Exp loss on death topics are getting out of hand.
" you know nothing. nothing about the numbers, nothing about what minority or majority wants, and nothing about ggg's vision for their game. there where crybabies for the last 10 years that wanted xp loss to go, and its still there. and you know nothing about what will happen in a few leagues after launch. so pls do us all a favour and stop talking about your glorious future predictions. |
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" Sure, the steam numbers will say it all in a few weeks if nothing changes. |
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"Like i already said in an ealier post im not obsessed with lvl 100 at all, most chars are pretty maxed out around lvl 90-92 ish and this is usually when i want to try a different build. Not because its bad but simply because i like making new chars and experiment with different builds, im not the one build per league type and lvl 100 is not at all needed but sometimes i do it anyway |
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" Then why do you care if exp loss is removed? It doesn't affect your gameplay at all. Why defend it? Why even comment on threads like this? Makes 0 sense. Just let other players have what they want and play the game how they want. It will never affect you. Last edited by Toforto#2372 on Dec 28, 2024, 8:06:33 AM
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" the whole game is about risk and reward, same as poe1. risk vs reward. you want the risk to be removed while getting the rewards. thats not how it works. if you want a level up, do more for it then dying constantly to maps. |
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"Steam numbers dont tell the full story. Its always dropping after a month of releasing a new league, in fact thats perfectly normal and right now many people including myself are just waiting for GGG devs to come back from holiday and start working at some of the real issues and xp loss on death is probably gonna stay cause its a core design feature and needs to stay. As soon as game is patched and i know which skills gets the nerf hammer im ready to start a new char, not because i need it and my titan is already doing tier 18+ just fine but because i enjoy the process of making a char and see how it progresses Last edited by MrPedez#4934 on Dec 28, 2024, 8:18:07 AM
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" Yeah and you have 6 portals in PoE 1 so its fine, I can juice up a map and die 4 times but still get the rewards that I earned. It's not fine in this game, its bad game design and that's a fact lmao, the very concept of losing loot,losing progression is unacceptable in a modern game. This is why Hardcore is an optional op-int mode, not forced upon players like in this joke of an endgame. It's either changing or this game is dying. Most players will not tolerate a game that disrespects their time in such a heinous way. They will go play something else, and then you have PoE 2 with Ruthless player numbers and retention. That's what the future looks like if nothing changes. |
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"A lot of player will also stay and since they already exceeded their expectations when it comes to numbers of players and player retention im pretty sure they dont mind loosing a few if it means they can stay true to the game and their vision. Afterall its the hardcore fans that put their money in supporter packs and not the casual player playing 50 hours on a 3 month league and move on to something else, i know i have spend my fair share+ which u can clearly see on this forum and this is by no means an abnormal amount among poe fans. That being said i dont mind if they let people use their 6 portals nor do i care if they dont ill still be playing but xp loss on death is fine and needs to stay. Poe 1 has survived and grown for many years without ever removing xp loss on death and Poe 2 will outlast all ur doomsday predictions by decades |
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There is a 10% loss ? I didn't realized it, I thought there isn't any. I have died multiple times. But I am closing onto level 90 now.
Mostly SSF , and only traded 2 items so far. Rampage IGN : Cool_Hamster
Standard IGN : Hamsterbaby Standard IGN : HamsterMfer Please do not hesitate to contact me in game if you have posted or offered on my items. Regards |
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Tencent and GGG wanted to widen the audience of PoE2, the exp loss is by far the wrongest decision to do so. I wrote a positive review on Steam and i will change it.
Because while playing PoE2 it becomes very clear that the 'vision' is to raise player metrics over player's efforts and fun. The choices Chris Wilson made to enpower longer playtime are insane: slower walking, bigger maps, 1-dead-map-gone, exp loss, casino crafting, not enough currency to casino craft, the insanely blown up trials and so on. These are tools to artificially stretch playtime. By reducing the fun for players. Reducing fun for the profit. This is what Bobby Kotick would do. With PoE2 Chris Wilson just went full Kotick. And you never go full Kotick. Cause this is contrary to a community driven entitlement. I left PoE1 years ago just BECAUSE of the completely unnecessary exp loss. It was not challenging, it was just annoying, deleting my time. Now, GGG bring it to the next iteration, to 'widen' the audience. Many people in this forum, on reddit and on Steam give multiple, plausible reasons to exclude this mechanic. And GGG will HAVE to. Cause in 2024 noone will accept this torture of wasting valueable time for a misplaced game director's 'vision' to profit. I'm totally convinced, GGG would earn more when keeping people motivated. |
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