The number is not arbitrary. This is why the campaign is so extremely different than POE 1. This is a different game.
yes, thats the reason it sucks
Posted byPl4t1numX#4325on Jan 24, 2025, 11:17:21 AM
3) "I am a weak willed degenerate who will always play the strongest thing I discover. I want the game to hold me back by restricting my choices so that the strongest thing I can do is at a satisfactory pace. I'm not having fun because the game isn't compensating for my lack of self control.
This description is bad faith and nonsensical. The problem has nothing to do with "always playing the strongest build". It's what the game is designed to do. The game gives players the power to sprint through the hardest maps and you don't at all have to play the strongest build to do that. "Lack of self control" has nothing to do with it. The very first build I made in this game became over powered brain dead zoom. I copied nothing. The devs have also already acknowledged some of this problem with the pinnacle bosses dying far too quickly. It's a balance and design problem. Not a durrrr you just lack self control BS.
Posted byStrykerxS77x#8221on Jan 24, 2025, 11:23:56 AM
IMHO the solution to this problem of wanting slower and more intricate and more challenging gameplay is to play the game that way.
And not to compare yourself to others.
And not to worry over "efficiency" and "farming rates" but to play that way because it's more fun for you.
And if others want to Zooom the game and one-shot all pinnacle content with one press of the button.... then let them play their way.
And you play your way.
This isn't a solution. GGG needs to pick a lane. Either push POE 2 gameplay or just go full POE 1. This game is an identity crisis. Playing a bad character is not a solution.
Posted byStrykerxS77x#8221on Jan 24, 2025, 11:32:47 AM
I'll use a practical case to demonstrate.
What monk is going to want to use Killing Palm when Combat Frenzy and Resonance exist at a derisory price (1 point very close in the passive tree and 30 spirit)? Killing Palm only kills a single enemy even when an entire group is close to death, is impossible to use if you one-shot everything, is useless for generating charges during a boss, requires an animation that can potentially get you into trouble as it brings you back to the center of the action and this is the time during which Ice Strike or Falling Thunder, the one-button map cleaner is not used.
What monk? A monk that picked Embrace the Darkness has no spirit. Or a monk that wants the frenzy charges (to feed Barrage on a bow) in addition to power charges (who could then pick Lingering Illusion with their spirit).
Monks can transition from Killing Palm (a Lv 3 skill) to Lightning Warp (a Lv 9 skill) + Ball Lightning (a Lv 11 skill) + Siphoning Strike (a Lv 7 skill) to get their power charge generation while also ensuring Shock during boss fights and normal mobs. Hooking up Unleash on Ball Lightning, the monk can get out of action immediately after teleporting into the action with Siphoning Strike. Now you can argue that's too many button presses to set up the screen kill and there's more efficient answers. Saying "combo play is inefficient" is different to "combo play is unviable".
Killing Palm served its purpose as an earlygame skill to nudge players to look for better. Combo-based play hasn't died just because a tutorial skill loses its purpose by midgame. So I return to my question: why do players say "give slow, impactful gameplay"? Do they lack knowledge of existing systems? Do they have FOMO after watching other players zoom? Do they want to have a satisfactory SSF experience up to the easiest version of pinnacle bosses?
Last edited by Schverika#2698 on Jan 24, 2025, 11:53:14 AM
Posted bySchverika#2698on Jan 24, 2025, 11:35:40 AM
This description is bad faith and nonsensical. The problem has nothing to do with "always playing the strongest build". It's what the game is designed to do. The game gives players the power to sprint through the hardest maps and you don't at all have to play the strongest build to do that. "Lack of self control" has nothing to do with it. The very first build I made in this game became over powered brain dead zoom. I copied nothing. The devs have also already acknowledged some of this problem with the pinnacle bosses dying far too quickly. It's a balance and design problem. Not a durrrr you just lack self control BS.
Yes it was a derogatory caricature, there to be defeated with proper detail. Something that was lacking with your prior statements of "designed for annhilating screens" and "playing badly and inefficiently". Thank you for going into depth.
Posted bySchverika#2698on Jan 24, 2025, 11:48:43 AM
The number is not arbitrary. This is why the campaign is so extremely different than POE 1. This is a different game.
yes, thats the reason it sucks
Agree with you the campaign is trash , that's why the game is dying even though GGG did what they could to keep PoE 1 alive through seasons .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale
ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Posted byAshyev#5110on Jan 24, 2025, 11:58:40 AM
TL;DR for the thread:
Please nerf the builds I cannot afford.
Posted byMAD_DAN#0389on Jan 24, 2025, 12:00:44 PM
I'll use a practical case to demonstrate.
What monk is going to want to use Killing Palm when Combat Frenzy and Resonance exist at a derisory price (1 point very close in the passive tree and 30 spirit)? Killing Palm only kills a single enemy even when an entire group is close to death, is impossible to use if you one-shot everything, is useless for generating charges during a boss, requires an animation that can potentially get you into trouble as it brings you back to the center of the action and this is the time during which Ice Strike or Falling Thunder, the one-button map cleaner is not used.
What monk? A monk that picked Embrace the Darkness has no spirit. Or a monk that wants the frenzy charges (to feed Barrage on a bow) in addition to power charges (who could then pick Lingering Illusion with their spirit).
Monks can transition from Killing Palm (a Lv 3 skill) to Lightning Warp (a Lv 9 skill) + Ball Lightning (a Lv 11 skill) + Siphoning Strike (a Lv 7 skill) to get their power charge generation while also ensuring Shock during boss fights and normal mobs. Hooking up Unleash on Ball Lightning, the monk can get out of action immediately after teleporting into the action with Siphoning Strike.
Killing Palm served its purpose as an earlygame skill to nudge players to look for better. Combo-based play hasn't died just because a tutorial skill loses its purpose by midgame. So I return to my question: why do players say "give slow, impactful gameplay"? Do they lack knowledge of existing systems? Do they have FOMO after watching other players zoom? Do they want to have a satisfactory SSF experience up to the easiest version of pinnacle bosses?
What about the invoker?
There are no "tutorial skill" in a game with good game design. All skills must have a purpose, from the beginning to the end of the game.
All the alternatives to Killing Palm you mentioned are still less effective than Combat Frenzy + Resonnance to generate power charges.
You know as well as I do that there aren't 30 ways to play invoker if you don't want to shoot yourself in the foot.
Posted byLeilu#6611on Jan 24, 2025, 12:05:27 PM
The number is not arbitrary. This is why the campaign is so extremely different than POE 1. This is a different game.
yes, thats the reason it sucks
I love the campaign and as far as I can see most players do as well.
Posted byStrykerxS77x#8221on Jan 24, 2025, 12:52:09 PM
TL;DR for the thread:
Please nerf the builds I cannot afford.
What are you talking about? It really doesn't take much for most builds to obliterate everything everywhere with a one button gameplay and as early as after a few campaign acts.
My level 92 gemling legionnaire build is worth 2 div. My 86 invoker, not even 1 div. My 80 titan even less.
Posted byLeilu#6611on Jan 24, 2025, 12:52:59 PM