Transfigured Gems Part 5

never played a mana stacker it more expensive than life stacker?
everyone bitching about the new RF is overlooking you can scale the dot damage with spell power. that is fucking HUGE
Powercharge stacking void battery RF
Yeah, it kind of sucks to not have the usual alternate quality gems, helm, boot, and belt enchant and not really get much of anything back.

Alternate quality support gems could be used by all sorts of builds so you could look at your build and then see if something works that maybe no one else has even thought of it yet. You could look at helm enchant and see if an enchant for your main skill, or an aura or support skill would be best.

By focusing just on skill gems- mostly as cornerstone to new builds, it's really a hit or miss sort of thing. You want to play that new build. Or you don't, and it's useless. And even if you want to play it it's hard to build around it at league start.

That's the value of "trying to subtly modify the behaviour of skills" instead of swinging for the fences with transfigured gems.

I don't deny that this is probably a good way to go for the future. But I think more of those old systems should have been left in the game until you actually have a couple transfigured gem options for every gem, including support gems.
So another one sneaky nerf to carrion/zombies combo for no reason!! Nice played GGG
We have been gotten.
GGG can you widen the frames on forum posts? Such a waste of space where each screen is 2 people saying "pog".
Stay Silky
Last edited by DesertPenguin27 on Dec 8, 2023, 12:30:01 AM
I guess waiting to last day for winter orb was a mistake. Didn't they say every main skill would have 1 minimum trans gem?
GGG please

What about Summon Holy Relic. :( You took 10% damage away just to make it heal a wee bit better, weakening an already weak build just a little more (by meta standards at least), and then ... forgot about it? straight up ignored it? when it was time to make some new gem versions?

I know it's a fucking niche skill but what the fuck.
Last edited by MrBufo on Dec 8, 2023, 12:29:56 AM

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