Massive nerf for most build - GIVE ME SLOW BUT IMPACTFUL POE2 EXPERIENCE

To all people asking for "slow, impactful gameplay", make your stance clear. Because this vague phrase can mean three things:

1) "I can't figure out how to progress my own character unless I resort to blaster builds and trade for OP items at dirt cheap prices. I'm not having fun as I can't sustain my desired game pace."

2) "I don't like seeing anyone else play blaster builds, it makes me feel stupid for not keeping up with them. I'm not having fun because I'm left out of the cool club."

3) "I am a weak willed degenerate who will always play the strongest thing I discover. I want the game to hold me back by restricting my choices so that the strongest thing I can do is at a satisfactory pace. I'm not having fun because the game isn't compensating for my lack of self control."


I get what you trying to say but here, let take monk level 15 at Count Geonor act 1 final, with the passive point you have you either go on the left side for damage and right side for defense, you are given couple movement skill and lightning skill, you only have 1 way to progress without making a meme out of yourself, which i wouldnt call a build because it is one direction, the whole monk class is OP and some other class that i havent have a deep look aswell, then again this is early access, i hope for the best
I'm sorry, you're admitting you only looked at Monk skills when making your build. There is definitely a case to be made that the game should encourage new players to consider all their available options. Very different case than saying there's no meaningful choice to be made in one class in the earlygame.

Nobody will argue that the EA needs to be balanced. I don't see complainers making clear the reason they think balance changes need to be made. Is it (1) or (2) or (3)?

Leilu#6611 wrote:

We, whom like slow paced and combo based gameplay, don't exist.

While GGG promised a gameplay based on combos during the various class showcases we saw at Gamescom, this gameplay doesn't survive Act 2, as the effectiveness of one-button builds with passives like Heralds takes over.

I wanted to see POE2 move away from the gameplay of POE1.

This looks like an example of (2). Slow, combo-based gameplay exists. You can reach mapping with such builds. If your complaint is that you become obsolete in the trade economy, that's a very different point to saying slow, combo-based gameplay "doesn't survive". I could respect your point if it was "you can't get very far into mapping with such builds" but you drew the line at Act 2.

The issue isn't that you can't play slow in the end game. The issue is that the game is designed for good builds to annihilate everything with one button. If you aren't speeding through maps one shotting the screen then you are playing badly and inefficiently.

I say this as a lvl 94 that does exactly this. It's just POE 1 gameplay. This is supposed to be POE 2.
Last edited by StrykerxS77x#8221 on Jan 24, 2025, 8:35:50 AM
IMHO the solution to this problem of wanting slower and more intricate and more challenging gameplay is to play the game that way.

And not to compare yourself to others.
And not to worry over "efficiency" and "farming rates" but to play that way because it's more fun for you.

And if others want to Zooom the game and one-shot all pinnacle content with one press of the button.... then let them play their way.

And you play your way.

It's just POE 1 gameplay. This is supposed to be POE 2.


Key word is "PoE", number is arbitrary.
We love the gameplay that PoE offers, we don't want it to change, it is what kept this game afloat for years and interesting for it's base population of players.
End zoom zoom builds.
EffKayZA#1861 wrote:
IMHO the solution to this problem of wanting slower and more intricate and more challenging gameplay is to play the game that way.

And not to compare yourself to others.
And not to worry over "efficiency" and "farming rates" but to play that way because it's more fun for you.

And if others want to Zooom the game and one-shot all pinnacle content with one press of the button.... then let them play their way.

And you play your way.

I agree. But the game must NOT be balanced aroud those zoom-zoom builds. That happened in PoE 1 and made it almost unplayable in SSF for anyone who doesn't want to nolife it. That's where I see problem with these builds.
To all people asking for "slow, impactful gameplay", make your stance clear. Because this vague phrase can mean three things:

1) "I can't figure out how to progress my own character unless I resort to blaster builds and trade for OP items at dirt cheap prices. I'm not having fun as I can't sustain my desired game pace."

2) "I don't like seeing anyone else play blaster builds, it makes me feel stupid for not keeping up with them. I'm not having fun because I'm left out of the cool club."

3) "I am a weak willed degenerate who will always play the strongest thing I discover. I want the game to hold me back by restricting my choices so that the strongest thing I can do is at a satisfactory pace. I'm not having fun because the game isn't compensating for my lack of self control."

If you aren't speeding through maps one shotting the screen then you are playing badly and inefficiently.
That's (3) - abhoring inefficiency. A view that a player doing everything right should still have challenging speed bumps. That a player having to exercise self-restraint to keep the game fun isn't something game design should rely on. A respectable position to argue for, just make clear this is your stance instead of being vague.

Sakanabi#6664 wrote:
EffKayZA#1861 wrote:
IMHO the solution to this problem of wanting slower and more intricate and more challenging gameplay is to play the game that way.

And not to compare yourself to others.
And not to worry over "efficiency" and "farming rates" but to play that way because it's more fun for you.

And if others want to Zooom the game and one-shot all pinnacle content with one press of the button.... then let them play their way.

And you play your way.

I agree. But the game must NOT be balanced aroud those zoom-zoom builds. That happened in PoE 1 and made it almost unplayable in SSF for anyone who doesn't want to nolife it. That's where I see problem with these builds.
Good statement of intent: slow, impactful gameplay builds being viable for reaching and clearing pinnacle content without excessive time investment is an excellent balance goal. To get to details, how should the nolifer feel they're superior so they keep supporting the game? I think that's why pinnacle content has tiers: "an ordinary (I don't say 'casual') gamer putting in 1~2 hours a workday evening should have a good chance of getting the gear to beat the easiest version of pinnacle bosses within 3 months." Does that feel like a good goal to aim for? In Trade, such gamers would be expected to buy a clear for the higher difficulties so they can farm with more juiced content.
Last edited by Schverika#2698 on Jan 24, 2025, 8:58:14 AM

This looks like an example of (2). Slow, combo-based gameplay exists. You can reach mapping with such builds. If your complaint is that you become obsolete in the trade economy, that's a very different point to saying slow, combo-based gameplay "doesn't survive". I could respect your point if it was "you can't get very far into mapping with such builds" but you drew the line at Act 2.

Could you answer without contempt? 2 of your 3 cases include insulting qualifiers.

At what point should I continue playing with combo gameplay if it's going to be way more difficult and time consuming to advance towards the endgame.
That's the problem. The combo gameplay, efficient in act 1, becomes far less effective as the gems and passive tree unlock.

I'll use a practical case to demonstrate.
What monk is going to want to use Killing Palm when Combat Frenzy and Resonance exist at a derisory price (1 point very close in the passive tree and 30 spirit)? Killing Palm only kills a single enemy even when an entire group is close to death, is impossible to use if you one-shot everything, is useless for generating charges during a boss, requires an animation that can potentially get you into trouble as it brings you back to the center of the action and this is the time during which Ice Strike or Falling Thunder, the one-button map cleaner is not used.
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:

I agree. But the game must NOT be balanced aroud those zoom-zoom builds. That happened in PoE 1 and made it almost unplayable in SSF for anyone who doesn't want to nolife it. That's where I see problem with these builds.

That's a misconception.
The game is balanced around what you want from it.

If you want slow moving, challenging and more intense gameplay, then the game is balanced around that if you don't play a meta build.

if you want fast moving, blast-o-rama, endorphins rush gameplay, then the game is balanced around that by you picking a meta build.

What does it mean "The game is balanced around zoom-zoom"?

So what would the game be like "Balanced around non Zoom builds"?
What would be different?
Would the mobs be harder to kill?
Would there be no more time limited mechanics?
Would everyone's player power be restricted?

On that last one, you might think that would be simple. But in this game, regardless of how drastically you nerf player power, there will always (always always always) be a build that is ever so slightly better than the rest and that will be new meta and since it will be better than the rest, there will be complains that the "game is balanced around the meta".

Unless of course the game removes levelling up altogether and removes item and gear mods and we all use the same skills and gems and nothing is different, all classes are the same.

Then there is no meta and everyone tries to make it to Pinnacle content with level 1 characters. That will be slow. and I think you will enjoy it then.
EffKayZA#1861 wrote:

So what would the game be like "Balanced around non Zoom builds"?

The game balanced like this will have pinnacle content acessible even by non-meta builds. At least its lowest difficulty. PoE 1 has no endgame content like this - you play either meta or you are screwed.
galloper#2354 wrote:
It's just POE 1 gameplay. This is supposed to be POE 2.


Key word is "PoE", number is arbitrary.
We love the gameplay that PoE offers, we don't want it to change, it is what kept this game afloat for years and interesting for it's base population of players.

The number is not arbitrary. This is why the campaign is so extremely different than POE 1. This is a different game.

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