3.2.1 Patch Notes

CI population gone dead. GZ.
We are now at 11 !!!!!!! tiers of nets, half of the patch notes are only trying to fix issues with the nets...
Yet they add another layer of boredom with the beast trading mechanic. You stop playing the game, buy a consumable at Eynar, run stupidly through the menagerie searching for the beast that you want to trade to transform it in an orb that can be traded...
Are we still playing an ARPG or are we slightly evolving to World of Beastcraft? I can't wait to get daily mining and fishing activity in my hideout.
And as so many other Commenters have already mentioned: How about spawn rates of red beasts as well as general drop rates of currency / divination cards seemingly being replaced by net drops? I left standard league yesterday to give Bestiary another chance and played 4 maps. Got 2 abysses and 0 red beasts and exactly 1 yellow beast per map -> Going right back to standard league
boyandroid wrote:
You can now trade Beasts with other players. Just buy a Bestiary Orb from Einhar and then use it on a specific Beast in your Menagerie. The resultant item can then be listed on trade sites and traded to other players via the secure trade screen. To let the monster out of the item, just right-click it. Adding a beast to your Menagerie this way does not grant progress towards the "Complete the Bestiary" challenge.

So people who wants to complete this challenge will now resort to capturing the beast in the wild from strangers in chat 820 & possibly got scam. I thought this is the same reason you're trying to prevent why you make the beast trade-able in the first place? This league has too many fails in all levels, your decision now becomes reactive rather than planned.


We did plan no trading, but unanimous feedback from everyone who touched the league was that it needed trading. So we added it.

People were going to trade the unsafe way otherwise, so we may as well make the system use the safe trade screen, we figured.

Chris, 13 days ago.
You didn't fix the most common problem of this league - the rewards and drops.
Nice, i hope this makes the league not that bad.
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
Fixed a bug where the Deadly Twins prophecy could trigger in the Uber Elder encounter. Holy crap some people must have been surprised :D
yes,come on
thx for the fixes <3

at lvl 85 I found my first unique map ... something is messing with map drop rates
do I have to do the tedious and boring beast-crafting shizzle to get any unique maps now? at a place where I can't even acces my stash? pls no
As much as many of these changes might be necessary for the average player to get even a little enjoyment out of this league, it feels like at this point there's barely any resemblance left with the original "vision" you were talking about earlier. Basically every patch you cave in a bit more and give players what they want instead of standing by your design. That a completely flawed concept like that was made into a league is a sad display in the first place, but that you give in to player demands that easily is actually alarming.

I feel that the league slows the game down way too much, better add some more multipliers to every single gem. Also more Six-Links. Let's make another poll for that, shall we? It's beyond me that people actually applaud you for these patches when it's basically just haphazardly fixing the mess that you created in the first place.

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