rate the endgame from 1 to 10
It exists. There is potential. I only played one character a bit further into maps and then I quit. I wanted to see how things worked. I felt the entire time it was waste of my time as it is. I dont know why I should play it. Even if I do play it, it is designed in such a way that it sucks out all fun from it. I'm hoping GGG does some neccessary changes and it uses some of its potential. Atm I'm only playing and testing how skills and characters work. Thats doable in campaign. I think in on my last one for now (monk). No endgame for it except possibly a few maps. |
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Audio 10/10
Visual 8/10 Art 10/10 Performance 7/10 Map Design 3/10 Builds 6/10 Runes 2/10 Stashs 3/10 Trade 4/10 Early Game 6/10 Mid Game 8/10 End Game 5/10 Craft 4/10 Farm 2/10 Atlas Tree 2/10 Passive Tree 7/10 Console (PS5) 3/10 Skills Menu 3/10 New Gem Feature 4/10 Statics Damage Feature 4/10 | |
It was good to around T11, but after that nothing really changed and all mechanics became boring. I'm currently on T16 maps and it's quite boring after you hit it. In Poe 1 now i would do maps with deli layers, here they are bugged and spawn less monsters. Breach: 8/10 After killing 4x breach lord breaches are really profitable but forcing us to play non stop other map layouts feels bad. I miss beach. Expedition: 1/10 Really?? Give me back my Gwennen and Tujen! Delirium: 2/10 Feels bugged, goes where it pleases, does not let some monster "spawn". Ritual: 6/10 Boss entry is too rare. Sometimes spawn in shitty places or spawn so small packs of mobs that does not let you start it. Bosses: 10/10 for quality but there should be boss in every map (or 1 every 2 maps) and they are too squishy. Even on area lvl 82 with mob hp mod on map they are dying in matter of seconds. In my opinion we should get quest entry on every boss to get 2 points in each atlas tree. Flickering away Last edited by Lyvri#1227 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:21:27 PM
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They just ctrl c / ctrl v league mechanics and monster mods from PoE 1 but added more annoyances and removed QoL There's nothing new or creative here. Last edited by khuzvhan#0406 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:20:30 PM
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My Review:
Audio 7/10 Visual 5/10 Art 5/10 Performance 5/10 Map Design 1/10 Builds 1/10 Runes 1/10 Stashs 1/10 Trade 0/10 Early Game 2/10 Mid Game 1/10 End Game 1/10 Craft 0/10 Farm 0/10 Atlas Tree 0/10 Passive Tree 0/10 Console (PS5) 1/10 Skills Menu 1/10 New Gem Feature 0/10 Statics Damage Feature 0/10 Equipment 0/10 Drops/Rate 0/10 Drop Stats 0/10 Inventory Space/Ease Of Use -10/10 Got to be able to reach End Game, and when bosses are so over tuned you're forced to play 1 of only 2 or 3 builds to get past them, game bites ass... Need a serious overhaul/tuning before release or you're only going to have a small community of tryhards/sweaties, and that won't bring in much $$, as casuals are the whales in any game... YouTube Streams Daily --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwC9omdiFyZuI_9Y6c9qbA
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For me endgame is a 4.
Up to endgame it was an 8. - Leveling is slowed down artificially for no reason. - World map is boring. Losing map modifiers is annoying and pointless, XP loss is annoying and slows down players artificially for no reason. Towers are boring. - Not enough build variety. - Combat is brought down to running as fast as you can while AoE-ing the screen, instead of the slower-paced strategic combat we were promised. - Player movement is clunky. - Ranged mobs groups synchronize volleys. - Coked-up mobs rush you like pirahnas. - Trading is ridiculously outdated and poorly implemented. Allowing bots and farmers to list 100s and 1000s of items and control the market prices is easy to fix and yet exists. - Crafting is a Diablo 4 clone RNG simulator AND it doesn't even give the player enough mats to actually craft multiple items until they get what they need in a reasonable time. In a loot game, when the best method of getting gear is by buying it instead of looting/crafting it, the game has failed is purpose. Trading should be there to get an item quicker and cost more than crafting it, not the only reliable way of getting an item that is also several times cheaper. |
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You want answers here they come.
Rarity in game and how it works. 10 Graphics and visuals + effects. 10 Performance on my pc. 10 Map Design 10 Rares in maps 6 Leveling exp Act 1-2 on Sorc 10 That was epic. Had to laugh getting smoked Balance of game with the different classes right now actually gets a 0 from me. I'm sad to say this but why is ranger getting so much movement speed bonus by level 6 straight off the passive tree. Give that shit to everyone. I will say one more thing. Getting + to spells is how you properly scale any Caster class. I thought you didn't want one button builds. Not true at all. Come look at my one button arc build on stream sometimes. You have pigeon holed Arc into being best by not using cast on shock, not using electrocute, not using shock, and finally not using crits and all of this is evident on one skill. The sad part is, its a freakin lightning skill. I would like to make a video and post it here but I am afraid you will take away the Arc build that have forced me into. Then what? Look at my build GGG I know you can see it. It's exactly whats wrong with the game if yuo did not want 1 button builds. If your devs need some knowledge on how to make Arc play proper I can show you what wrong. For now on the elemental tree I have removed 30% ele damage on shock, freeze, and ignite... GG The problem is mana flask need their base increased at least 50-75 percent. If you don't fix it I will keep making ridiculous shit. Thanks for nerfing the resistances. Gearing is so easy now. I will be honest though I am afraid to buy gear with these lower resist for now but it feels good LOL 1 button builds have always been my goto and I enjoy them more. I am not trying to get arthritis faster to press more buttons repeated to get pixel loot. Just want to have fun Anyways, off to blasting t15's and t16's. One sad Exile
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Story progression - 9/10
Endgame - 4/10 In particular: - having to do the bad layout of the precursor tower is only fun and surprising for the first time. Later, it's a chore. - so much chaos type damage when passive tree and the rng items give almost none of it. - so many uniques start to drop in endgame compared to campaign - but while most of rares have their Advanced and Expert base versions, 95%+ of the uniques don't! They are almost all starter leveling gear uniques. This is even worse than in poe1. Why - many of the mechanics imported from poe1 - like Delirium and Breach - are based upon screen clearing poe1-like builds. poe2-like properly "slow and tactical" gameplay based characters just can't compete there at all. - whether Delirium stays or dissipates even though you keep running deeper to the other end of the map seems to be a completely rng timer based. Why - getting ANY points in the Ritual/Delirium/Breach/Expedition/Endboss sections seems to be an extremely gated content, considering that the poe2 is a game planned around having way more "slow and tactical" gameplay classes who would just need the breach or deli timer extension to be able to clear them like an archmage, deadeye or a skilled monk. Having reached lv 90 on a summoner and doing the tier XV waystones comfortably, I am surprised to find that I have gotten: 30/30 points in base atlas tree 6/10 points in atlas bosses 0 points in breach 0 points in deli 0 points in ritual (how to you even access the item to try the boss now!?) 0 points in expedition, although I did find ONE Olroth and failed that blind fight due to freeze and had only 1 slot in the belt for stun protection 0 points in endboss (have not seen the cities of generals holding the key pieces spawning anywhere on my atlas at all!) what's with this balance? |
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