rate the endgame from 1 to 10

Considering it is early access, I will give it a 9. However, I never* played poe1 so I had no follow-on expectations to be disappointed with. There's deffo stuff I hate and design choices I don't understand, though. Let's hope it only gets better before full release.

*Unless you count getting across the starting beach to the 1st "town" and then getting destroyed by a pack of spider/crab things right after where I gave up :P
I'm at Tier 8 now, and I'd say the endgame is a 9 out of 10 for me so far.
Only thing I don't like is that the map is infinite. I don't really have a sense of purpose.

Of course it's missing content, but it wouldn't be fair to judge it on that since it's version 0.1. Seems like most people are forgetting that.
Ascendancy trials aside, which are trash, the end game is mostly alright to me. The world map could be overhauled and improved in the future, like they have the map system in 1 many times, so I am not too worried.

My only problems are that mobs are ridiculously badly balanced. Random big mob leap slamming you will do less damage than some white crossbow dudes and there are tons of small slow explosions with zero visuals being thrown at your feet that do 10000 damage.

Also that we are still doing bad leagues in the same form they existed in PoE1. Delirium is a bad league mechanic and needs to be rethought entirely. It's just breach again, but bad. Have to rush the entire map to keep it up and then you have to backtrack, stuff that was never fixed and was huge complaints since day 1. Delirium needs to be reworked into something that is actually fun and makes sense, and time based mechanics should be scaled back a lot because they don't work if you want slower gameplay, since you are punished for being slower.

Strongboxes are also bad now. They were one of my favorite mechanics in 1 because they ONLY added to the game, without forcing you to play some stupid minigame, and some stupid time gated mechanic only promoting blasting gameplay. But now they are just boring and annoying, and the smoke effect is completely game breaking.

Otherwise, I don't mind too much. Hunting down rares is objectively inferior to hunting down the map boss, but it's okay I guess.
Last edited by Kashou#2868 on Dec 22, 2024, 2:29:11 PM
4/10 terrible soulslikes feeling
0/10 Just awful experience.
I can't even imagine doing maps with those terrible layouts, not as Deadeye.
I am doing T13/14/15 at the moment.

Hunt of Rare 2
On Probation Any%

Map layout to large for the speed of the game. Reduce the size and it will increase pack proximity, which will make it more exciting.

One portal feels terrible. Game tries really hard to frustrate you. People who can't commit more than 4 hours a day, don't want to play a game where they are stuck in the same spot due to losing a map and its content. Boring.

I wish I could enjoy this game, but these two things and others coupled with my time don't make for a good experience.

-1 player.

Most definitely the worst end game of any arpg I ever played.
No fun, pure stress, retarded power progression, the xp curve makes no sense (max level 100, highest enemies you face ~80... where are my level 105+ enemies?).

Trading is cancer, magic find is mandatory because it is a toxic stat that. Devs probably think "broooo diablooooooooo 2 best game!!!!" and copy everything without knowing shit about what made it fun.
Act's 10
I did them all before drop buff. So it was painful but fun

Maps 1
It's not rewarding and so slow paced because the maps are so massive and repetitive. I love delve in poe1. Map delve is horrible.

Crafting -5
It's just bad

Crafting bench :/
They need to add this back so you can fix res. This game will punish you so much if you have bad res.

Stash 0
They did not even add the basic tabs for the crap we have to pick up.

Old league mechanics 3
I was happy to see they kept some of the old poe 1 stuff but they just removed the QoL from them.

Ascendancy -10
I played minions so it did not effect me at all. Everyone who did not well I am sorry GGG hates you.

I personally think they need massive changes to keep players in the long term. Yes people are playing and the numbers are doing well. It's new and people are on break or holiday. In a month or two I believe these numbers will change. I did everything but the uber fights and then moved on until next major changes come out. It does not even feel like they had any input from the original poe1 devs played into poe2 honestly.
Very good and very annoying in the same time. Lot of design flaws, bad decisions and overall unbalance. It has potential to be 9/10, but too many things are just not okay now, so 7/10 (with amazing campaign and shitty endgame). For a free game audiovisual quality and design are amazing.
Last edited by Gosen#5296 on Dec 22, 2024, 3:22:54 PM

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