rate the endgame from 1 to 10

0 out of 10. RNG sucks - despite juicing maps. Waystones are non-existent and I have to buy what few the vendor sells. If Waystones don't drop enough then there is no end-game. Period.
1 until XP penalty for death is removed

There is a lot to like, to be fair. I like the idea of the new atlas, but there are some points I dislike a lot.

- One portal. I don't like it. I might grow to tolerate it with time, but I will never like it.

- Map size and layouts. This is the main point I dislike. I think they are a little bit too big, but the worst point is the map layouts. In an endgame system where you can't do "your favorite maps" over and over again, it especially demotivating with so many bad layouts.

ARPG's are repetitive, we all agree on that - especially the endgame. But it seems like GGG are really trying to make that repetitiveness as inconvenient as possible compared to PoE 1. There's nothing more "fun" that dreading through a large maze and then being forced to backtrack the whole thing because you're missing a rare monster. When a game is this repetitive, the endgame needs to be smooth. Currently, it's not.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I'm trying to find a way where the endgame is anything above a 1 on this scale. I haven't found any redeeming qualities so far.

Atlas is complete RNG, and you may be stuck for days in progression because your zones simply did not spawn favourably (For example, you may need your 7th and 8th boss atlas tree points and you get no corrupted boss zones, or you fail to irradiate them, or your t15s don't become t16s).

Sustain is heavily tied to boss zones, which you cannot force.

There are no currency sinks to juice your maps. This has caused the trade experience to be horrible. I would be in SSF already if I wasn't playing with friends.

The progression on everything except basic maps going up to t15s is unbelievably slow. Talking about all the mechanic atlas trees such as breach, expedition etc.

All of these are compounded by the fact that you only get 1 attempt at anything in the endgame.

There are probably more, but this endgame is so severely undercooked that I'm tempted to say it would have been better if they hadn't made it at all in the first place.

Compared to PoE1 endgame, it is absolute dogshit and it is embarrassing that this is what they put out. I'd rather have 2013 PoE1 endgame where the only thing to do is try to sustain high tier maps than have this clusterfuck of bad ideas, decisions and implementations.
Love the games. PoE1 way more so than PoE2, but still enjoying both.

Hate the company. The scummy, lying, fake and shitty facade, the excuses, the failures, and most of all, the "Vision".

Keep both of those in mind when reading my posts.
Last edited by PrimordialDarkness#3913 on Dec 22, 2024, 11:28:23 AM
Diablo 4/10
Sorry I did not find any endgame boss in over 200 maps so I am down to doing "Nightmare dungeons"in awful layouts and far to few map items
4/10 for endgame specifically, though not very far due to #1 and #2 which I get bored and just level another character.

Clearing maps is tedious, just make it like Kirac missions. Complete X mechanic or kill boss and map complete. If no mechanic then you only need to kill X amount of rares, not 100%.

Maps themselves are too big for no real reason. Base character MS should be boosted +15%, and generation needs tuned as some of the layouts are pretty bad.

Waystones seem unnecessary given the design of the atlas. I like the concept of the Atas, but since you have to travel also needing waystones to initiate maps is annoying. Just use waystones as a method of juicing.

Ascendency methods are still bad, you can try to polish and nerf Sanctum and Ultimatum all you want, but it is too RNG and the ascendancies are too tame to warrant it.

Having 1 portal I don't hate, but either have 1 portal and no XP loss or more portals with XP loss. Losing the map, the mechanics, and XP is far too excessive a punishment.

Need a "x-ray" radius around the character. The amount of visual blockage from terrain and map clutter is pretty bad. This one isn't really unique to endgame.

Last edited by BrooksP#2683 on Dec 22, 2024, 12:21:45 PM
Maps - 4/10 terrible dying and losing it, hard to come by even when I buffed Atlas on the early game. Dislike some of the layouts in the tight corners of crypts and other areas. Dashing or stampeding with warrior makes you go off map and on top of the pillars in the Towers. Attacks just completely missing on the corners and turns where enemies bunch up (not accuracy related).

XP Penalty - 1/10 too severe at 10%, losing the map and then losing XP can mean you lost a day or so of grinding. Why not just delete the character like hardcore?

Sanctum and Ultimatum - 6/10 for idea but 3/10 for implementation. Terrible honor system for melee even with resistance bonus. Chaos can be hit or miss but the rng fest is awful. Don't force ascension points on to players. This isn't frogger.

Visual clutter - 3/10 too much happening really is hard to avoid stuff like on death effects from enemies, alongside violet crystals, pools of blood, traps, poison, body blocks, attack interruptions etc.

Overall, 3/10 - needs improvement on maps, rewards, penalty updates, and ascension rework.

Some good on this is that this is probably the worst the endgame is going to feel since it is a Beta. GGG will make it better with time and feedback from the community.

What endgame? This is just reused poe1 code with nothing added except very few minor things, that just make this a very shit version of poe.
0.10 version number is generous.
Also GGG ghosted their shit game as usual, not gonna fix anything for months

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