Exp loss on death topics are getting out of hand.

tyrespoe#5113 wrote:
Exp loss relative to the tedious leveling process at 90+ makes the whole balance completely suck for anyone but extremely diehard players.

I'm glad you are having fun at 95+, but I'm definitely NOT at 92+.

I agree. I have a very powerful character at level 90. But the random off screen one shots and on death one shot mechanics are going to make sure that I never reach level 91 and I'm already bored AF of playing Trade Website Simulator: Map Reforger Edition 2025.
iMirageX#4580 wrote:

TLDR of the vid: Path of exile 2 is not meant replace path of exile 1, its meant to be a different game.

This forum section of POE 2 EA has been so obnoxiously cancer to say the least. People making non stop threads about - 10% exp loss on death, rarity and other stuff requesting for the game to be toned down. - 10% exp exist for a reason and it does not matter if you think its archaic system or not. Why are you forcing the game to change to suit you when you can go play some other game? Let's be perfectly honest here, POE 2 has way less, YES, WAY LESS one shot situation compared to the astronomically, plenty of situation you can be one shot in POE 1. If you are getting one shot by some random mobs, you, yes, you and your build may have a problem.

Usually, I am neutral when it comes to removal of - 10% exp loss on death topics but these threads in POE 2 is getting out of hand. If your reason is, I don't have x y and z time to learn, grind or -10 % exp loss is a slap to GGG's player base or -10% exp loss on death does not make any sense then go out, take a breather, come back if you think if its worth it.

To those saying this isn't hardcore, and if I want to get punished then I would play hardcore. Hardcore does not have -10% exp since death is the end and that is fundamentally, extremely different from softcore. Softcore -10% exp is the DEFAULT penalty for dying, there is no, nada, server that does not have -10% exp loss on death.

Different builds will have different weaknesses but asking the game to be easier just to suit you is just too selfish when even in EA, there are a lot of ways to circumvent this.

FYI, lvl95 and still having fun.

weird how people in the forums are advocating for a DIFFERENT GAME yet you want the same poe1


tolerate this kind of disrespect to their time... because time is all they have.

All we have have in this life, are time and choices.

Choose happiness, guys.


Nobody is disrespecting or wasting anyone's time. One does that to oneself. Nobody is ever forcing someone to play a video game, certainly not to try-hard it instead of spending time with their family. It's a choice one makes.

You want to choose happiness, you can also choose fun. In reality, it doesn't matter if at the end of your gaming session one number got a +1 or not. If you choose to have fun during your gaming session, then so you do. Pretty colors made of pixels. It's not wasted time if you enjoyed it. Ever.

If you can't have fun because if some weird reasons ; because the numbers on the screen aren't the ones you want, because a bar isn't going up, down, right or left, then yeah, sure, it's going to feel like loss time ; but that's on you for still playing it instead of just moving on.

It's up to each individual to do what's fun for oneself, and sometimes, to realise the limit of the fun of one activity. You had fun for a while, but not anymore ? That's fine bro. Keep exploring Life and find something else. It's not because you don't have fun anymore that other people won't ; or shouldn't.
Last edited by dwqrf#0717 on Jan 6, 2025, 1:08:40 PM
toxiitea#5772 wrote:
iMirageX#4580 wrote:

TLDR of the vid: Path of exile 2 is not meant replace path of exile 1, its meant to be a different game.

This forum section of POE 2 EA has been so obnoxiously cancer to say the least. People making non stop threads about - 10% exp loss on death, rarity and other stuff requesting for the game to be toned down. - 10% exp exist for a reason and it does not matter if you think its archaic system or not. Why are you forcing the game to change to suit you when you can go play some other game? Let's be perfectly honest here, POE 2 has way less, YES, WAY LESS one shot situation compared to the astronomically, plenty of situation you can be one shot in POE 1. If you are getting one shot by some random mobs, you, yes, you and your build may have a problem.

Usually, I am neutral when it comes to removal of - 10% exp loss on death topics but these threads in POE 2 is getting out of hand. If your reason is, I don't have x y and z time to learn, grind or -10 % exp loss is a slap to GGG's player base or -10% exp loss on death does not make any sense then go out, take a breather, come back if you think if its worth it.

To those saying this isn't hardcore, and if I want to get punished then I would play hardcore. Hardcore does not have -10% exp since death is the end and that is fundamentally, extremely different from softcore. Softcore -10% exp is the DEFAULT penalty for dying, there is no, nada, server that does not have -10% exp loss on death.

Different builds will have different weaknesses but asking the game to be easier just to suit you is just too selfish when even in EA, there are a lot of ways to circumvent this.

FYI, lvl95 and still having fun.

weird how people in the forums are advocating for a DIFFERENT GAME yet you want the same poe1

Having a mechanic/core system on 2 different games doesn't make them the same, secondly, there is nowhere in my post nor I implied that "I" want it the "same" or whatever your interpretation is. Please quote my exact words that I used that led you to "imply" that "I" want POE 2 to be the same as POE 1.
Last edited by iMirageX#4580 on Jan 6, 2025, 6:22:17 PM
Reaching level 100 without deaths will still be a very long tedious tasks. Why add another layer to remove progress if someone died in-game? Why not give players a chance to feel accomplished when reaching 100? that few passive skill points will not give a huge boost, as people still need to grind for gears.

this XP penalty is too personal, as it takes away the personal time put into the game to progress a character.

i stopped playing the game for 2 days now, and i've uninstalled the game. The game is great, don't get me wrong, but the required time to reach a certain kind of accomplishment on this game is out of this world. This is like a 1-pounder baconator burger that I can't just eat because it's not good for my health.

I also wanted to understand why do the pro xp penalty people wanted it to stay? For additional challenge? Then play with one ring, or no amulet, that will challenge you enough.

I know what I want, and some people is against it. To me, majority's idea should always be considered in the design of the game. As far as I can see, it's like 50-50 for this topic. Is there anyway we can have a Poll for actual players to see whether what is the majority consensus on this topic?
10% is pretty crazy ngl... Id be ok with like 5% but when im in the 90's and I lose 2 full bubbles of exp from 1 death thats just whacky
Why not give players a chance to feel accomplished when reaching 100

You have all the opportunities to reach level 100. You can do it if you really want to. The problem is to think it's mandatory or a baseline. It's not.

Everygame is played by its own rules. Some games ask you to reach max level to start playing the game. Some games keep max level hard to get as a golden carrot, but never ask you to reach it to enjoy all available content. It's like that.
i got pretty good build, but i die in 1-2 hit from boss attacks while while i gain like 1% exp per whole map run, i run archer with evasion, im at lvl 89 right now, i can tell u honestly that is a miserable experience to lose exp like this, and i dont feel like playing only meta builds so why should i suffer?
azaxy970#4511 wrote:
i got pretty good build, but i die in 1-2 hit from boss attacks while while i gain like 1% exp per whole map run, i run archer with evasion, im at lvl 89 right now, i can tell u honestly that is a miserable experience to lose exp like this, and i dont feel like playing only meta builds so why should i suffer?

I don't ever play meta build.

But there is one thing I know for sure :
If you decide to play a weak-ass class like an archer and having for only defense : high damage + range + hit&run + a PERCENTAGE of chance of evading an attack, yeah, you'll eventually get hit once and die.

That's completely normal, you can't blame the game there. It's balanced.
iMirageX#4580 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:

I don't care what you say, none of these death penalties are defendable in any way. They're bad. Absolutely trash game design that should have died 20 years ago. Let's see how long GGG can triple-down on their "Vision" before the game dies.

They are bad in your opinion. Sadly, the world nor the game doesn't revolve around you. Please do not ever generalize an opinion without some concrete proof.

Well everything revolves around the majority which I'm sure is unfortunate for you. Plays dont want it then it should definitely be changed to suit us. Give the players what they want or they go elsewhere its incredibly simple and logical

It's almost like people that actually like the game don't even try and convince people like you. :D

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