul, but a full replacement before release. Oh yeah, and don't get me started on towers - speaking of wasting time, you just pop a T1 waystone in and kill the same mob types in the same corridors until you finally find the top. Riveting. Dying has you lose not only your current map, but also the events on the map, and additionally 15% XP. God forbid you start trying to go fast and overzealously pop into a group of phys dmg mobs you can't roll out of. No, we must go slow and use a build to offscreen things so that this cannot happen (until a mana siphoner/proximal tangibility rare shows up and ruins your day). I'm not prone to rage-quitting, but PoE2 has really brought something out in me where if I do actually die in a map, I Alt-F4 and do something else for a while. This is why I have 7 characters right now - 3 in endgame, 2 nearly there, and 2 ~level 30s. I'm enjoying leveling brand new characters way more than mapping. Progression is also cracked and the map atlas tree is another step backwards from PoE1. Getting a point per map clear feels so much better than two for clearing your waystone tier, on a dinky and insignificant-feeling tree. Go on, say Early Access one more time. Maps themselves run the spectrum of nice, linear and enjoyable layouts like Sandspit, to permanent-Cells-hell level like Mire and Augury. The fact we have no agency over this other than hunting around for nodes we haven't run yet is such a disappointment. We should at least be able to run the same node again with a different waystone if we want. As it is, I'm basically playing Minesweeper, doing my best to avoid every bad layout I see. It's like Sanctum where every room is eventually terrible, and I'll have to do a Vaal Factory again. Not every map can be a winner, but hoo-ee, there are some stinkers in here, and they are not avoidable. (2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0 Last edited by Ashriel#5520 on Dec 26, 2024, 11:42:59 PM
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negative 10
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