Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

Pashid wrote:
Warvald wrote:
So you guys removed doctor from burial chambers.

Im sure the drop chance of hh is going to be higher to compensate or we will have it somewhere else. Surely you wouldn't make items harder to get for no reason.

It would be a welcoming change if they actually make t0 unique rare again instead of a market flooded junk item.

HH been dirt cheap the past two leagues, kalandra touch dirt cheap, squire dirt cheap and even mb was just dirt cheap.

Yeah, it was dirty cheap because of league mechanics, and the scarab farming, they should fix those stuffs, not remove the doctor, on affliction was because of the wisps, everything was cheap that league, and on necropolis, was because of the scarabs, on a regular league, without those stuffs, it would be just normal price, also, the scarabs are a problem for group farm mostly, they should do something about it, not nerf for everyone instead.
Last edited by raphael2908 on Jul 15, 2024, 6:40:26 PM
The idea is ok, but I would add the alt key to press to display the cards... And I would display all the div cards available, not only the main ones.
what happened to void stones and eater and exarch influence on map?

salami tactic ^^
Last edited by b44dss on Jul 15, 2024, 6:47:37 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense to add the div card list to the map item's alt-hoverover, instead of the atlas? Adding it to the atlas means we have to navigate away from our stash to select a map.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Valencius81 wrote:

As always lots of complaining and in the end changes like this will not make or break the league or builds.

Yes....and this is part of the problem. When they make a change to something iconic to the game, it should be a MEANINGFUL change: not something that literally will make no difference to the game writ large.

Last time bandits were changed (largely) was in 2017. You seriously think that the current change is worth SEVEN YEARS of thought?

If a change was warranted, it should have been better. Look at how drastic the change was from pre-3.0 to post-3.0. THAT is what should have been done.

I'd have to say...the biggest problem I have with "modern" poe, since 3.14, is that GGG seems to have fallen into a pattern of making changes just for the sake of "seeming" like they are doing things, when in reality even before rollout it very clearly changes nothing.

3.14: nerf all power, nerf all flasks because player power is TOO STRONK! Oh....and lets also release Mageblood

I agree with you Bandits are indeed an iconic quest in poe and really needed a better rework/buff.

My choices would always be Alira/Eramir.Seems people didn't appreciate Alira regen part to its value this early, however Oak and Kraityn were really underwhelming.

Would have hope something charges related like 8% chance to gain charge on hit 20% said charges duration, with Eramir remaining +2 passives.

I find the new changes as underwhelming as before even though Oak being 40 life + 1 passive is an undeniable buff he just become the new Alira while she is a new Oak, and we are just back to the same.8 ms/15 all res + 1 passive isnt that bad either early on but meh.

It's kind of more balanced now but just really anecdotic;it s really a whatever side quest now.
You can now hover any map on the Atlas to see what Divination Cards can drop in that map!

Oh em zi, this is so so so so soooooooo pog!
Pashid wrote:
Warvald wrote:
So you guys removed doctor from burial chambers.

Im sure the drop chance of hh is going to be higher to compensate or we will have it somewhere else. Surely you wouldn't make items harder to get for no reason.

It would be a welcoming change if they actually make t0 unique rare again instead of a market flooded junk item.

HH been dirt cheap the past two leagues, kalandra touch dirt cheap, squire dirt cheap and even mb was just dirt cheap.

You mean in the league that dropped so much stuff it basically DDOS the server of GGG

Or the league where people were making 10 t0 per map yea it being avalaible in a broken scrav on map with 30k mobs isn't the problem

The problem really is the div card people in t16 sometime get.
Why am I still here
what happened to void stones and eater and exarch influence on map?

Its still there it was confirmed on reddit by someone from GGG
Why am I still here
Now we just need a trade system that don't utterly suck and its GG.

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