Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

the div card qol is really nice....i had to check the cards on a third party site before
So... on the divination card teaser, the first map showed was Burial, and theres no "The Doctor" there, instead theres the "Brother's Gift", whats going on?
So you guys removed doctor from burial chambers.

Im sure the drop chance of hh is going to be higher to compensate or we will have it somewhere else. Surely you wouldn't make items harder to get for no reason.
Why am I still here
hh was like what, 8-10 div for the past 2 leagues...who even needs to farm cards anymore
Warvald wrote:
So you guys removed doctor from burial chambers.

Im sure the drop chance of hh is going to be higher to compensate or we will have it somewhere else. Surely you wouldn't make items harder to get for no reason.

It would be a welcoming change if they actually make t0 unique rare again instead of a market flooded junk item.

HH been dirt cheap the past two leagues, kalandra touch dirt cheap, squire dirt cheap and even mb was just dirt cheap.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
There is 27 Div Cards on Grotto Map but you only display 4 on hover. What is the point of this?
Holy screen real estate suckage batman!! Did they learn nothing from the complaints about the Necropolis corpse collection window size? I hope that can be toggled off.
yakoob wrote:
There is 27 Div Cards on Grotto Map but you only display 4 on hover. What is the point of this?

jsuslak313 wrote:
When they make a change to something iconic to the game, it should be a MEANINGFUL change: not something that literally will make no difference to the game writ large.

Last time bandits were changed (largely) was in 2017. You seriously think that the current change is worth SEVEN YEARS of thought?

since you're so long in this game you're kinda wrong with your vision here. poe is very complex game especially for the newbies. clearly ggg trying to make game less confusing in some places now. 2 points for bandits were always the choice of mine since Sentinel league, but for just 1 skill point i might prefer to loose 1-2% of damage for extra HP pool or resistances, for example. that's more reasonable approach in general and could add some devirsity for build creators, i believe.

actually the changes are what keep me in poe. I love pretty much all of them, doesnt matter nerfs or buffs or nerfs and nerfs :) it feels like alive game - the rules have changed? perfect, let's see what i'm able to achive now.

what really bothers me here: overall game perfomance, lags, bugs and a lot of third part sites/services players have to visit for comfortable playstyle.

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