Once again ,95% players suffer because of elitists which are minority

Nyon#6673 wrote:

Also I dont think this is the major reason why they want a restart.
The main reason is that they want to make big changes both in terms of buffs, nerfs and changing mechanics, and doing this to the live server would upset alot of people because it would completetly destroy alot of characters, items, etc. Instead their letting those people continue playing on the current server, and then those that choose can play on the new server to test the changes. There is also alot of changes to mechanics that would be almost impossible or atleast impractical to do on the live server, one example of this would be if they wanted to make a change to how affixes worked on gear, (make movement speed implicit on boots, change the amount of tiers of certain stats, etc) how can you do this when people alredy have tons of gear with the old system?

This is precisely the issue. The game across all leagues needs to be dynamic. Balance changes to gear/skills should equally effect them all. If something is game-breaking, patch it. Don't just leave it in game and say 'we'll do better next time'.

Adding new content to a league that has been hammered to death by the existing content provides no useful data at all.

No. All leagues get to see all of the game. If you want to experience it in your F R E S H environment fine, people who don't can experience it with their current toons, which also receive up-to-date balances.
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Nyon#6673 wrote:

Also I dont think this is the major reason why they want a restart.
The main reason is that they want to make big changes both in terms of buffs, nerfs and changing mechanics, and doing this to the live server would upset alot of people because it would completetly destroy alot of characters, items, etc. Instead their letting those people continue playing on the current server, and then those that choose can play on the new server to test the changes. There is also alot of changes to mechanics that would be almost impossible or atleast impractical to do on the live server, one example of this would be if they wanted to make a change to how affixes worked on gear, (make movement speed implicit on boots, change the amount of tiers of certain stats, etc) how can you do this when people alredy have tons of gear with the old system?

This is precisely the issue. The game across all leagues needs to be dynamic. Balance changes to gear/skills should equally effect them all. If something is game-breaking, patch it. Don't just leave it in game and say 'we'll do better next time'.

They did specificly say tho that if something was "game breaking" then they would fix it immedietly, and as far as atleast I feel I think this is what they have been doing?

As for your point of all leagues being dynamic.
(Apologize if i misunderstood you here) but your point is that both the "current" league and the "old league" or "standard" as it was called in poe1 should be dynamic and have changes.
I think this is unrealistic to hope for, most of the players that play poe play it in league rotations so im guessing 95% of their focus will be on the "current" league and then "standard" league gets these added on later more as a aftertought. Maybe you could justify that they should maybe spend more time on it now tho then after full release.
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:

Adding new content to a league that has been hammered to death by the existing content provides no useful data at all.

No. All leagues get to see all of the game. If you want to experience it in your F R E S H environment fine, people who don't can experience it with their current toons, which also receive up-to-date balances.

I said balance changes should be incorporated into the standard league, I think it'd be impossible to do a branch without that

It's how the PoE economy has always worked, regular resets with a persistent standard league getting everything that the "base" game provides

It's up to the devs to decide what is base game and what is new challenge
An economy reset will also come with new content to test out, you can continue to stay in the standard league but they need the reset to see how players play. How we break the economy. How we try and find broken mechanics and then provide all the feedback regarding that. Complaining about a new economy that won't affect your current characters isn't an issue. You will still have access to what you have right now, now I am not sure if people will be playing in the standard league but I am sure there will be some who stay in standard and don't want to play test the new stuff, which is perfectly fine. It's how it is in POE 1. But there will be new content released at the same time as the new economy.
Nyon#6673 wrote:
Maybe you could justify that they should maybe spend more time on it now tho then after full release.

There are users that play with intent to stay invested in their toons and don't care about league resets. Why should they be excluded from seeing novel content?
spitzer#5898 wrote:
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

If first ever league they made 700div in 13days, you can bet your ass they will make 700divs in 7 days for the next league as they're not going in blind anymore.

It's always been this way for POE, in-depth knowledge is invaluable in generating currency & progress.

Please, nobody is making hundreds of divines. Anyone who has gear worth hundreds of divines has 100% paid for it with real money at one of the various shadowy websites which are actually owned by Tencent. “Knowledge” my foot.


Chinese players,they ALL did it , its simply the way they play games, they are used to every game in china being P2W.

As of streamers,they get their gear from GGG and viewers. They sure as fuck didnt farm 700 divines. Streamers who play SSF ,t hey simply get gear from GGG and that's it.

I just find it hard to believe,ALL SSF streamers,got their build enabling uber uniques few days into endgame (the only item they ever need in order to showcase how awesome PoE2 is to thousands of their viewers,possible customers)

I have same hours as those streamers if not more, i have been doing the exact same thing they have been doing,0 uber uniques and i know i am not the only one.

People who say ''just grind harder'' really need to wake the fuck up , because they are either blind or dont want to admit to what's been happening.

I just idk how can fall for ''you wont believe this guys,last night i couldnt sleep and i did 2 maps off of stream and i got Astramentis'' or ''i got super rare item which i sold for 100 divines''

Then again , most people to this day dont know who actually owns third party sites and who has unlimited currency to sell the moment game goes live , so streamers lying blatantly and people falling for it is not surprising.
Last edited by Werdx_1#3669 on Jan 13, 2025, 6:37:16 AM
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Nyon#6673 wrote:
Maybe you could justify that they should maybe spend more time on it now tho then after full release.

There are users that play with intent to stay invested in their toons and don't care about league resets. Why should they be excluded from seeing novel content?

Well their not really excluded because new content is eventually added to standard even in poe1, but only if its implemented to the "core" of the game. So I wouldnt say excluded so much as that its on a lower priority. And the reason for it is that those people are in a minority.

Like poe1 for example its completetly fine to just play standard because the game has so much content in the core game. Ofc this isnt currently the case in poe2 yet since it just released.
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

Bro forgot he was playing POE and there is a new league every 3 months.... lol.
i dont think that 95% are suffering since they are echo-ing what the 1% of players are shouting

its been like that since poe1

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