Game Mechanics Q&A

Champion123 wrote:
So with the technology to send us straight to our hideouts available, why are we still forced to see MTX ridden slow towns and rogue harbours on a daily basis which slows down performance greatly

very good question!
Darkxellmc wrote:
widardd wrote:
Why does "Worthy Foe" work with totems but "Noxious Strike" doesn't?

Because your totems inherit your stats.
This means that your totems apply the 20% increased damage as well as you when they taunt, and they apply the cannot attack. The "you" in worthy foe is missleading, since worthy foe is a stat inherited by totems, you does in fact apply to the totem itself when he's checking his own stats.
To keep things simple, in the game, worthy foe is a stat, and your totems inherits it.

Noxious strike modifies your poison duration stat when you do something.
The totem may have the stacking stat too, but this is irrelevent, because your totem poison, not YOU. Since the totem inherits the PLAYER'S stats, and THE PLAYER has not poisonned recently, the poison duration stat the totem actually uses mostly won't count noxious strike.

Thanks! I've been a naughty boy and knew this already, I posted this to make them change it. I miss my poison totem builds.😅
Perception is reality.
How are mines supposed to work this patch? Earlier leagues all mines would detonate when you press the detonate button in one long sequence. However, now only a few mines will detonate, and the amount seems random.

What is the intended interaction?
Hi, how does the Harvest "Reforge a Rare item, being much more likely to receive the same modifier types" craft and "Reforge a Rare item, being much less likely to receive the same modifier types" work exactly? What are the numbers involved there? Let's say I'm trying to re-roll an item with 6 Fire affixes with the first option, are my odds on that re-roll the same as if I used a single Fire mod item (disregarding other mods for the sake of the example) ?
can the strength of a unique boss or monsters be based on the strength/dps of the players?
What is the exhaustive list of the forbidden exploit ?
can we get the values or formulas of calculating the different ailments threshold and effects including the alternative ones (sap brittle and scorch) for endgame bosses and general monsters please.
Hello there. The question is not really about the mechanics, but rather about the sources of its obtaining.

- What is the company's position on introducing the wiki into the game?

- Do you support your own wiki or is this more volunteer work?

- Would you like to update the relevant pages on the wiki after answering the questions selected in this topic?

Thank you for attention.
May peace be with you, exile.
I can't find it anywhere, so I'm hoping to get some clarification here:

The Saviour sword clones + Bladestorm

I'm pretty convinced that they aren't limited by my bladestorm cap, and even tempted to say that each clone had its own cap.

Would this imply that their bleeds are stacked up separately as well? If I had taken Red Dance keystone to have up to 8 bleeds?

I went a weird bleed-rupture based Ranger with it this league, and while squishy, it did wonders for melting bosses. And I strongly believe this interaction had something to do with it.
Supposing you have an animated guardian wielding Sign of the Sin eater standing nerby you, and you get hit by a damage that would cause shock or chill. Whose max life pool would it use to calculate magnitude of the effect of chill/shock?
The one of initial target (yours) or the AG's?

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