Once again ,95% players suffer because of elitists which are minority

Nyon#6673 wrote:

Well their not really excluded because new content is eventually added to standard
but only if its implemented to the "core" of the game. So I wouldnt say excluded so much as that its on a lower priority

You've contradicted yourself repeatedly.
Magoraz#6258 wrote:
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

Bro forgot he was playing POE and there is a new league every 3 months.... lol.

''bro'' Economy reset and adding league are 2 different things.
Last edited by Werdx_1#3669 on Jan 13, 2025, 6:38:53 AM
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Nyon#6673 wrote:

Well their not really excluded because new content is eventually added to standard
but only if its implemented to the "core" of the game. So I wouldnt say excluded so much as that its on a lower priority

You've contradicted yourself repeatedly.

Not greatly worded but he is right, if you can't part with your current bank you will see the added content, just after it has gone through the grindstone of an economy reset so they can gather enough data to see whether it can get included unchanged or whether they've just included more stuff that needs more balancing

Can't do that if everyone is sitting on their divines waiting to snipe all the good gear

Sit out this "league" and wait for the next one, or bear with the early access program and restart

You get new content either way
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Nyon#6673 wrote:

Well their not really excluded because new content is eventually added to standard
but only if its implemented to the "core" of the game. So I wouldnt say excluded so much as that its on a lower priority

You've contradicted yourself repeatedly.

Your gonna have to elaborate instead of just making up your own fact.

Your not excluded from having a "dynamic" league because new content is eventually added to "standard". But its from GGGs perspective on a lower priority then making the new league exciting because thats where the majority of players play.

Another point here is that I can guarantee you that if they had announced that the opposite then there would be people complaining about that. You cant please everyone and your the one whos in a minority.
Zeturion#7271 wrote:
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

Man, for 2 divines and few extalts you can have CI monk with 5k ES and 250-550 phys quarterstaff. But yeah, go back to D4 if you don't understand what EA is and that there will be league resets due to big patches drops. I'm level 86 and saw only 2 div drops but I'm not feeling sorry for myself.

It's like 10 divs unless you're sitting on trade 24/7 sniping the best deals
"eventually" implies that there WILL be a period of time in which standard realms ARE excluded

"only if" sets a conditional qualifier to this temporary exclusion being resolved

"lower priority" should be self evident: that standard realms won't be given the same treatment, thus EXCLUDED


Not greatly worded but he is right

For the statements given above, no he is not right. You yourself even admit it:

Sit out this "league" and wait

There is no reason to exclude standard from seeing novel content at the same time as it gets released on the F R E S H.

The way you say fresh suggests you're only interested in mocking the concept and won't entertain anything other than your vision so I guess this is a dead end debate wise
I guess if you can't address the actual content of an argument that opposes your view, you can always be passive agressive about it. I guess.
did you mis the bit where they said they were going to make entry maps a lot easier and then smooth the curve up to the higher tier maps? or the bit where they said they were going to buff up all the underperforming skills?

Snorkle you've been here long enough to know that unless given an explicit number chances are GGG's ideas won't coincide with the players.

What they said could mean things are gonna be made easier, it could also mean they've realised its pretty easy to demolish the bosses right now so they are going to giga buff them.

Or both in different places.

Balance is absolutely all over the place right now and due to launching at Christmas when everyones going to have well deserved time off they've also missed the entire "fast nerf" window aside from 2 skills that wouldn't even look busted now.

Its a mess, and how they make it less messy if I know GGG will be almost completely random.
Imagine getting upset over a season change in a seasonal game. Who would have thought? Oh, the humanity of it all. I wonder how will we ever manage to go on with our lives now that an EA seasonal game decided to start a new season? What will I do with my thousands of divines that I RMT-ed ? Oh nooo…. Please GGG, you have been in the gaming industry for a lot of time and have released successful games, but please, listen to me ( a random dude who probably wipes car’s windscreens for a living at the local gas station) when I tell you what you MUST do. I’ve wiped enough windshields to know what I am talking about. This seasonal thing has GOT to go or you will lose 99.9(9) of your player base. Trust me, whenever I bring poe2 up with my customers, they always reply with anger , telling me to shut up and just wipe faster. It’s clear that the level of toxicity in poe2 has spilled into the realms of reality. Do something daddy GGG, please.

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